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Call ESPN regarding Lou Holtz throwing our helmet


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Meh, I cancelled my ESPN insider account and ESPN the Magazine.  But I did it 3 or 4 days ago, before Lou played his part in the "debate"

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Yea you guys that called didn't do anything but make matters worse. that just showed him that people are tuning in. They want to get viewers and now they know they've got that many more PLUS they know they are getting a rise out of us now too.

Yay.  :D

This is an excellent point.

ESPN doesn't care what you think.  ESPN cares about money.  All of you are watching and providing more viewers for ESPN's advertisers.  I quit watching ESPN a few years ago (other than live game broadcasts) and I don't feel like I am missing anything.

How many of you are actually going to stop watching ESPN after this year?  I am guessing very few.

It is unfortunate they don't have any competition. Then they would be a little more selective and give a &$%^ what people thought.

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Who cares what Lou thinks, he is damn crazy.

If we want to dominate college football for years to come we are going to have to get thicker skin. I know the AU family is on the edge of a nervous breakdown but we are still Auburn fans and no one can take that away from us. I will die a die-hard (pun-intended)  :laugh: Auburn fan and i don't care if Lou throws an Auburn helmet every night. Lou is the one that looks dumb.

War Eagle Forever...


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As stated here before, ESPN only cares about money and Auburn is not a large enough demographic to make a difference.   I plan on contacting the SEC and Auburn University so that they can complain to ESPN.  What he did really is a sign of disrespect.  He would NEVER throw ND, Ohio St., Michigan or others.  The irony is that he is the LAST person to point the finger at others about improprieties in their program based on his past record.

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If ESPN could cover the Pac12, the Big Ten, and the Big 12 and exclude the SEC, they would be happy as can be. Oh and can't forget the WAC, gotta include that powerhouse conference.  ;D

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I'm sorry but i am not wasting my time to call espn claiming outrage over a helmet getting tossed... he tossed a stupid football helmet, he didn't break out a copy of the AU creed and take a leak all over it.... I get people being mad at espn for their coverage or tabloid journalism of the Cam situation, but looking for every little thing to feel slighted about is getting really old.......

TYTYTYTYTY!!! Thinking the same exact thing...

Tbh, this is out of sight out of mind

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I'm sorry but i am not wasting my time to call espn claiming outrage over a helmet getting tossed... he tossed a stupid football helmet, he didn't break out a copy of the AU creed and take a leak all over it.... I get people being mad at espn for their coverage or tabloid journalism of the Cam situation, but looking for every little thing to feel slighted about is getting really old.......

TYTYTYTYTY!!! Thinking the same exact thing...

Tbh, this is out of sight out of mind

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference..."

A good attitude to take toward Holtz is to say that Lou Holtz in not important enough nor do we care enough about him to be worthy of our hate, or even our attention.

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If anyone still has any doubts about what a hypocrite Lou Holtz is....

Wow, I would thank you for the information but I think I'll have to go on Blood Pressure medicine after that.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

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