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Running game numbers and rush defense against common foes:

Auburn rush offense:

MSU 190 yds.

USC 334

Ark. 330

LSU 440

Ole Miss 343

Avg. 327.4

Bama rush offense:

MSU 175 yds

USC 36

Ark. 227

LSU 102

Ole Miss 100

Avg. 128

Auburn rush defense:

MSU 117 yds.

USC 79

Ark. 138

LSU 115

Ole Miss 218

AVG. 133.4

Bama rush defense:

MSU 149yds

USC 110

Ark. 64

LSU 225

Ole Miss 133

Avg. 136.2

My hope is that it rains cats and dogs.....


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The weather is always horrible when this game is played in Tuscaloosa for some reason. The best weather I can remember for an Iron Bowl in tuscaloosa was in 2006 ... and it was overcast during the game and had rained that morning.

God keeps trying to wash that cesspool clean, but the nasty there is just too ground in.

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The weather is always horrible when this game is played in Tuscaloosa for some reason. The best weather I can remember for an Iron Bowl in tuscaloosa was in 2006 ... and it was overcast during the game and had rained that morning.

God keeps trying to wash that cesspool clean, but the nasty there is just too ground in.

That's not rain, someone just needs to jiggle the handle.

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rain could also mean limiting richardson to some degree, since he has a recent knee injury.  I wouldn't risk next year's starter on a game when you have no shot of a conference/national championship anyway.  not saying i would sit him, but it would definitely factor in.  i imagine saban feels the same way.

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Here's the forecast for Friday from James Spann:

FRIDAY: For most of us, Friday will be the “day after” for most of the rain. There is a 90% chance of rain listed on the seven day planner, but that is “technically” on Friday. The heaviest rain and storms will be over before sunrise in Central Alabama (it could be stormy south of Montgomery through the morning, though). Colder air blows in, and some light showers will linger behind the front through the morning hours. High temperatures on Friday “technically” will be in the 60s before sunrise, but we put a 50º on the seven day planner to indicate what it will be like in the afternoon; that is when the high normally occurs, so it makes sense (at least to me) to put the “afternoon” temperature on there.

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I think it could either be good or bad! I think it could cause us to turn the ball over some which obviously wouldn't be good for us. On the other side of the coin, it could work in our D's favor if we could get a few TO's because of it. I guess it would boil down to who takes care of the ball the best.

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The weather is always horrible when this game is played in Tuscaloosa for some reason. The best weather I can remember for an Iron Bowl in tuscaloosa was in 2006 ... and it was overcast during the game and had rained that morning.

God keeps trying to wash that cesspool clean, but the nasty there is just too ground in.

That's not rain, someone just needs to jiggle the handle.

Quote of the Day!!!! :hellyeah:

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I believe Cam will have fun in the rain.  At 250 lbs., he should be able to plant the cleats.  He'll need to be careful not to jig too hard or he could lose footing and pull a hammy.  But he's a big kid having fun.  In the rain is his playground.  IMO

It's time for hurricane AUBURN.

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It has been my experience that rain/a wet field helps the passing game rather than hurts it.  Receivers know where they are going so they can make better cuts than the secondary, who must react.  I'm wanting a dry field and a strong wind.  Wind plays a big factor on passing.



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