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A tragic tale from the 57' season(Bobby Hoppe)


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Here is a sad tale of Bobby Hoppe. A leader of the 57' team. While my history of AU football doesn't date back this far, some may already know this. I found it interesting and tragic. Be warned that it isn't a feel good story. It is a story of a man living with his demons.


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Slammer and pops can give some first hand knowledge about Bobby. I knew of him but never met him. I believe slammer may have met Bobby. Bobby did have a lot of demons.

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Big Bird, Golf, et al. This is my post from an earlier thread on Hoppe.

Well Pops I can only relate a personal experience I had in the 50s of meeting him. A fraternity brother of mine was on football scholarship and lived in Graves Center and was Hoppe's roommate (lucky him, my roommate I mean). Golf, Graves Center might have disappeared when you got there. It was a whole slew of wooden cabins the jocks stayed in. I don't know when Sewell Hall was built because I think I was still in the Marine Corps. Anyway my friend, Eli and I had just stopped by so he could change clothes. While he was getting dressed Hoppe came in. I'm not sure he even acknowledged my presence which was fine by me. He got a pistol out and proclaimed he was going to shoot the place up. Well I did not know if he was joking or not but I didn't want to hang around to find out. He was one very scary individual. Golf you mentioned Langner was bipolar, well I think they had Hoppe in mind when the shrinks came up with that term. I think both of you might be aware of him "allegedly" blowing a guy away that had done his sister wrong in Chattanooga. Pops like I said in an earlier post, if Darwin Holt had done to Hoppe what he did to Chick Granning he would not be alive 24 hours after Hoppe had gotten out of the hospital.

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