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My thoughts


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On the drive in to work tonight, I listened to Rivals radio. During the broadcast Childers spoke of the NYC Tiger Walk and support the fans gave Cam. He stated that it gave him "Chills" and that it was "Awesome". I had had a train of thought for a few weeks and listening to that pushed it over the top IMO.

During the whole Cam scandal, nobody outside of AU fans believed his family or he was innocent. We fans have fiercly defended Cam, his father, and the AU coaches. At this point, it appears to be situated with Cecil Newton. Cam and AU appear to be clear(let's hope it stays that way and I think it will). Through it all we as fans have defended Cam without knowing other than what we've read and we've taken heat for it. So be it.

Nick Fairley has also taken some heat due to rough play. We as fans have defended him as well. Most of us do not know him personally but we've said all along that his intentions are not dirty. Again, we've taken heat for it. So be it.

Gus Malzahn is a great offensive coordinator. Nobody is denying it. A lot of people outside of AU fans don't think he is ready for a HC job. Again, we come to the defense and say that he's more than capable but we'd like him to stay. My point here is that we as fans have been loyal at the detriment to the program.

So here we are, one more game is all it take to win a NC. The starting QB is running around the country speaking about his Heisman. Who knows how that will affect his play in the upcoming game. His history says that it won't affect him. History itself says it will. Nick Fairley is staring down a huge NFL contract and nobody will fault him for taking it. Malzahn is also staring down a big contract and a promotion to another job.

The recent history of AU coaches jumping other programs has been a hard pill to swallow. Coaches such as Petrino, Muschamp, and even Chizik to name a few. It seems as soon as AU starts rolling there is always a speed bump. All of this brings me back to my point.

I think it is high time for the guys that have seen us fiercely loyal to them to return the favor. I see no reason why Cam, Fairley, and Malzahn can't be on the sideline next year. Us fans have supported them so why would they even think about leaving. Money is not everything and I know it's easier said than done.

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We're starting to sound a bit like Cleveland, with Gus, Nick, and Cam as Lebron.  :tease:

Now, don't get me wrong -- I'd love to see them all back next year. But we shouldn't expect it or feel resentful if any of them decides to leave. That's my thinking.

War Eagle

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  The idea behind coming to Auburn is to better yourself. Auburn is obviously very good at this and we are just a victim of our own success. If these guys move on Auburn will have succeeded in the mission to make them more successful. Take it as a compliment when players go to the NFL early and when Coordinators take HC positions.  :we: 

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We're starting to sound a bit like Cleveland, with Gus, Nick, and Cam as Lebron.  :tease:

Now, don't get me wrong -- I'd love to see them all back next year. But we shouldn't expect it or feel resentful if any of them decides to leave. That's my thinking.

War Eagle

Not my point. I fully understand their reasons to leave. I'm kind of in the mindset that I'm ready to get some loyalty from the ones that I've been loyal to. If we had not been so fiercely loyal then it would be easier for me to take. This issue to me is far beyond Cam, Fairley, and Malzahn. Think of the great AU players that have skipped their senior seasons when their help was needed. How many great AU teams would have been fielded if those players and coaches didn't leave?

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No offense, but these guys have returned the favor and given us one of the most exciting and memorable seasons in Auburn football history. Our program is in very capable hands, and will go one winning with or without the men you named above.

You stand up for your people, we've done that, and in return these men have given their time and energy to help return Auburn football to the highest level.

War Eagle and the best of luck to them all

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No offense, but these guys have returned the favor and given us one of the most exciting and memorable seasons in Auburn football history. Our program is in very capable hands, and will go one winning with or without the men you named above.

You stand up for your people, we've done that, and in return these men have given their time and energy to help return Auburn football to the highest level.

War Eagle and the best of luck to them all

None taken. If they leave I will wish them the best as well and nobody will fault them for do so. I'm just wanting for them to defy logic.

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We're starting to sound a bit like Cleveland, with Gus, Nick, and Cam as Lebron.  :tease:

Now, don't get me wrong -- I'd love to see them all back next year. But we shouldn't expect it or feel resentful if any of them decides to leave. That's my thinking.

War Eagle

i agree

we need to enjoy THIS season.

lets not be crazy, I imagine the Corey Lemoniers and Jeff Whitakers and Mike Dyers may yet have their time in the limelight

with great success this is normal.

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Gus will be announced as Offensive Coordinator for the 2011 season of the Auburn Tigers....Cam and Nick should go get their money if it's on the table. They can always come finish their degree.

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As CGC says in the opening video "this place was great long before you got here". Auburn has always been great, and we will continue to be great regardless of if a few players stay or go. Auburn will get great new players who we will support just as much. That said I would love to keep Cam and Nick

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