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ESPN updates story. Talks to Bill Bell about Cecil Newton


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It sounds like Bell, Bond, and Rogers have arranged payments to players before.  I don't think they called each other randomly.  Seems as though they knew who to talk to.

I was just thinking the same thing.  KR knew to call Bell for money and Bell knew to call Bond.  I agree.  This is not the first time they worked this pyramid.....

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Maybe Rogers did tell Bell who told Bond that Cecil asked for money to sign Cam.  He knew that was the only way they would fork over money to him.  I still believe, based on the investigations of the NFLPA, that Rogers is a shadey dude and would have tried to get money for himself by posing as a Newton "rep".  So far the only person that actually heard Cecil ask for money was Rogers.  Without a recording of Cecil asking for money, they have NOTHING but a scumbag's word.    

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So, the MSU coach said "No, no, I don't want to hear that" refering to money being paid for a player, yet Rogers was then given the number of a booster so he could contact him to find out if they were going to pay?  

I'm not sure Rogers was given the number, he may have already had it. What is telling to me, if this is true about the entire situation, there is definitely a "chain of command" at MSU, when it comes to these situations. He knew exactly who to call.

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The Only story conformation that matters is the MSU coaches.  Just because another slimeball says it is true does not make the story credible. These allegations will be tough to prove because money did not change hands and the money trail is not there.  So we always have one person’s word against another.   Now if the MSU coaches collaborate the story then things change drastically.  

The coaches aren't going to cover for Rogers. They can make it look like Rogers or Cecil was the monster and they were just doing what they were supposed to. If they confirmed it they would be investigated about their recruitment after that meeting and phone records would show they were still trying to get him. They will say that it is a lie and make Rogers look like he is doing all this.

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I'm sorry, but I no longer put any faith whatsoever into anything ESPN reports. To me, they are all hacks. Period.

Haha, it's getting rediculous.  I like the new name as BSPN. 

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I did say earlier that this was something much bigger than Cecil Newton shopping Cam.... I believe the FBI is in on this because they are after some big time money men in the underground business of buying players.

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Ok you are a Car Salesman.  A man walks in and wants to buy a car.  He asks the price.  You say between $15,000 and $25,000.  The man looks confused because you don't give a range of $10,000.  You have a set price.  Somebody shopping a college athlete would not give an $80,000 window.  He would throw a price out and you either pay it or you don't.  Just another part of Rogers' story that doesn't make sense.  

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"Rogers said that on Nov. 28, 2009, he and Cecil Newton followed each other out of Starkville, Miss., after the Ole Miss-Mississippi State game. He said Newton asked him: "What do you think is going to happen? You think it's going to go through?"

Rogers said he was referred to a Mississippi State booster named Bill Bell. Rogers said he left Bell a message telling him he was with Cecil Newton, who wanted to know if the deal was going to happen."

"He was referred to"

A. Someone's missing- the guy or gal that did the referring?

B. Bell must be the guy you go to at MS if you need to pay someone?

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Now we've got 2 people saying Cecil Newton asked for cash?  Was really hoping nobody would or could confirm Roger's story.  Not good.   >:(

No, it's not good, but nowhere in the article does it say that Bill Bell talked directly to Cecil Newton.  Rogers story is that he was "going to have to talk to Bell" or something along those lines.   So we don't know if Bell is saying that Cecil Newton wanted money, based on Bell's conversations with Rogers, or based on his direct conversations with Cecil Newton.

I wonder why Mr. Bell is in the Caribbean? Taking care of some banking issues maybe....allegedly?

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"Rogers said that on Nov. 28, 2009, he and Cecil Newton followed each other out of Starkville, Miss., after the Ole Miss-Mississippi State game. He said Newton asked him: "What do you think is going to happen? You think it's going to go through?"

Rogers said he was referred to a Mississippi State booster named Bill Bell. Rogers said he left Bell a message telling him he was with Cecil Newton, who wanted to know if the deal was going to happen."

"He was referred to"

A. Someone's missing- the guy or gal that did the referring?

B. Bell must be the guy you go to at MS if you need to pay someone?

If Bell is the go to guy, Why did he call Bonds and bring him into it?

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Let's see if I have this correct: First, it was $200K for Cam with a 10% discount for MSU, now it's $100K to $180K. The price seems to be dropping. First it was recorded phone conversations, now it is face to face meetings with coaches. Hmm, was the recorder now on the table between the parties involved? First it was a conversation between Bond and Rogers, now it's a conversation with coaches, then with another MSU alum, who then calls Bond. Who's on first? First it was a call from Cam's father to Rogers, now it's a face to face meeting. Were they on cell phones in the same room talking to each other? First it was both Cam and Cecil asking for money, now it's only Cecil. I can see how they mistook seeing Cam since he can get lost in a crowd because of his small stature. Now we hear that Rogers was referred to Bell.  Why would he need to be "referred" when they played ball together?  You would think they would know of each other.  Also, the story says Rogers left a message.  Is Bell confirming the message or a direct conversation with Cecil?  Now that I review the history of this mess, I can understand how this consistent story on each fact can lead a reasonable person to a conclusion of Rogers' credibility! Mea culpa!

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Let's see if I have this correct: First, it was $200K for Cam with a 10% discount for MSU, now it's $100K to $180K. The price seems to be dropping. First it was recorded phone conversations, now it is face to face meetings with coaches. Hmm, was the recorder now on the table between the parties involved? First it was a conversation between Bond and Rogers, now it's a conversation with coaches, then with another MSU alum, who then calls Bond. Who's on first? First it was a call from Cam's father to Rogers, now it's a face to face meeting. Were they on cell phones in the same room talking to each other? First it was both Cam and Cecil asking for money, now it's only Cecil. I can see how they mistook seeing Cam since he can get lost in a crowd because of his small stature. Now we hear that Rogers was referred to Bell.  Why would he need to be "referred" when they played ball together?  You would think they would know of each other.  Also, the story says Rogers left a message.  Is Bell confirming the message or a direct conversation with Cecil?  Now that I review the history of this mess, I can understand how this consistent story on each fact can lead a reasonable person to a conclusion of Rogers' credibility! Mea culpa!

All that just made my head spin!!

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Let's see if I have this correct: First, it was $200K for Cam with a 10% discount for MSU, now it's $100K to $180K. The price seems to be dropping. First it was recorded phone conversations, now it is face to face meetings with coaches. Hmm, was the recorder now on the table between the parties involved? First it was a conversation between Bond and Rogers, now it's a conversation with coaches, then with another MSU alum, who then calls Bond. Who's on first? First it was a call from Cam's father to Rogers, now it's a face to face meeting. Were they on cell phones in the same room talking to each other? First it was both Cam and Cecil asking for money, now it's only Cecil. I can see how they mistook seeing Cam since he can get lost in a crowd because of his small stature. Now we hear that Rogers was referred to Bell.  Why would he need to be "referred" when they played ball together?  You would think they would know of each other.  Also, the story says Rogers left a message.  Is Bell confirming the message or a direct conversation with Cecil?  Now that I review the history of this mess, I can understand how this consistent story on each fact can lead a reasonable person to a conclusion of Rogers' credibility! Mea culpa!

:'( :'(

All that just made my head spin!!

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Let's see if I have this correct: First, it was $200K for Cam with a 10% discount for MSU, now it's $100K to $180K. The price seems to be dropping. First it was recorded phone conversations, now it is face to face meetings with coaches. Hmm, was the recorder now on the table between the parties involved? First it was a conversation between Bond and Rogers, now it's a conversation with coaches, then with another MSU alum, who then calls Bond. Who's on first? First it was a call from Cam's father to Rogers, now it's a face to face meeting. Were they on cell phones in the same room talking to each other? First it was both Cam and Cecil asking for money, now it's only Cecil. I can see how they mistook seeing Cam since he can get lost in a crowd because of his small stature. Now we hear that Rogers was referred to Bell.  Why would he need to be "referred" when they played ball together?  You would think they would know of each other.  Also, the story says Rogers left a message.  Is Bell confirming the message or a direct conversation with Cecil?  Now that I review the history of this mess, I can understand how this consistent story on each fact can lead a reasonable person to a conclusion of Rogers' credibility! Mea culpa!


this is one of the most genius posts i have ever read. great mixture of humor and facts

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Let's see if I have this correct: First, it was $200K for Cam with a 10% discount for MSU, now it's $100K to $180K. The price seems to be dropping. First it was recorded phone conversations, now it is face to face meetings with coaches. Hmm, was the recorder now on the table between the parties involved? First it was a conversation between Bond and Rogers, now it's a conversation with coaches, then with another MSU alum, who then calls Bond. Who's on first? First it was a call from Cam's father to Rogers, now it's a face to face meeting. Were they on cell phones in the same room talking to each other? First it was both Cam and Cecil asking for money, now it's only Cecil. I can see how they mistook seeing Cam since he can get lost in a crowd because of his small stature. Now we hear that Rogers was referred to Bell.  Why would he need to be "referred" when they played ball together?  You would think they would know of each other.  Also, the story says Rogers left a message.  Is Bell confirming the message or a direct conversation with Cecil?  Now that I review the history of this mess, I can understand how this consistent story on each fact can lead a reasonable person to a conclusion of Rogers' credibility! Mea culpa!


this is one of the most genius posts i have ever read. great mixture of humor and facts


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It is to the point now that every day or so you can expect someone that has ties to Miss St claiming Newton sr. asked for money. What does everyone expect? They are trying their dead level best to get the Newtons and/or Auburn in trouble and/or trying to deflect it from themselves. The most shocking thing I have seen so far out of this(and this is saying a lot considering the witch hunt that has transpired) is the fact that so many so called integrity driven journalists who are supposed to be at least reasonable intelligent (not counting the one's that have buried themselves by jumping the gun and going beyond ethics on this matter) are actually falling for this. The guys coming out today ARE FROM MISS. ST IN SOME WAY...How is this not questioned before they indict Cam and his father. I have lived long enough that nothing truly shocks me, it is a strange world in which we live today, but this takes the cake...

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It is to the point now that every day or so you can expect someone that has ties to Miss St claiming Newton sr. asked for money. What does everyone expect? They are trying their dead level best to get the Newtons and/or Auburn in trouble and/or trying to deflect it from themselves. The most shocking thing I have seen so far out of this(and this is saying a lot considering the witch hunt that has transpired) is the fact that so many so called integrity driven journalists who are supposed to be at least reasonable intelligent (not counting the one's that have buried themselves by jumping the gun and going beyond ethics on this matter) are actually falling for this. The guys coming out today ARE FROM MISS. ST IN SOME WAY...How is this not questioned before they indict Cam and his father. I have lived long enough that nothing truly shocks me, it is a strange world in which we live today, but this takes the cake...


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