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Anyone have early ESPN slams against us on DVR still?


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please save any of the smearing from ESPN on DVR that you have.  (esp is you have some of the ealry smearing  from when this started.)  make short clips of them.  hit record when ever you see "alligation talk" .    I am looking for as many short clips of crap like throwing the helmet.  Herbstreit Calling for Chizik's job the first day,  etc.

When this is all over I would like to colect them to make a video of all the slams ESPN has made against us.  Then post it on youtube with a small clip at the end  of us being cleared.  There needs to be a permanent record to show the world how they were duped by these dopes.

The story changes and evolves,  and there have been so many slams (just like in 2004) people will forget 99% of them.  I want a permanent record on youtube of these baffoons and their bias.

With all of us recording clips,  I am sure I can get my point across.

I wish I had done this in 2004 when they were campaigning against us.  No one believes there is an anti Auburn bias at ESPN.  They do this to us every few years.  This one has gotten way out of hand.  I want a record of it.

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