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Cam's Status....


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This is as of 30 minutes ago.........and I will not give away my source; but my source just left and spoke person to person with a top official................Cam is still playing.  Don't ask for names....I have them, but would jeapordize my own relationship with this source. 

I was reluctant to post this because it was not me personally hearing; but this individual wanted it straight and went and got it.............War Eagle...........

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Good. I don't doubt these coaches at all. Also I hope CN plays the rest of the season with a purpose and we win out! Rally around him boys! WDE!

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I can totally see Auburn's stance of "no comment".  I mean, Chizik tells this CBS person "No comment" and 5 seconds later, it's on twitter, facebook, the local news, the national news, and ESPN.  The Auburn high-ups are probably just protecting themselves from these idiots only posting snipits of conversation that make us look bad.  Like the person said this morning, if Cecil Newton were to say "I did not do it", the media would report Newton's Father says "I did do it".  

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That's great and all, but Chizik stated this 2 days ago and nothing has changed since then. Just Sayin

Agreed, but the "No comment" situation had some of our brothers and sisters running for cover.

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I think its a great idea, nobody can say the wrong thing when asked a tricky question.  All people can do is speculate, which is the only thing that has happened with this whole thing.......speculatin'.

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yeah I don't see a problem with it, this thing is a media circus and for every fivewords someone says there are 50 articles and 400 tweets for it. So why not comment anymore and when Cam rolls out of the tunnel saturday we will do what we do and that is play football and KICK SOME JAWJA BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I don't think Cecil is dumb enough to just go around asking for 180k.. He is a former athlete, and has been through the recruiting process with 2 sons.... There is whole case is gonna hinge on who approached who.. Did Cecil initiate talks for money or was he approached??? That's the 180 thousand dollar question.... If you are guilty of offering money, the best way to deflect attention is to say no Mr. Newton approached us, and we turned it over to compliance.

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That's great and all, but Chizik stated this 2 days ago and nothing has changed since then. Just Sayin

Agreed, but the "No comment" situation had some of our brothers and sisters running for cover.

Too many "chicken little" fans out there when they need to be strong "WAR EAGLES".

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:laugh: ok espn is such a joke I couldn't help but see what they had to say and they believe Kodi Burns will start tomorrow hahahahahahahaha no offense to Kodi but that is hilarious. WAR CAM EAGLE!!!!!!!!


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If you listen to Finebaum long enough, you will notice his bumper music follows the direction of the show...... The song playing when he came back from break......................................................

When the Levey Breaks. ;)

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I don't know if this is a smart approach but, i think it would be funny to have Trotter take the first snap, or a wildcat with Burns to throw everyone off, only for Cam to come on the second play!!!  :thumbsup:

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