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What's with the punches?


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Just to add to the discussion, I want to make clear that the attack on Fairley is not the first over-the-line thing that the UGA players had done in this game.  There were several other things that preceded that, including one of their players tackling Chris Davis (#11) from behind on a kick-off return (which should have been a penalty all on its own), holding him down, pushing him down again as he tried to get up after the play, and shoving him hard again and almost knocking him over as he got up.  I literally was stunned that nothing was called, particularly after the last shove.  This all happened well away from the play, so I'm assuming that no ref saw it. 

This is not the only little "incident," but just the one that stood out the most to me.  My point here is for all of you that want to say "UGA was only retaliating for Fairley knocking out their QB": that may have been part of it, but they had already gone dirty at that point. 

Goggins and Blank will most likely serve their half-game suspension - there is no excuse for retaliating in that circumstance.  However, they're only human and this is not the first time UGA had gone after one of our players.  It's the refs job to keep this kind of thing, along with the coaches for each respective team.  The fact that the refs let UGA get away with so much "stuff" as the tension kept ratcheting up (and didn't even flag the friggin' attack on Fairley) led directly to the later problems.  I would seriously consider repercussions for them.  There are a lot of things that you can "miss" or let go because its a rough sport, but gang attacking someone that's on the ground is not one of those things.

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Check this dude out. I don't know whether to laugh or just feel bad for the guy.

Im proud to be a bulldog....the future looks bright.  then he picks his nose.   :laugh:


Get real dude, he didn't pick it he just wiped it. If he had picked it he would have........... I can't even say it, gives me the hebe gebes. yuck!

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Check this dude out. I don't know whether to laugh or just feel bad for the guy.

Im proud to be a bulldog....the future looks bright.  then he picks his nose.   :laugh:


Get real dude, he didn't pick it he just wiped it. If he had picked it he would have........... I can't even say it, gives me the hebe gebes. yuck!

He would have eaten it?  lol this kid is just sad

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You can definitely see from that video that they were laying some licks on Fairly in the pile, our guys were just trying to get him out of there and yeah some licks got thrown.  I think this says alot about what Mark Richt coached them to do in that situation I didn't see the hit on Aaron Murray from Fairly but Georgia definitely was the reason we are in this predicament.

I love Auburn. I love winning and beating Georgia. But Fairly did hit Georgia's QB late. I beliebe Blanc was thrown out the next play for taking up for Fairly.Just hit em hard , and hit em legal..War Damn Eagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok I was at the game... and I saw that first brawl but never saw the punch...I know UGA was angry at Nick Fairley for taking out their QB, but can someone watching tell me what happened? On the second one on Blanc I never even saw that at all. Did these guys ligitimately throw punches? I know they are suspended for the first half of Bama, but will Chizik sit them longer?

If you have Charter you can watch the game now on CSS.
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My wife and I watched the game again this morning.  Replayed the brawl 1000 times.  Fairley was laying wood to Murray all night long, thats his job.  The last hit which spurred it was totally unintentional.  Murray played it up a bit (think world cup soccer).

Georgia had 3 guys go after Fairley.  Georgia cleared the bench (where was the penalty for that, is there one?)

Goggans did throw a punch and there was a punch thrown back (where was the call on that?)

At first, last night, I was a bit disappointed, but this morning I am much relieved.  Our players had each others backs like any other team.  Yes needless punches, low class, but they were fired up.

Oh well, Day 364 in Bulldog country.  I'm wearing my gear today!!!!

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Ladies, be forewarned......... All I could think when they showed uga was if all of a sudden he farts and gives that "What just came out my butt look",  Dog owners know that look, I was gonna lose it. Even uga knew it was a lost cause.

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Not to mention all of the chatter between the players all game. Don't you think UGA had some comments re: the Newton story? I would venture to guess the Tigers had had enough...but interestingly, still didn't clear the bench...

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I did not like the way Blanc and Goggins acted. I don't care who started it. As you know, most of the time it's the second guy who gets flagged and or thrown out which is what happend in this case here.

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