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THEORY: I wonder about Jody Wright's tie to Cecil Hurt...


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I could see this........

Jody Wright told Cecil that Bond was shopping a srory.

Hurt pays John Bond for the initial story,

Hurt gets Bonds story and tells it to Thamel

Thamel meets John Bond at work for an interview

Thamel does the leg work,gives the story to the three blind mice at ESPN

Thamel gets his old partner from the NYT Thayer Evans to write the hit peices

Jody Wright continues to funnel the story through Cecil Hurt,Hurt continues the give the three blind mice the info.

The Joe Schad story has nothing to do with these folks imo.

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So many people are barking up the wrong tree.  Finally somebody gets it right.  

Schad and Mullen.  That is your connection.  Those of you with the wherewithal to follow up, do some checking.  You'll find a strong tie between Schad and the Mullen family.  

The other theory?  Total BS and frankly ridiculous.  The mass conspiracy angle may be fun, but the reality is much, much simpler.  

Schad and Mullen.  You heard it here first.  Or, actually second.  Congrats to the poster above who finally hit the right bell.

HOLY COW! Galen has surfaced. I have missed you bro.

Preesh.  Haven't posted much this year.  Trying to take a break.  Glad to see you here.  

Can't say why or how I know, but I know that Schad's connection to Mullen is the major issue here.  I'm certain of it. That connection remains the biggest potential problem, IMO.  Schad has proven that he will say almost anything and he has no concerns as to its veracity.  The problem is that when he repeats a lie over and over, most people don't care about the truth.  

 I also know that at least some of the speculation in regard to other involvement is about as far from reality as you can get.  

It's fun to guess, I suppose but the guesses are wrong.  

Speaking of not knowing the truth?  I was getting a haircut today and the girl cutting my hair informed me that she "hated Auburn, but really hoped that we wouldn't get in too much trouble for paying Cam."   I reacted badly. My hair remains half cut and she didn't get paid.  I got to get that fixed tomorrow but I'm changing hair cutters.  Haha.  


Glad to hear from you also.  Don't always agree with you but, you are as entertaining as you are opinionated.  Anyway, glad you are here.  Let me ask you this, why would Mullen want to hurt Cam?  Or, is this not really about Cam at all?

I don't think he wants to hurt Cam, per se.  It's more about helping himself.

When he got to MSU and looked at the situation he realized he had two choices if he wanted to succeed:  Cheat or try to tear down the programs around him to bring them down to a relatively equal level.  Or maybe both.

He expected to get Cam without having to do either.  I'm pretty sure Cam did want to go there.  I'm also of the opinion that his dad wasn't convinced that sending him to play for a coach who was part of the culture that led him astray at Florida was a good idea.  Maybe that was the impetus for pondering additional consideration, I don't know.

When Cam didn't come to State, Mullen assumed without any direct knowledge that whoever signed him MUST have cheated.  And he made that case to the SEC.  Verbally, without any effort to provide proof.  It's also my opinion that this wasn't the only recruit Mullen complained to the SEC about.  He passed along every message board rumor he heard. 

Didn't seem to bother Mullen when players committed to other schools switched to MSU although some of those changes of heart smell really funny.  In fact they stink to high Heavens.

When Newton became a megastar, it frustrated Mullen.  He truly believes that MSU should have won the West, that with Cam they DO win it -- and maybe more.  He's not MSU for life.  He turns that program from zero to SEC Champ in two years?  He's banking that to greener pastures.  Like maybe Michigan. Or Georgia. Or even Florida.  So he starts B***hing to his friends and contacts, making allegations and using the fact that HE turned down a chance to pay Cam as absolute proof that somebody else must have.  Or maybe Mrs. Mullen, stuck in Starkpatch where there's not even one Glamour Shots Studio starts whining to their friends because she KNOWS why Cam didn't come to State.

Had Cam gone to MSU?  Nobody ever hears of Rogers, Bond or Bell. If Auburn was 7-4?  Same situation. They continue on. 

But when Cam became bigger than LeBron, Justin Beiber and Glee combined, it was just too much for the Mullens to accept.

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Jody Wright told Cecil that Bond was shopping a srory.

Hurt pays John Bond for the initial story,

Hurt gets Bonds story and tells it to Thamel

Thamel meets John Bond at work for an interview

Thamel does the leg work,gives the story to the three blind mice at ESPN

Thamel gets his old partner from the NYT Thayer Evans to write the hit peices

Jody Wright continues to funnel the story through Cecil Hurt,Hurt continues the give the three blind mice the info.

The Joe Schad story has nothing to do with these folks imo.

This wild goose chase and desire to create a wicked web of conspiracy is blinding us to what I consider to be the very simple realities.   The real answer just isn't this complicated. 

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Oh No! Galen from AUC. HE knows it all boys. Get ready for strong opinions but he is a true Auburn man.

IIRC...wasn't he the one on AUC who claimed Coach Chizik would ruin Auburn football, and was a terrible hire? ;)

I hope you behave respecfully here Galen. This is great site.

If Cam was so close to the Mullen family....then the Mullens are fair weather friends to Cam. Maybe they are the ones Cecil was referring to when he mentioned the rented mule.

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Oh No! Galen from AUC. HE knows it all boys. Get ready for strong opinions but he is a true Auburn man.

IIRC...wasn't he the one on AUC who claimed Coach Chizik would ruin Auburn football, and was a terrible hire? ;)

Wasn't the only one and that remains to be seen, doesn't it?  ;D

I'm much more comfortable with Chizik than I was.  Still not sure it was the best choice (the inability to get legs under the defense worries me) but he's done a good job putting together and keeping together a staff.  They've all done a good job promoting the program and creating an atmosphere that will attract quality players.  He's done a good job reaching out to fans and making them a part of the program.

I think he epitomizes the concept that a head coach is generally only as good as his assistants.  I also like his determination and dedication.  He doesn't allow things to distract him -- good or bad.  I'm impressed that he can maintain that focus without being a raging jackwagon like his counterpart across the state.  He believes in what he's doing and that means a lot. 

Will be interesting to see where we are five years from now.  I hope he can keep putting the right pieces in place.

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Thank goodness someone has actually figured it out...poster Bro Johnny Mac got it

right.....This is coming down from T town and my sources are very creditable..

The Mayor hinted to it in a previous thread.....Ciecl Hurt and Finebaum are up to their

ears in Sh$$$.

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Oh No! Galen from AUC. HE knows it all boys. Get ready for strong opinions but he is a true Auburn man.

IIRC...wasn't he the one on AUC who claimed Coach Chizik would ruin Auburn football, and was a terrible hire? ;)

Wasn't the only one and that remains to be seen, doesn't it?   ;D

I'm much more comfortable with Chizik than I was.  Still not sure it was the best choice (the inability to get legs under the defense worries me) but he's done a good job putting together and keeping together a staff.  They've all done a good job promoting the program and creating an atmosphere that will attract quality players.  He's done a good job reaching out to fans and making them a part of the program.

I think he epitomizes the concept that a head coach is generally only as good as his assistants.  I also like his determination and dedication.  He doesn't allow things to distract him -- good or bad.  I'm impressed that he can maintain that focus without being a raging jackwagon like his counterpart across the state.  He believes in what he's doing and that means a lot. 

Will be interesting to see where we are five years from now.  I hope he can keep putting the right pieces in place.

Nah Galen...you claimed we'd immediately have losing seasons and he' d be a terrible coach and recruiting would suffer....and Auburn could kiss it's program goodbye.

Don't rewrite history. ;)

Same ol' Galen.

If Mrs. Mullen has been running her mouth, and it looks like she has, she might actually damage her husband's career. Coaches' wives are not supposed to get in the middle of things, and they sure aren't supposed to talk to reporters about recruits in a negative way.

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Oh No! Galen from AUC. HE knows it all boys. Get ready for strong opinions but he is a true Auburn man.

IIRC...wasn't he the one on AUC who claimed Coach Chizik would ruin Auburn football, and was a terrible hire? ;)

Wasn't the only one and that remains to be seen, doesn't it?   ;D

I'm much more comfortable with Chizik than I was.  Still not sure it was the best choice (the inability to get legs under the defense worries me) but he's done a good job putting together and keeping together a staff.  They've all done a good job promoting the program and creating an atmosphere that will attract quality players.  He's done a good job reaching out to fans and making them a part of the program.

I think he epitomizes the concept that a head coach is generally only as good as his assistants.  I also like his determination and dedication.  He doesn't allow things to distract him -- good or bad.  I'm impressed that he can maintain that focus without being a raging jackwagon like his counterpart across the state.  He believes in what he's doing and that means a lot. 

Will be interesting to see where we are five years from now.  I hope he can keep putting the right pieces in place.

Nah Galen...you claimed we'd immediately have losing seasons and he' d be a terrible coach and recruiting would suffer....and Auburn could kiss it's program goodbye.

Don't rewrite history. ;)

Same ol' Galen.

If Mrs. Mullen has been running her mouth, and it looks like she has, she might actually damage her husband's career. Coaches' wives are not supposed to get in the middle of things, and they sure aren't supposed to talk to reporters about recruits in a negative way.

No attempt to rewrite history.  I, among many others, thought the hire was bad.  I'm not going to say I didn't.  At the time I thought it was an abysmal hire.  Frankly, I thought it was a setup.  As it turns out, I was right about that.  Jay Jay has admitted that he decided to hire Chizik "the day he left for Texas."  That tells me there was definitely a desire to remove Tuberville as early as 2005 or 2006 and that the "no expense spared" coaching search was a sham. 

I had no confidence in Chizik then.  I was pretty adamant about that because what I saw to that point didn't give me any reason to be confident. I have more confidence now based on what I've seen.  I needed results, not wishful thinking or hopes and dreams.  That's not rewriting history, that's accepting the results and adjusting your opinion accordingly.  The first time I saw Johnny Depp, it was in 21 Jump Street and I didn't think much of him as an actor.  His body of work since has changed my mind.  Same thing. 

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So we're giving up on the theory that Urban Meyer linked it to the NYT?  That one was much more fun!

Based on the Newtons' lawyer's comments - I don't think we can say that yet. He seemed to think someone at UF is tied up in this...I think there is a lot still to be discovered - and hopefully the truth will come out eventually....

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So we're giving up on the theory that Urban Meyer linked it to the NYT?  That one was much more fun!

Based on the Newtons' lawyer's comments - I don't think we can say that yet. He seemed to think someone at UF is tied up in this...I think there is a lot still to be discovered - and hopefully the truth will come out eventually....

IMO, the UF connection was the Mullens.

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You know, now I remember hearing that MSU had Auburn circled on their calendars since last spring. Why? Seriously, why? I also remember Mullens dropping weird and angry type comments since then as well. Why? What had Auburn done to him?

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You know, now I remember hearing that MSU had Auburn circled on their calendars since last spring. Why? Seriously, why? I also remember Mullens dropping weird and angry type comments since then as well. Why? What had Auburn done to him?

We offered Cam a much better situation and opportunity than he and MSU could.  He didn't like that.

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Nah Galen...you claimed we'd immediately have losing seasons and he' d be a terrible coach and recruiting would suffer....and Auburn could kiss it's program goodbye.

Don't rewrite history. ;)

Same ol' Galen.

A good example of the relevancy of the two quotes in my signature line below.

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I'm not saying that he would lose his job.... I'm wondering if he will go to JAIL? Mayor spoke of a media member possibly going to jail. I wonder if Hurt is involved in the leaking of academic records.

Cecil hasn`t done or said anything that would be a jailable offense. The only person(s) that I see may be Thayer and or maybe the guy in Florida that first released the academic info on his blog 3-4 days before Thayer picked it up. He looks like the best choice to me. As Newton`s lawyer said, : I am familiar with Florida`s address". Cecil nor anyone in Alabama probably had anything to do with the academic stuff.

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You know, now I remember hearing that MSU had Auburn circled on their calendars since last spring. Why? Seriously, why? I also remember Mullens dropping weird and angry type comments since then as well. Why? What had Auburn done to him?

We offered Cam a much better situation and opportunity than he and MSU could.  He didn't like that.

Right, he didn't like it. That supports the opinion of animosity Mullen immediately had towards Auburn. So, this would explain the driven desire to do has much harm to Auburn has he is capable of.

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IF Cecil Hurt was involved in this, unfortunately we will never know that.  Ever.  That will be locked in the coffers that hold the real CIA story on the Kennedy assassination.

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IF Cecil Hurt was involved in this, unfortunately we will never know that.   Ever.  That will be locked in the coffers that hold the real CIA story on the Kennedy assassination.

There's a difference between what you know and what you can prove.

The Tuscaloosa News to New York Times connection and the coincidence that the Times was out front on the only two negative stories about Auburn athletics in the last 15 years is, well.... no coincidence.  But good luck proving it. 

Where was the Times on Tide the book-selling scandal?  Or on the smoking ruins of Gadsden's Chargergate?  Or on Courtney Upshaw bludgeoning his girlfriend?  Or on Mark Ingram accepting illegal benefits in 2009? Or on  Alabama players attending agent parties? Or on Alabama players taking fishing trips?  Or on Alabama players getting laptops? Or driving new vehicles? Or getting home renovations?  Where was the Times?  Sitting on the sideline.

But Auburn students take easy classes -- and it's the student body at large, no disporportionate number of athletes -- and we've got a front page scandal? 

Yes.  That's just a random coincidence. 

What we know vs. what we can prove.

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IF Cecil Hurt was involved in this, unfortunately we will never know that.   Ever.  That will be locked in the coffers that hold the real CIA story on the Kennedy assassination.

There's a difference between what you know and what you can prove.

The Tuscaloosa News to New York Times connection and the coincidence that the Times was out front on the only two negative stories about Auburn athletics in the last 15 years is, well.... no coincidence.  But good luck proving it. 

Where was the Times on Tide the book-selling scandal?  Or on the smoking ruins of Gadsden's Chargergate?  Or on Courtney Upshaw bludgeoning his girlfriend?  Or on Mark Ingram accepting illegal benefits in 2009? Or on  Alabama players attending agent parties? Or on Alabama players taking fishing trips?  Or on Alabama players getting laptops? Or driving new vehicles? Or getting home renovations?  Where was the Times?  Sitting on the sideline.

But Auburn students take easy classes -- and it's the student body at large, no disporportionate number of athletes -- and we've got a front page scandal?  

Yes.  That's just a random coincidence. 

What we know vs. what we can prove.

That's not the standard that they have set. They have thrown out accusations and orchestrated smear campaigns against the Newtons and AU with no proof.

Maybe it's wrong, but I'm beginning to think we should play the game that they started.

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Well, I would brace yourself because there is lots of talk that Thayer Evans is about to release another hit piece on AU with the MM angle.....

I knew him being so dang quiet this week was too good to be true...

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Well, I would brace yourself because there is lots of talk that Thayer Evans is about to release another hit piece on AU with the MM angle.....

I knew him being so dang quiet this week was too good to be true...

As a matter of curiosity, where does this "talk" originate?

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