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Assumptions: @ the basis of how everyone is interpreting every aspect of this charade... BEFORE ever reading the first report...

1. If I assume Cecil, Cam, & AU are innocent in this whole situation, every report I read has glaring holes of credibility everywhere... no coherency at all... certainly no legitimacy...

2. If I assume all of the above are guilty, every report reinforces what I already thought was true... no need to question or verify it...

Sounds simplistic, but this is why so many people seem to be going ballistic...

I don't know if PM has info we don't... & I can see how he could read this into the situation... but until I can see something really factual that proves it, my opinion is we are ok....

What has come forth so far is a smear campaign.... nothing more... and it is backfiring on UAT before everything is all said and done...

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I don't know if PM has info we don't... & I can see how he could read this into the situation... but until I can see something really factual that proves it, my opinion is we are ok....

What has come forth so far is a smear campaign.... nothing more... and it is backfiring on UAT before everything is all said and done...

I agree about wanting "factual" data.....of course there is no factual data at this time that UAT has involvement with this. Just sayin... :dunno:

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Walker great points and it is the same posture I am taking. I am giving Cam, Cecil, Coaches, etc my full support until the actual facts and final findings are offered. LOL...it really angers non AU fans and even some AU fans that I feel this way. This stance does not prove I have my head in the sand because of course all is possible, but no real proof or hard facts have been offered. I will not remove my support based on too many stories with too many holes in them. WDE!!!!! Keep your head up because if for some great terrible reason any is true we will have plenty of time to get angry, hurt, frustrated, and depressed...Right now its an off week than Bama. WDE!!!!!!!!

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I went ahead and reviewed the relevant NCAA by-laws.  I figured it couldn't hurt to learn what is actually a violation.  What I discovered is, contrary to what is being reported in some circles, there is no provision stating that solicitation of extra benefits is a violation that would make a player ineligible.  Here's the important things you need to look for that would likely make Cam ineligible.

1.  Evidence that Cam or anyone who was acting on his behalf RECEIVED benefits.

2.  Evidence that Cam knew about any of the alleged discussions about money that allegedly (but most likely) took place at MSU.

If facts of those kind appear, then we're in trouble.  Otherwise, under the NCAA by-laws, Cam should be eligible to play.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Just my two cents.

I keep going back to the same direct quote of PM.  Cecil Newton SOUGHT money.  That's very different than discussing it or entertaining it.  If he's a solid reporter, with inside sources, like you say, then there is no question what happened.  Seeking means asking or requesting, going in search of, trying to acquire or gain.  It's actively doing something.

On the list of bad:

1. discussing it (open to interpretation  = not bad)

2. entertaining it (giving it some thought = not great)

3. seeking it (asking, requesting, trying to acquire = bad)

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