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there is only one thing that bothers me in this story:

"An emotional Cam Newton is said to have later called another Mississippi State recruiter to express regret over changing his commitment to the school but that his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much."

At this point all I want is the truth. That is all I want. Period. We either paid for cam or we didn't. If we paid for cam he will be the most hated man in AU history, the coaches will fired, and we will get hammered. We would deserve it.


If we did not pay for cam there needs to be several people fired from fox, espn, and nyt (and MSU/FL), we need retractions and apologies, and we need to get on with the season (which is alomst impossible now).


There comes a point in time where no matter what you try and do, this is going to be a distraction. The coaches may be the best in the nation but nobody has had to deal with something like this.

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there is only one thing that bothers me in this story:

"An emotional Cam Newton is said to have later called another Mississippi State recruiter to express regret over changing his commitment to the school but that his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much."

At this point all I want is the truth. That is all I want. Period. We either paid for cam or we didn't. If we paid for cam he will be the most hated man in AU history, the coaches will fired, and we will get hammered. We would deserve it.


If we did not pay for cam there needs to be several people fired from fox, espn, and nyt (and MSU/FL), we need retractions and apologies, and we need to get on with the season (which is alomst impossible now).


There comes a point in time where no matter what you try and do, this is going to be a distraction. The coaches mayh be the best in the nation but nobody has had to deal with something like this.

Maybe, but I do not see it affecting the teams play. If anything they will come more together and thump a few teams...

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Did everybody get this part of the article..."It's worth pointing out, though, that this report in and of itself doesn't constitute enough to jeopardize Newton's eligibility today; it's simple hearsay more than anything else."

....and that's all it's ever been. 

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Maybe, but I do not see it affecting the teams play. If anything they will come more together and thump a few teams...


I think this coaching job (the world is against us and we need to be a family, play as one, play for each other, etc.) is much easier than what we'd have had if these journalistic masterpieces hadn't surfaced (i.e., guarding against the 'we're 10-0 and unbeatable and gonna win everything this year' attitudes).

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Yeah, anybody can say that so and so called me and asked for "something more than a scholarship" and then their kid called back and admitted to a MAJOR NCAA infraction that would kill their college career. Oh that's believable.

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MSU is doing this to take the spotlight off of them,because they(mullin,ol coach) THEY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT AS THE one doing the leaking.The latest academic fraud(which WAS NOT TRUE) was obviously from a MSU adress.So now,they are going down and the FBI is in Mississippi,so they are throwing mud,and the press is there lackey.

Do you think that these reporters are going out tere and digging all of this up??? NO!,They are being feed EVERY hit peice story to them by MSU.

OK here are the two quotes that "prove" AU is screwed

Cecil~"Its gonna take more than a scholarship" to get him in MSU.WHAT??He doesnt say ONE thing about money!!He may be saying,you have no talent,your o-line is going to get CAM killed,other schools will be able to help Cam get to the NFL,because you dont have enough good talent...

Cam~ "The money was to much"  again nothing about "Auburn gave us more money that you...  It could mean,my family cant afford to drive to outer Mongolia to see me play every week..

After sitting and thinking and rationalizing these new rumors,AU still has nothing to fret over.. :we:

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MSU is doing this to take the spotlight off of them,because they(mullin,ol coach) THEY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT AS THE one doing the leaking.The latest academic fraud(which WAS NOT TRUE) was obviously from a MSU adress.So now,they are going down and the FBI is in Mississippi,so they are throwing mud,and the press is there lackey.

Do you think that these reporters are going out tere and digging all of this up??? NO!,They are being feed EVERY hit peice story to them by MSU.

OK here are the two quotes that "prove" AU is screwed

Cecil~"Its gonna take more than a scholarship" to get him in MSU.WHAT??He doesnt say ONE thing about money!!He may be saying,you have no talent,your o-line is going to get CAM killed,other schools will be able to help Cam get to the NFL,because you dont have enough good talent...

Cam~ "The money was to much"  again nothing about "Auburn gave us more money that you...  It could mean,my family cant afford to drive to outer Mongolia to see me play every week..

After sitting and thinking and rationalizing these new rumors,AU still has nothing to fret over.. :we:

This.  ESPN did not give the context of the quotes.

For example, if the original quote was: "Jim and Sally had sex"

ESPN would make that: "Jim and Sally" had ice cream for desert.

Incomplete, pot stir.  Again, this goes with Thayer's attempt to derail AU and CN.  Pulling out all of the stops.

I agree, where there is smoke, there is fire.  In this case, the fire is over at MSU.  ESPN knows that but WANTS to derail AU and CN.  ESPN wants Boise and Kellen Moore.

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There has been a name tossed around here on these boards before and I wonder if he is one of the "sources" espn keeps talking about.

Jody Wright.  


He is a grad assistant at UAT that Saban hired this year from... you guessed it, MSU!

There was a discussion about it but nothing with any meat to it.  Until now that is.  Someone on the Texas board (link in the thread above) said last week that Jody would come out of this looking very bad.    

Let me say that I am purely speculating here, but his name would not just be thrown out there for no reason.

You should be a private investigator....5th paragraph from my post on the 4th....http://www.auburneagle.com/WEAForum/index.php?topic=22406.msg403250#msg403250

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Did everybody get this part of the article..."It's worth pointing out, though, that this report in and of itself doesn't constitute enough to jeopardize Newton's eligibility today; it's simple hearsay more than anything else."

....and that's all it's ever been. 

Exactly...I'm at a loss....I don't know how they're allowed to do all of this stuff the way they have. It's really unbelievable.

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even in the article, they say that MSU already sent the tapes to the SEC office and they have already reviewed them.  i mean come on, are the SEC investigators really so bad that they didn't see something that is apparently this obvious?

i strongly doubt it.

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You should be a private investigator....5th paragraph from my post on the 4th....http://www.auburneagle.com/WEAForum/index.php?topic=22406.msg403250#msg403250

So ESPN is getting "tips" from a current turd that came from Mis-State(ment) U, huh?

So, does that ease everyone's mind a little about the validity of all this?  Does me.

I'm also curious about the words Joe Schad uses.  He keep repeating "someone that recruited on the BEHALF of MSU".

Probably looking too far into that, but it seems like an odd way of saying recruiter:dunno:

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if this was a court of law, none of this would be admissible. Your sources would have credibility issues because they obviously have an ax to grind. How do you prove or disprove what someone allegedly said on the phone? It's hearsay, neither side can prove they are right or the other is lying.

There is a reason why schools are not allowed to comment on these matters. You can't have schools publicly tossing around accusations that no one can prove or disprove... MS has apparently just gone off the rails and said to hell with it.. How angry do you have to be, that it is worth dragging your school into a nasty public battle in an attempt to bring down an athlete? I gotta admit, MS knows AU can't respond and they are throwing hay makers, trying to knock AU out before they have a chance to defend themselves.  

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Did everybody get this part of the article..."It's worth pointing out, though, that this report in and of itself doesn't constitute enough to jeopardize Newton's eligibility today; it's simple hearsay more than anything else."

....and that's all it's ever been. 

It's ESPN reporting.. They're the world leader is sports news. Who is going to stop them reporting what they want to be known as fact?

Exactly...I'm at a loss....I don't know how they're allowed to do all of this stuff the way they have. It's really unbelievable.

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it's pretty irresponsible journalism.. everyone assumes all of this is new info that the great beacon of truth espn has brought to life, it's not. They are reporting as breaking news information almost a year old.. They also are pushing this as trouble headed Cam's and AU's way.. How is that possible if all parties involved are fully away of the allegations, and the fact that it has been looked into multiple times??

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it's pretty irresponsible journalism.. everyone assumes all of this is new info that the great beacon of truth espn has brought to life, it's not. They are reporting as breaking news information almost a year old.. They also are pushing this as trouble headed Cam's and AU's way.. How is that possible if all parties involved are fully away of the allegations, and the fact that it has been looked into multiple times??

Because it's Tuesday night and the only other thing on is the world series of Poker...

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well until the ESPN or the NCAA produces 180k in the newtons possession, this story is not going anywhere.. Like I said a couple of times, 180k isn't easy to hide

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Question, pretty sure i already know the answer but confirmation never hurts, if an athlete, such as cam newton, were to attempt to solicit money from a school, BUT not receive any would he be ineligible still or would he be a no harm done, no foul necessary kinda deal?

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Question, pretty sure i already know the answer but confirmation never hurts, if an athlete, such as cam newton, were to attempt to solicit money from a school, BUT not receive any would he be ineligible still or would he be a no harm done, no foul necessary kinda deal?

According to ESPN it's not against the rules

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Question, pretty sure i already know the answer but confirmation never hurts, if an athlete, such as cam newton, were to attempt to solicit money from a school, BUT not receive any would he be ineligible still or would he be a no harm done, no foul necessary kinda deal?

According to ESPN it's not against the rules

That's what i thought

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Isn't it weird how everyone connected to this scam is connected to MS? Bond, Rogers, the 2 mystery go betweens that apparently recruited for MS (MS coaches?)... but Bob Stoops and OK say they noticed nothing wrong, and AU denies any wrong doing.. If you are MS and you think AU is guilty and you finally have the goods on them, you sit back and watch Auburn crash and burn...but it's clear MS is clearly pushing this story... why? Clearly there is some blame shifting going on, and every time the blame gets focused back on MS, some new/ old info comes out to shift the blame back to AU.  :dunno:

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Question, pretty sure i already know the answer but confirmation never hurts, if an athlete, such as cam newton, were to attempt to solicit money from a school, BUT not receive any would he be ineligible still or would he be a no harm done, no foul necessary kinda deal?

And this is the point everyone seems to forget too. As long as money/benefits were never exchanged, there is nothing to worry about eligibility-wise.

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I think me, you and everybody else is thinking the same thing

On a side note, I've seen it posted alot but why exactly is Starkville sometimes referred to as "Starvegas"?

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