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Investigation.... OVER.


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only if the player was involved...which every single report claims cam knew nothing of it, therefore no one was acting on his behalf.  The guys involved are in some trouble legally, but it seems as though AU and Cam will be free and clear due to that one really important stipulation.

This. If it's true Cam had no idea about the alleged money talk, we're home free. Only thing is how long will it take to find out, or does the NCAA already have its answer?

Thought the parents couldn't either?

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As soon as we heard the Newton's lawyer speak out tonight, it was done...

Remember that AU and the Newtons were told to make no comments while the investigation was going on...

So, what does this imply as far the AU/Newton relationship is concerned as soon as he spoke?

AU/Newtons are OK... other players in this game not so much...

No smart a$$ comment intended.But,the lawyer spoke not the Newtons.Lawyers no what

to say.

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All I know is that SOLICITING for money isn't a violation. There is no rule concerning soliciting extra benefits.. So even if Cecil did ask for money, IF he didn't receive any, there is no violation.

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I think with all these facts out there was investigation is ptactically done, however I think when they return to the investigation they will review the facts and make a decision. With Cam still eligible I think this means he will be cleared.

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I don't get how it is over. Isn't it still a violation to even talk money even if none was received?

It isn't near over, didn't ST say the NCAA was pulling investigators off of the UNC inestigation, & putting them on the Cam?MSU investigation? Even though we likely are guilt free, this investigation will likely drag on for a year.

I disagree. The NCAA is trying to get this finished before Heisman Votes are due in because 1. They do not want another Reggie Bush case and 2. They want to try to clear Cam's name if he is innocent before the Heisman vote is due because if the best player in college football is innocent and does not win the Heisman then the NCAA knows they will have major egg on their collective face.

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I don't get how it is over. Isn't it still a violation to even talk money even if none was received?

It isn't near over, didn't ST say the NCAA was pulling investigators off of the UNC inestigation, & putting them on the Cam?MSU investigation? Even though we likely are guilt free, this investigation will likely drag on for a year.

I disagree. The NCAA is trying to get this finished before Heisman Votes are due in because 1. They do not want another Reggie Bush case and 2. They want to try to clear Cam's name if he is innocent before the Heisman vote is due because if the best player in college football is innocent and does not win the Heisman then the NCAA knows they will have major egg on their collective face.

I am with you ...

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All I know is that SOLICITING for money isn't a violation. There is no rule concerning soliciting extra benefits.. So even if Cecil did ask for money, IF he didn't receive any, there is no violation.

I might be wrong.... But I think you are inncorrect. :-\


 That whole "Newton's dad talking about money thing" "Might" mean that Cecil entertained the conversation brought to him by an MSU booster and/or a wanna be agent and a payment plan but he didnt say yes or no.

 Honest, I and most anyone would entertain any conversation involving me getting lots of money. (doesnt mean I would bite.)

 The conversation with Cam saying "Dad wants me to go to AU the money is too much" "Might" mean Cam wouldt risk taking money and getting busted and loosing his chance to realy make some big bucks in the NFL. As in " I was thinking about going there but the money thing was just too much, I wish you would not have gone there"

EXTORTION (FBI suuff)..... If dad did or didnt ask for money and MSU said your son better come play for us or we are gonna tell the NCAA, ESPN, and the SEC and you are recorded talking about money. That is extortion.

What I am saying folks, Is that we are lacking context of these conversations.

Just raw quotes. Honest I havent heard not  one conversation.

 I sorta think that Cecile might have entertained or listened to talk about money, But looked at the long run and saw 200k as "chump change" for HIM and his troubled kid Cam and opted for AU because Cam would be a monster behind our Sr. O line and score at will. And would be on national T.V. every week.

End point...

Cam Is Just a Kid. He is not part of this.

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Every night I come to this board hoping to get some clarity on this situation. And, every night I come away just as fuzzy as I was before. I will be glad when all is said and done. I believe Cam and AU will be cleared and this magical season will end in a National Championship.

:wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance:

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All I needed was this, it puts Cam in the clear, and it also takes ALOT of the negative attention from him.  It's nice to finally see ESPN post something positive about the guy.  I want the media to catch HELL after all of this, I really do.

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Norcuron im totally with you on this one.  One thing that i haven't seen questioned is that if Cecil was the one pushing for money why would he not at least have asked for money form Bell or brought up the money when Cecil and Bell had private conversations without KR involved in the 3 way call. I would of thought that later when those private conversations would have occurred that Cecil woulda at least said something about money if he were truly the one trying to get it. Remember Bell said Cecil never spoke of money just KR and Bell did say that he and Cecil had private conversations after the 3 way call so those conversations musta not been about money

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here is something else no one has caught yet...

[Cecil Newton] didn't come out and say, 'I want $180,000,'" Bell said. "He inferred it and talked about it, but not directly. Kenny would talk about it in front of him, and [Cecil Newton] never corrected him or said, 'No, that's not what we're doing.'"

interesting choice of words for a man who is just having telephone conversations... I could be wrong, but that jumps out at me as a face to face meeting between the 3....

Um, did Cecil talk about money?  He said so, but did he really.  Or did he LISTEN?  Listening doesn't seem to be a violation.  Very good catch. 

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I don't get how it is over. Isn't it still a violation to even talk money even if none was received?

No; not as it stands right now. It would be if he had attended MSU. The money and extra benefit request only attaches to the school of discussion (MSU) if no money or benefit ever changed hands.

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I don't get how it is over. Isn't it still a violation to even talk money even if none was received?

It is not a violation to talk about the money. Unless you are a school official or coach. Then the school is in trouble not the player. The player is only in trouble if they receive money.

It IS a violation to solicit improper benefits.

But only at the school were perceived solicitation took place. If no money changed hands; it all falls ar MSU`s feet.

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As soon as we heard the Newton's lawyer speak out tonight, it was done...

Remember that AU and the Newtons were told to make no comments while the investigation was going on...

So, what does this imply as far the AU/Newton relationship is concerned as soon as he spoke?

AU/Newtons are OK... other players in this game not so much...

No smart a$$ comment intended.But,the lawyer spoke not the Newtons.Lawyers no what

to say.

I am assuming from all the evidence that AU & the Newtons are working with, not against, the NCAA...

I have a close friend who is a lawyer with whom I have discussed this issue, and yes even the lawyer would be silent in this scenario until released to attack ( and from I have heard, their lawyer is not a defense lawyer... so look for the attack dog to be loosed)

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I don't get how it is over. Isn't it still a violation to even talk money even if none was received?

It isn't near over, didn't ST say the NCAA was pulling investigators off of the UNC inestigation, & putting them on the Cam?MSU investigation? Even though we likely are guilt free, this investigation will likely drag on for a year.

I disagree. The NCAA is trying to get this finished before Heisman Votes are due in because 1. They do not want another Reggie Bush case and 2. They want to try to clear Cam's name if he is innocent before the Heisman vote is due because if the best player in college football is innocent and does not win the Heisman then the NCAA knows they will have major egg on their collectiery much. 

I am with you ...

I don`t think the NCAA cares about the Heisman vote. It isn`t an NCAA award.

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here is something else no one has caught yet...

[Cecil Newton] didn't come out and say, 'I want $180,000,'" Bell said. "He inferred it and talked about it, but not directly. Kenny would talk about it in front of him, and [Cecil Newton] never corrected him or said, 'No, that's not what we're doing.'"

interesting choice of words for a man who is just having telephone conversations... I could be wrong, but that jumps out at me as a face to face meeting between the 3....

Um, did Cecil talk about money?  He said so, but did he really.  Or did he LISTEN?  Listening doesn't seem to be a violation.  Very good catch. 

      Telling someone to make you smile is not asking for money. May be, but no way to prove if he never said "It'll take such and such amount of cash"  :timeout:

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here is something else no one has caught yet...

[Cecil Newton] didn't come out and say, 'I want $180,000,'" Bell said. "He inferred it and talked about it, but not directly. Kenny would talk about it in front of him, and [Cecil Newton] never corrected him or said, 'No, that's not what we're doing.'"

interesting choice of words for a man who is just having telephone conversations... I could be wrong, but that jumps out at me as a face to face meeting between the 3....

Um, did Cecil talk about money?  He said so, but did he really.  Or did he LISTEN?  Listening doesn't seem to be a violation.  Very good catch. 

       Telling someone to make you smile is not asking for money. May be, but no way to prove if he never said "It'll take such and such amount of cash"   :timeout:

There's a lot of ways to make me smile that have nothing to do with money  :thumbsup:

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