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What is the punishment for over signing?


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The Nutt Rule.  Anyone remember off hand what the punishment is?

Good question. I do not now that the punishment was ever made public.

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From the NCAA website:

"ATLANTA – The Division I Legislative Council voted Wednesday to limit the practice of “over-signing” prospective football student-athletes to National Letters of Intent, a strategy employed by some coaches that had the potential of leaving some recruits without a scholarship.

Proposal No. 2009-48, sponsored by the Southeastern Conference, limits to 28 the number of Football Bowl Subdivision student-athletes who may sign a National Letter of Intent or an institutional offer of financial aid from the first signing day through May 31. The measure will be considered adopted at the end of the Division I Board of Directors meeting on January 16, with an effective date of August 1, 2010.

Current rules allow FBS institutions to provide scholarships to 25 new student-athletes per year. However, some schools traditionally have signed more than that to protect themselves in the event some prospects do not qualify academically. The SEC set a cap of 28 for its own institutions last year, and at that time, conference leaders said they viewed the NLI as a commitment by the institution to a prospective student-athlete who is capable of contributing academically and athletically."


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The Nutt Rule.  Anyone remember off hand what the punishment is?

There is no punishment; you just can`t exceed the limit. It`s not like you can hide them or anything. That is the limit and you abide by it. I would imagine if a team did try to oversign by hiding players someway, the first punishment would be a loss of future schollies and some type probation. But I just don`t see teams oversigning.

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The Nutt Rule.  Anyone remember off hand what the punishment is?

There is no punishment; you just can`t exceed the limit. It`s not like you can hide them or anything. That is the limit and you abide by it. I would imagine if a team did try to oversign by hiding players someway, the first punishment would be a loss of future schollies and some type probation. But I just don`t see teams oversigning.

Plus the NCAA does not usually outline punishment for breaking any of there rules,

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If you do somehow over sign (though I don't see it happening anywhere anytime soon), the NCAA reserves the right to void any LOI's that it sees fit, as well as remove scholarships in the future.

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