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reply to "my side of the story" email from my local radio show


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I finally broke and emailed my version of what is going on with this whole MSU scandle.   My email was long, classy,  and full of " I could be wrong, but "  and  "I think it could have happened like".

here is the reply I got.

Thank you for a different aspect of this story. Randy and I were hesitant to talk about what we read yesterday and didn't go into all the details. We have discussed it because it is a national story. I'm sure it is being beat to death in Alabama. Your side makes sense but so does the other. Eventually the truth will completely surface. I like Auburn, Gus Malzahn is one of my best friends and I hope you are right. No scandal is good for the SEC or college football. However, the only aspect of all of this that leaves me suspicious is Bobby Lowder's continued impact on Auburn athletics. How can he still be on the board of trustees after what happened with his bank? How can he still have a voice at Auburn at all after they tried to go behind everyone's back and hire Bobby Petrino? The president and athletic director are gone but Lowder remains. I don't get that.  My inclination is the FBI investigation is aimed at him and the gambilng entities in Alabama, some with Auburn ties.

As far as football is concerned, we have continued to maintain that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Perhaps I am naive but I believe Cam Newton is innocent. He is the best player in college football and he deserves the Heisman Trophy. I have said that repeatedly and so has Randy. That is the most obvious aspect of all of this. The rest will be made clear but it could be months.

Thank you again for taking the time to give a lengthy response and thank you for listening. We appreciate you.


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to answer their question, BOT members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term. Regardless of what is happening politically, economically or personally for the appointee. The BOT member can step down, but that rarely if ever occurs

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Nice to see that they read and considered your e-mail.

I emailed a reply back saying Lowder's past has nothing to do with the MSU scandle.  And a few more details about our stance.

his response...

Again, thank you. You at least have me more cautious about this.


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to answer their question, BOT members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term. Regardless of what is happening politically, economically or personally for the appointee. The BOT member can step down, but that rarely if ever occurs

That was my understanding as well.

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As long as Bobby Lowder is involved with Auburn, it will always be assumed he is funneling money to players.  ALWAYS.  

That does not make it true, but just as Auburn fans will always say PBJ is dirty, Bama fans will say Lowder is.  

The numerous articles about him being "all powerful" and the SACS issue does not help...

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As long as Bobby Lowder is involved with Auburn, it will always be assumed he is funneling money to players.  ALWAYS.  

That does not make it true, but just as Auburn fans will always say PBJ is dirty, Bama fans will say Lowder is.  

The numerous articles about him being "all powerful" and the SACS issue does not help...

Lowder is hard to figure.  There have been a lot of awful things written and said about him but he has been incredibly benevolent with the university.

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to answer their question, BOT members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term. Regardless of what is happening politically, economically or personally for the appointee. The BOT member can step down, but that rarely if ever occurs

I do believe though that his term is coming to an end.  Is this correct?

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As long as Bobby Lowder is involved with Auburn, it will always be assumed he is funneling money to players.  ALWAYS.  

That does not make it true, but just as Auburn fans will always say PBJ is dirty, Bama fans will say Lowder is.  

The numerous articles about him being "all powerful" and the SACS issue does not help...

As you say, Lowder's (and other's) meddling in the Auburn Athletic Dept. has besmirched both his name and the university's name, but it's a stretch to go from attempting to surreptitiously replace the current football coach to paying players (or their representative/agent) to go to your school.  The former, while distasteful, is not strictly against any NCAA rules; but the latter is clearly against the rules.  We weren't in trouble with the NCAA over Jetgate; we were in trouble with SACS, our accrediting agency.

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Nice to see that they read and considered your e-mail.

I emailed a reply back saying Lowder's past has nothing to do with the MSU scandle.  And a few more details about our stance.

his response...

Again, thank you. You at least have me more cautious about this.


I hope you spelled "scandal" correctly when you replied.

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to answer their question, BOT members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term. Regardless of what is happening politically, economically or personally for the appointee. The BOT member can step down, but that rarely if ever occurs

I do believe though that his term is coming to an end.  Is this correct?

April 21, 2011

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Nice to see that they read and considered your e-mail.

I emailed a reply back saying Lowder's past has nothing to do with the MSU scandle.  And a few more details about our stance.

his response...

Again, thank you. You at least have me more cautious about this.


I hope you spelled "scandal" correctly when you replied.

LOL  I hope I did too.   :)

I do not proof read my posts,  but run my email through spell check.  

just checked,  I used "MSU pay for play accusations" rather than scandal.

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He has a major educational building at Auburn with his last name on it.

He has been reappointed several times.

To be honest, his family has been GREAT benefactors of Auburn, especially in the educational spectrum.

He will be back, trust me.  He will have to DIE to get off the BOT.  Or go to jail...

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