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THEORY: I wonder about Jody Wright's tie to Cecil Hurt...


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Good.  I'm sure the FBI is leaking stuff to a blogger who might be guilty of revealing confidential information. A blogger who can't hold a job and has probably been fired from most of them.

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Well, I would brace yourself because there is lots of talk that Thayer Evans is about to release another hit piece on AU with the MM angle.....

I knew him being so dang quiet this week was too good to be true...

I'm not worried about Mr Evans. His next hit piece will stick like the first one and the MM story. It will sound explosive, but will be quickly discredited, if it's even picked up at all..The only people putting any weight into his stories are jealous rival fan bases. I doubt there will be a lot of support for him since his last story really blew up in his face.. Unless he has video of MM at an ATM with Cecil Newton or Pat Dye writing him a personal check for 200 large, these big stories come and go pretty quick.. remember how pathetic it looked when people were holding up traffic tickets as a damning judge of character last week.?

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I'm not worried about Mr Evans. His next hit piece will stick like the first one and the MM story. It will sound explosive, but will be quickly discredited, if it's even picked up at all..The only people putting any weight into his stories are jealous rival fan bases. I doubt there will be a lot of support for him since his last story really blew up in his face.. Unless he has video of MM at an ATM with Cecil Newton or Pat Dye writing him a personal check for 200 large, these big stories come and go pretty quick.. remember how pathetic it looked when people were holding up traffic tickets as a damning judge of character last week.?

Agreed.  But if there is a tape, shane will find it!!!!!

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According to Epic Thread on Tigerdroppings  AU would be on fire by the end of this week.. The best part was claiming the Alabama Gaming Commission which does not exist, was looking into MM and his possible illegal gambling ties to AU players... secret sources and non existent government agencies only make this saga all the more laughable..

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IF Cecil Hurt was involved in this, unfortunately we will never know that.   Ever.  That will be locked in the coffers that hold the real CIA story on the Kennedy assassination.

There's a difference between what you know and what you can prove.

The Tuscaloosa News to New York Times connection and the coincidence that the Times was out front on the only two negative stories about Auburn athletics in the last 15 years is, well.... no coincidence.  But good luck proving it. 

Where was the Times on Tide the book-selling scandal?  Or on the smoking ruins of Gadsden's Chargergate?  Or on Courtney Upshaw bludgeoning his girlfriend?  Or on Mark Ingram accepting illegal benefits in 2009? Or on  Alabama players attending agent parties? Or on Alabama players taking fishing trips?  Or on Alabama players getting laptops? Or driving new vehicles? Or getting home renovations?  Where was the Times?  Sitting on the sideline.

But Auburn students take easy classes -- and it's the student body at large, no disporportionate number of athletes -- and we've got a front page scandal?   

Yes.  That's just a random coincidence. 

What we know vs. what we can prove.

Very well put Galen...War Eagle!

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I'm not saying that he would lose his job.... I'm wondering if he will go to JAIL? Mayor spoke of a media member possibly going to jail. I wonder if Hurt is involved in the leaking of academic records.

Cecil hasn`t done or said anything that would be a jailable offense. The only person(s) that I see may be Thayer and or maybe the guy in Florida that first released the academic info on his blog 3-4 days before Thayer picked it up. He looks like the best choice to me. As Newton`s lawyer said, : I am familiar with Florida`s address". Cecil nor anyone in Alabama probably had anything to do with the academic stuff.

I have not heard this? Is that blog still up? Lots of venom to Thayor for his part but I now curious about this guy and where he got his info?

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I have not heard this? Is that blog still up? Lots of venom to Thayor for his part but I now curious about this guy and where he got his info?

From what I remember,  the rumor was at the time,

The blog was a guy claiming to have a cousin in the Academic commity record dept... (or something official sounding)   

Supposedly the blogger said it came from his coz,  and posted it on his blog.

I think by the time it hit here,  the blog was shut down,  or the post taken down.

I do not know if this is true,  just the story as I remember hearing it the first time.

If someone has the link to where the blog used to be would be helpful.

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According to Epic Thread on Tigerdroppings  AU would be on fire by the end of this week.. The best part was claiming the Alabama Gaming Commission which does not exist, was looking into MM and his possible illegal gambling ties to AU players... secret sources and non existent government agencies only make this saga all the more laughable..

My sources say that the FAA is now involved. All the black helicopters from flying at night with no lights out Starkville,  Tuscaloosa and Auburn is becoming a hazard to aviation. The FAA says the greatest threat to aviation seems to be over T-town.

Gosh, I hope this over before Christmas, else they might have a collision with Santa.

I can't confirm this, but I heard a UFO landed at Roswell this week and the aliens had to hire a publicist to get the story out because all the people who normally cover that beat are tracking down callers to F-baum show, digging through trash cans and meeting secret informants in parking garages, all over AL, FL, and Ga.

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I think it was a guy on a rivals board that mentioned the cheating scandal a couple days before the story dropped. It was then revealed that the rivals poster's brother worked for Urban in some capacity (video production?)

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The NY Times owns the Tuscaloosa and B'Ham news, I will tell you that.

NY Times owns the Tuscaloosa News

Advance Publications (i.e. Newhouse) owns the Bham News, Press-Register and Huntsville Times ... in case you're wondering, Advance is not a public corporation. It is privately-owned by said Newhouse family.

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The NY Times owns the Tuscaloosa and B'Ham news, I will tell you that.

NY Times owns the Tuscaloosa News

Advance Publications (i.e. Newhouse) owns the Bham News, Press-Register and Huntsville Times ... in case you're wondering, Advance is not a public corporation. It is privately-owned by said Newhouse family.

Ok, I got you. Thanks for the info. There are a good number of people that have thought this for a while. It is interesting though that NYT owns the Turd town press though.

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