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Finebaum ripping Pat Dye.....


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Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

Sorry if I got a bit preachy on the subject but I am one of those people that deeply believe that when you sign a contract you are giving your word.  Are there cases when a contract should be broken?  Yeah, there are but in my view its only in extreme circumstances.  

Also I did not mean to imply that I thought Coach Dye isn't an Auburn man, he has shown himself to be one time after time over the years but I do feel that he was in the wrong here. This would be completely different if there wasn't a VERY long history of animosity between these two but Dye knew what Finebaum is and that by agreeing to do the season this year it was likely Finebaum would do his same old crap again.  If Dye didn't want to put up with that, then he shouldn't have agreed to do the show.

I know this isn't the popular opinion and I know I'll catch heat from members about this but this is just one of those things that I feel strongly about and wanted to get off my chest.

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His total lack of respect to Coach Dye prompted me to fire off this email to the Craneworks sales manager:

After listening to Paul Finebaum attack Coach Pat Dye yesterday and today on live radio, I would never consider doing business with a company that advertises on the Paul Finebaum Network.  I hope you have resigned your company to only doing business with Alabama fans in the state of Alabama.  Any self-respecting Auburn fan in need of any of the services or products you provide, are now looking up the number to your competitor.

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If I was Dye and continually disrespected and ridiculed on a Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for no reason except standing up for his university and beliefs (which he is paid to present to PF) then I wouldn't call in either.

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Obviously you guys don't know much about business.. Pat Dye is a paid spokesperson for Craneworks. I can assure you there are plenty of people working for CW who's income depends on the business he generates by being on the show... His a$$ needs to show up when a business is paying him a nice sum of money to be on a show.. he might be an ex AU coach, but he has no excuse because he is well paid and has a business agreement..

His loyalty is to AU FIRST since it pays him more than CW!  Speaking to Macon AU Club comes first if it conflicts with coming on PF's show.  PF acts like the cell phones only work one-way.  He is a dirt bag and goes off on CPD at least once every football season.  This too shall pass.  PF could start apologizing to CPD now for all the disrespect he has shown him over the years and he'd still not be able to make it right.  If I were CPD, I'd tell CW to find someone else.  Hell, Jox has three bammers as weekly speakers (CGS, CBO & JB), one more won't matter that much.

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Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

Sorry if I got a bit preachy on the subject but I am one of those people that deeply believe that when you sign a contract you are giving your word.  Are there cases when a contract should be broken?  Yeah, there are but in my view its only in extreme circumstances.  

Also I did not mean to imply that I thought Coach Dye isn't an Auburn man, he has shown himself to be one time after time over the years but I do feel that he was in the wrong here. This would be completely different if there wasn't a VERY long history of animosity between these two but Dye knew what Finebaum is and that by agreeing to do the season this year it was likely Finebaum would do his same old crap again.  If Dye didn't want to put up with that, then he shouldn't have agreed to do the show.

I know this isn't the popular opinion and I know I'll catch heat from members about this but this is just one of those things that I feel strongly about and wanted to get off my chest.


 Give me an example of extreme cases?

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1. If fraud is perpetrated in the execution of the contract.

2. If the other party refuses to do what is agreed to in the contract.

There may be some others that I could view as being legit but I can't think of any others off the top of my head.

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Please Ed, breaking a contract is not immoral.  People do it all the time for numerous reasons.  There's no punitive damages for a breach of contract b/c even the law doesn't view it as a bad thing. 

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Do we really know the whole story here? Paul talks about Coach

Dye being involved in all this mess with MM. First of all I dont think

thats true but Paul's probably just stirring the pot. Best thing to do

is find yourself another radio station and not listen to any of his BS.    WCE   :)

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IMO Craneworks doesn't exactly help themselves by advertising on the PF show...JMO........

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Once again the biggest pile of cow sh$$ has done what he has set out to do, he has us wondering if we have don something wrong. Please quit give this ergot a$$hole the pleasure of knowing that he is beating us down. If we quit calling jox altogether and let it be the turd nation so be it, but quit giving them the pleasure of beating us down. The whole point of this station hover the last two and half weeks has been to tell us that Auburn has done something wrong. The last I check the NCAA is not investigating us and most of the trails lead to Bama and State. We will hear the same thing next week when we smack the down on Friday, we cheated. Understand we have to be a family, the family that the bomb has such contempt for, let's show that can beat he and jox at their own game.

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Here is a little clarification

1) Craneworks pays both Dye and the radio station.  It is basically a paid commercial with a paid personality to present it.  That is why Pat Dye always does his little Craneworks shtick at the end of his segment.

2) Dye was in the wrong to no show.  He will be in breach of contract and held financially responsible for it.

3) My problem with Finebaum is that he not only ripped Dye last night for not showing up he came on first thing today and laid into him again.  It drives me crazy when radio personalities trash somebody and that person doesn't have a forum to stand up for themselves.

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Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

Sorry if I got a bit preachy on the subject but I am one of those people that deeply believe that when you sign a contract you are giving your word.  Are there cases when a contract should be broken?  Yeah, there are but in my view its only in extreme circumstances.  

Also I did not mean to imply that I thought Coach Dye isn't an Auburn man, he has shown himself to be one time after time over the years but I do feel that he was in the wrong here. This would be completely different if there wasn't a VERY long history of animosity between these two but Dye knew what Finebaum is and that by agreeing to do the season this year it was likely Finebaum would do his same old crap again.  If Dye didn't want to put up with that, then he shouldn't have agreed to do the show.

I know this isn't the popular opinion and I know I'll catch heat from members about this but this is just one of those things that I feel strongly about and wanted to get off my chest.

I agree with you Ed

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Gee, I wish I had a buck for every time someone either broke an element of a contact with me or didn't fulfill it. Very common and much ado about not a damn thing. :-\ While I agree in principal with what you say, you guys have not one single clue as to what went on behind the scenes and I'll tell you something that bugs me as much as not keeping an agreement. Talking about things when you have no idea of the particulars of it. All this certainty with no information. Yeah......... no.

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Finebaum is a tool... As you can see by the post this has created, he has accomplished his goal of getting you to listen to him.

My solution years ago, 2003 to be exact was to not listen to him - he is irrelevent to me. A bald man with an agenda, that is all.


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1. If fraud is perpetrated in the execution of the contract.

2. If the other party refuses to do what is agreed to in the contract.

There may be some others that I could view as being legit but I can't think of any others off the top of my head.


Maybe Paul is guilty of number 2.

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Please Ed, breaking a contract is not immoral.  People do it all the time for numerous reasons.  There's no punitive damages for a breach of contract b/c even the law doesn't view it as a bad thing. 

It depends on how you view it...some people look at a contract as simply a legal document and some people look at it as giving their word.  I'm sure a lot of people would say that is an outdated view that has been supplanted by a modern legal definition but a lot of people still feel that way.  To put it in context I'll even relate it a similar legal vs. traditional issue that is prevalent in the news these days. Some would say that marriage is simply a legal agreement between two people  as far as the law is concerned but there are much deeper social and religious issues that many people attribute to that institution so that it goes beyond the license you get at a courthouse.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here.  Just pointing out that the moral implications of breaking a contract aren't so black and white.

As to the law not viewing it as a bad thing because there's no punitive damages... isn't that a bit of a faulty logic?  I would argue that the very fact that penalties of any kind have been put in place would implicitly show that the law does view it as a bad thing.  Damages for breach of contract are usually set at the amount it would take to restore the plaintiff to their original economic condition or to provide them with whatever economic benefit they would have reasonably be expected to to gain from completion of the contract terms.  The whole basis of that set of remedies is to force people to honor the agreements the enter into.

3) My problem with Finebaum is that he not only ripped Dye last night for not showing up he came on first thing today and laid into him again.  It drives me crazy when radio personalities trash somebody and that person doesn't have a forum to stand up for themselves.

Fully agree with you here.  Coach Dye may have been wrong to not honor his agreement by not calling in and allegedly not calling but at least he didn't throw an on air hissy fit about it.  When the argument happened last week he told Finebaum he didn't appreciate the way that he was doing the interview and he wasn't going to answer anymore questions about it.  That's the classy way to handle it.  Not going off on someone for two days like Finebaum has.

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Guest shirley4au9

Dye doesn't care, and shouldn't really care,  Finebaum shows him absolutely no respect.   :beatmullet:

I agree...I wish Coach Dye would stop going on the show. NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER! PF is the slime of the earth. Enough of the bull, stop listening to the Bas-turd! Stop supporting his habit...boycott sponsors! Screaming! DO YOU REALLY GIVE A RAT'S WHAT HE THINKS?  Gosh, we're going insane! Stop the madness, please!

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Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

Sorry if I got a bit preachy on the subject but I am one of those people that deeply believe that when you sign a contract you are giving your word.  Are there cases when a contract should be broken?  Yeah, there are but in my view its only in extreme circumstances.  

Also I did not mean to imply that I thought Coach Dye isn't an Auburn man, he has shown himself to be one time after time over the years but I do feel that he was in the wrong here. This would be completely different if there wasn't a VERY long history of animosity between these two but Dye knew what Finebaum is and that by agreeing to do the season this year it was likely Finebaum would do his same old crap again.  If Dye didn't want to put up with that, then he shouldn't have agreed to do the show.

I know this isn't the popular opinion and I know I'll catch heat from members about this but this is just one of those things that I feel strongly about and wanted to get off my chest.

I hope you feel better.

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Guest shirley4au9

Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

Sorry if I got a bit preachy on the subject but I am one of those people that deeply believe that when you sign a contract you are giving your word.  Are there cases when a contract should be broken?  Yeah, there are but in my view its only in extreme circumstances.  

Also I did not mean to imply that I thought Coach Dye isn't an Auburn man, he has shown himself to be one time after time over the years but I do feel that he was in the wrong here. This would be completely different if there wasn't a VERY long history of animosity between these two but Dye knew what Finebaum is and that by agreeing to do the season this year it was likely Finebaum would do his same old crap again.  If Dye didn't want to put up with that, then he shouldn't have agreed to do the show.

I know this isn't the popular opinion and I know I'll catch heat from members about this but this is just one of those things that I feel strongly about and wanted to get off my chest.

I hope you feel better.

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Who cares about a contract when all bomb wants to do is disrespect Dye. You see the same thing with momma Dooley. He believes he is an elitest because when he calls people answer and bend over backwards to kiss his a-hole. Dye got fed up with the crap and left him hanging like a fool. By bashing Dye, he shows what a total idiot he is. It is killing him because the Cam story is cold, all he wants is for someone at Auburn to step up and act like Nicky and step in it to fuel the fire again. His time is coming and he along with many at ESPN will be history, they are like a bad case of himrodies, have surgery and they are gone, as it will be for them.

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