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I sent my information to Mods. I figure I will let them decide if they want me to put it up or not. It's not smoking gun type information FYI; just another piece of info that makes you seriously question Cecil and Cam

Which Mod(s)?

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And here I was getting some popcorn. :P

There are so many rumors, I won't believe anyone until I hear from Jay Jacobs that Auburn has received a notice of an investigation from the NCAA.

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I think I'm done with all of this nonsense. It's 2 O clock in the morning and I'm sitting here like a vulture waiting on the next piece of info to drop...I'm feeding this story.... What's done in the dark will come to light.. Whether Cam and his father are guilty or not, it doesn't matter to me... It's not gonna change my opinion of one of the best football players I have ever seen.. Anyone who watches sports and doesn't think anyone is getting special treatment is naive.

I have more respect for someone that has the sack to say I want this much money to play here, than i do for the bitter jilted sour grapes whiner who would rather sit around smearing him one piece of dirt at a time, while hiding in anonymity.................. Got an issue? Man up and call a presser and do it in the light.

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Yeah, I got it. We are discussing the matter. For the record, it doesn't worry me, I just don't know if we even want to put it out there.

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Here it is...personally, I think it sounds pretty bogus:

Mark ScLabach (ESPN writer that broke the story) went to the Newtons house and church as part of the story before it went national.

He inspected the church and it was a dump. No way big money was pumped into it. No way.

He rolled up to the Newton's house unannounced. Moderate house by the airport. No way money bought them a house. As a sterotypical southern home it had old junked out cars all over the lawn.

Mrs. Newton was not too happy that Mark had come unannounced so she called Cecil. Mr. Newton arrived 5 mins later in a brand new truck that in Mark's opinion cost in the 60,000 range.

When I heard that; my heart sunk. I was told that story the day Mark broke his story.

Take it however you want, but it certainly made me extremely nervous how a lower middle class home is driving around in a ride like that. I'm eager for the NCAA to examine all of the documents. I want a resolution asap.

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:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:  :banghead:

Well there ya go.. Cecil newton is driving a new truck.. Better run him out of town. Sorry but this is the epitome of this story.. Cecil newtons new truck= guilty... did he have 2 more new trucks parked in the driveway, because he still have 120k to spend.. maybe Mark checked under their mattress for the cash :-\

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