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I think this is where the hatred started for espn......


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Just to make a point.

I don't think JJ was looking to get rid of TT the day Chizik left for Texas.  I think that comment was meant to convey that JJ always held Chizik in high regard.   Perhaps in the back of his mind he had the thought, what a great head coach he would be. 

Just my impression. 

Won't discount that possibility.  Not the way it was phrased, but it's possible. 

Still hard to deny that Tub never had administrative support.  He wasn't Jay's guy.  Was never going to be. 

Blame cuts both ways. 

I just have a real problem with people dumping on Tuberville. 

The guy had us competitive every year but two (his first and last) and we stayed out of trouble.  Never even a whiff of it.  You knew with Tuberville that every three years or so you were going to have a pretty special team and that for the most part, the ones in between would do a lot of good things. 

It was best for him to leave when he did.  Best for him, best for AU.  That doesn't mean anybody should raise a leg and whizz all over his AU legacy.  It's my opinion that we sound like the ungrateful Bama horde when we do so.  And that offends me.

No problem with that galen I just happen to hold the opposite feeling that people who seem to hold tubbs out as a woe is me character.  Who was only doing the best for AU but the evil lowder and Ad wouldn't let him bothers me the same way the opposite bothers you.  Sorry if I came off as a jerk before I just got into it too much. :we:

Meh.  No big. 

There's blame on both sides.  Tubs grew distant and got himself into a situation he couldn't get out of.  Not sure he knew how to get out of it.  I would really like to have seen one of his defenses -- and you've got to admit we never had a really bad one under him -- with this type of offense.  He tried to go that direction with Franklin, but just picked the wrong horse.  Franklin was an idiot.   Once he hired that clown, it was effectively over for Tuberville.

I don't blame him for losing his intensity in a way.  As a boss, I see it from my employees, particularly when I've decided they're expendable and am just waiting for the right time to make the change.  Yeah, that's a horrible thing to admit but it's true.  Nine times out of ten the employee on the bubble will go into the tank rather than improve the performance.  I don't know why, really.  It's like they decide it's inevitable and just have no more motivation.  Just waiting out the days until they get canned.  Maybe that's how it was for him. 

I just can't agree that he was on the verge of ruining the program.  He would have come around.  Maybe he'd have hired Malzhan?

There is more to that Franklin story that meets the eye. I remember talking to 3 football players that I know that are still on the team and they said that Tuberville's buddies. His assistant coaches that were always there for him did not trust in Franklin's system. These players said that Franklin would be working with the offense and the assistants would ridicule him and say that is not goign to work, stuff like that. Also, while in the game it was said that he would call plays and then some of these assistants would not trust in the play and change the play (this was while Franklin was in the box). How much of this is true? I do not know. However this was the jist of the story that was told to me. It looks like there was more that meets the eye, like there always is. When getting the story from anywhere, not everything is going to be said to the T, not all of the truth is going to be told. All of you know that now. I am just telling you what I heard.

However, tbh I don't really care what happened then. I don't care about the conspiracy that ESPN hates us, I don't care if nobody likes us. All I care about with our football team is that they enjoy themselves, we enjoy watching them, and that they whip some Bama ass Friday. Am I right?

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Remember Tuberville worked a year with ESPN.

Yet another of Joe Schad's incredibly reliable sources telling him that Auburn had already talked to Mike Leach, which we learned later never happened and that any interest was ont he Leach side.

What other "definite" reports by Schad have been total BS?  I can remember two

My sources report that Alabama will NOT fire Mike Shula

My sources tell me it is a done deal, Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St., Texas A&M, and Colorado are going to the Pac-10 to create the first super conference

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Say what you will, but I have and will always have a tremendous amount of respect for CTT.  After 2003 and Jetgate, and how he continued on, you can't help but respect that.  He was treated HORRIBLY by our BOT, they should be ashamed.  

I think he made a TERRIBLE decision in hiring that offensive coordinator whose name I have chosen to forget, and also keeping his "good ole boys" around when some should have been ousted, but CTT did a lot for Auburn, and for that I am appreciative.  

He sure was a heckuva lot better than Bowden that is for darned sure.  I think he brought the respectability back to Auburn that Bowden completely erased.  

BSPN can go jump in a lake as far as I am concerned.  

Off topic a little, but does anybody other than me think that Bobby Petrino is a SOS?
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Just to make a point.

I don't think JJ was looking to get rid of TT the day Chizik left for Texas.  I think that comment was meant to convey that JJ always held Chizik in high regard.   Perhaps in the back of his mind he had the thought, what a great head coach he would be. 

Just my impression. 

Won't discount that possibility.  Not the way it was phrased, but it's possible. 

Still hard to deny that Tub never had administrative support.  He wasn't Jay's guy.  Was never going to be. 

Blame cuts both ways. 

I just have a real problem with people dumping on Tuberville.  I named 14 guys.  All are starters on this team.  That means that only eight or nine AT MAX aren't Tuberville's guys.  I left off a few I'm sure because I was running from memory.  70 - 75% of this team consists of players recruited by Tubs.

The guy had us competitive every year but two (his first and last) and we stayed out of trouble.  Never even a whiff of it.  You knew with Tuberville that every three years or so you were going to have a pretty special team and that for the most part, the ones in between would do a lot of good things. 

It was best for him to leave when he did.  Best for him, best for AU.  That doesn't mean anybody should raise a leg and whizz all over his AU legacy.  It's my opinion that we sound like the ungrateful Bama horde when we do so.  And that offends me.

Could not agree with you more.  I think it's the attitude of most sports fans, that when you are ours, you can do no wrong.  When you leave..(other than retiring), good riddance...you sucked, you killed our program, etc.

I always like TT.  I wish him all the luck at his new spot.


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