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Pre-Tiger Walk at Birmingham Hotel Thur & Fri


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Thanks 78 an 2214, my girls and I were just a little late. Have to try again tomorrow. What time do they leave in the morning?

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I didnt hear a time of departure tomorrow; however if Tiger Walk at Jordan Hare West is at 11:30 I wouuld suspect that they will be leaving the hotl around 10-10:15.  Just a guess, take the grls to theehoeel for a breakfast around 9 and you will be in the center of the acton.

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I didnt hear a time of departure tomorrow; however if Tiger Walk at Jordan Hare West is at 11:30 I wouuld suspect that they will be leaving the hotl around 10-10:15.  Just a guess, take the grls to theehoeel for a breakfast around 9 and you will be in the center of the acton.

I read on al.com that there will not be a Tiger Walk at the stadium.

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I didnt hear a time of departure tomorrow; however if Tiger Walk at Jordan Hare West is at 11:30 I wouuld suspect that they will be leaving the hotl around 10-10:15.  Just a guess, take the grls to theehoeel for a breakfast around 9 and you will be in the center of the acton.

I read on al.com that there will not be a Tiger Walk at the stadium.

There is no official Tiger Walk. There will still be a Tiger Walk. Shorter version, and maybe without the band. But the people will be there.

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I was there tonight at the Hilton...boys seemed very relaxed!  Cam had a huge smile, as did many of them!  I love that our fans will go above and beyond to show our boys we are behind them, no matter what!!

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I just posted this on the other thread, but will repeat:

Thanks to ALL of my Auburn family for giving the team a rousing sendoff today from Auburn, a huge welcome in Bammerham this evening, and those who will send them off for battle in the morning.  I have no doubt it means A LOT to the team.  I will be among the (tens of?) thousands in turd town when the team arrives at BD tomorrow for our 15 ft long "unofficial Tiger Walk."  I fully expect there to be pandemonium and chaos, but they deserve it for their a$$inine attempt to prevent this Auburn tradition.  The bammers are obviously afraid since they are clearly trying to poke us in the eye.  Safety...Schmafety.  We all know what this is about.  But, please, nobody tell them that all they are doing is stoking the fires and building a bigger stack of bulletin board material for the team...as if our guys need any more motivation!  WAR EAGLE/BEAT BAMA!!!

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Bumping for all of you just getting up...heading over in about 15 min.  :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:


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They will come out the back, I believe.  That is where the buses dropped them off! 

War Eagle, and thanks for sending our boys off!!!!

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Guest shirley4au9

Bump I'm here waiting not sure of their coming out the back or the front

Are the busses there yet? 

I was going this morning and then realized I'm too superstitious. I haven't been to a big game this season, beyond my control. I had season tickets and was going to GA game and decided against that. yOU GUESSED IT - superstitious. Not going to take the chance now. Give them a great send-off. Pls, update turnout. Love my Tigers..War Damn Eagle-BEAT BAMA!
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