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I think me, you and everybody else is thinking the same thing

On a side note, I've seen it posted alot but why exactly is Starkville sometimes referred to as "Starvegas"?

Same reason my hometown, Huntsville is referred to as Huntsvegas, just a way to put a spin on an otherwise boring town. imo, love huntsville, really do but for the 18-25 crowd it's not quite your booming downtown scene if you know what i mean.

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Guys; As a rabid Auburn fan I have to tell you that this story may turn out very bad for us. I have information that I will gladly share offline that I fear points a finger to our guilt.

I'm not a daily poster on here but certainly a daily reader. I have stage 4 cancer and  I had already told my wife and family that spending whatever it cost to go see Auburn in the NC game is what I wanted to do over anything in the entire world.

My best friend is a media figure in the middle of all of this and unfortunately I know something that looks very bad for us.

I am off to sleep and will say my prayers that all of this is a smear campaign (My friend confirmed with me that the conference call with Urban and Mullett Mullen did in fact occur. Urban is THE DRIVING FORCE behind it all.) that will go away soon. WAR EAGLE !!!!

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Guys; As a rabid Auburn fan I have to tell you that this story may turn out very bad for us. I have information that I will gladly share offline that I fear points a finger to our guilt.

I'm not a daily poster on here but certainly a daily reader. I have stage 4 cancer and  I had already told my wife and family that spending whatever it cost to go see Auburn in the NC game is what I wanted to do over anything in the entire world.

My best friend is a media figure in the middle of all of this and unfortunately I know something that looks very bad for us.

I am off to sleep and will say my prayers that all of this is a smear campaign (My friend confirmed with me that the conference call with Urban and Mullett Mullen did in fact occur. Urban is THE DRIVING FORCE behind it all.) that will go away soon. WAR EAGLE !!!!

Send me a pm.

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Guys; As a rabid Auburn fan I have to tell you that this story may turn out very bad for us. I have information that I will gladly share offline that I fear points a finger to our guilt.

I'm not a daily poster on here but certainly a daily reader. I have stage 4 cancer and  I had already told my wife and family that spending whatever it cost to go see Auburn in the NC game is what I wanted to do over anything in the entire world.

My best friend is a media figure in the middle of all of this and unfortunately I know something that looks very bad for us.

I am off to sleep and will say my prayers that all of this is a smear campaign (My friend confirmed with me that the conference call with Urban and Mullett Mullen did in fact occur. Urban is THE DRIVING FORCE behind it all.) that will go away soon. WAR EAGLE !!!!

PM me too...

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I'm not exactly sure how to pm. How do I do that? I could put out my email address but I'm scared some wacko will hunt me down and kill me.

How do I PM

Click on my name and you can send me a pm. Scroll down on my profile page and you will find the option.

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I'm not exactly sure how to pm. How do I do that? I could put out my email address but I'm scared some wacko will hunt me down and kill me.

How do I PM

click on the user name, and then click on "send this person a personal message", and begin typing whatever, and then send...

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Guys; As a rabid Auburn fan I have to tell you that this story may turn out very bad for us. I have information that I will gladly share offline that I fear points a finger to our guilt.

I'm not a daily poster on here but certainly a daily reader. I have stage 4 cancer and  I had already told my wife and family that spending whatever it cost to go see Auburn in the NC game is what I wanted to do over anything in the entire world.

My best friend is a media figure in the middle of all of this and unfortunately I know something that looks very bad for us.

I am off to sleep and will say my prayers that all of this is a smear campaign (My friend confirmed with me that the conference call with Urban and Mullett Mullen did in fact occur. Urban is THE DRIVING FORCE behind it all.) that will go away soon. WAR EAGLE !!!!

I'm calling BS on this one... CGC stated plainly that this was handled in January. The University along with the SEC and the NCAA investigated this and no wrong doing was uncovered.

If this is true Auburn University has some stupid @r$e poeple running the athletic department. I believe CGC

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Can you feel the anticipation building? It's thicker than clam chowder.

Are you the Darth on al.com that is always carrying a spirited conversation with Tidergirl?

This is not the Darth you are looking for, thought I was the only one with this name..lol Plus I can't stand the comment threads on al.com...as the Chiz would say, "Garbage".

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OK, so another story broke while I was asleep. I am really just ready for all of this to be over with. Either AU/Cam are guilty or innocent. The truth needs to be decided and quickly. This is not looking good for Auburn.

If AU/Cam are guilty then Cam shouldn't win the Heisman and AU shouldn't play for the BCS Championship or even the SEC Championship.

If AU/Cam are innocent then the reporters pushing the vendetta and Mullen need to be punished. Up to and including termination of employment.

Now that it was said, someone from this website(that actually has knowledge of the situation) could be very helpful in releasing some apprehension with this site's followers. Simply stating that all will be well or relax is simply not going to do it. I am fully aware that the NCAA and AU knew this dating back to January. Cam has played anyway. Thus portraying that Cam and AU have nothing to hide. If the NCAA cleared AU and Cam then why are they investigating now? Is it a continuation of the same investigation? What other knowledge does the NCAA, Auburn, Cam, Cecil, MSU, and UF have that we have yet to hear? What else could evans, espn, schlabach, schad, bond, rogers, hurt, wright, mullen, and meyer have that we have yet to hear? Now would be a great time to relay this info. What else does the report state?

After the bond/rogers story hit, a lot of people were told to calm down and it would be ok. After the cheating story broke, a lot were told the same. Now there is a story implicating AU, Cecil, and Cam and again people are being told to calm down. If you guys have anything that might be helpful in calming down the populace then please by all means, share. Asking for people to calm down at this point might be a stretch.

For the record: I am as calm as I can be. It irritates me that these issues keep coming up. Someone here has to have had info regarding the claims and or facts. I am simply looking at this from an analytical point of view.

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Can you feel the anticipation building? It's thicker than clam chowder.

Are you the Darth on al.com that is always carrying a spirited conversation with Tidergirl?

This is not the Darth you are looking for, thought I was the only one with this name..lol Plus I can't stand the comment threads on al.com...as the Chiz would say, "Garbage".


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I sent my information to Mods. I figure I will let them decide if they want me to put it up or not. It's not smoking gun type information FYI; just another piece of info that makes you seriously question Cecil and Cam

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I sent my information to Mods. I figure I will let them decide if they want me to put it up or not. It's not smoking gun type information FYI; just another piece of info that makes you seriously question Cecil and Cam

We will never know what your info is.

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