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I'm sorry but I cant hold this in any longer. there are several of you guys that have sounded like bammers since this ordeal started. you were told ahead of time that this was about to happen. you have been basically spoon fed the facts the entire time and yet you STILL wish to believe the worst at every turn. with fans like you who needs enemies? seriously, is that what you call ALL IN? on one hand you expect the media to treat us fairly as in "innocent until proven guilty" yet on the other you take the attitude of "we must have done it". at the very least if you really believe all the bs about AU & Cam is true just hold it in until the truth comes out. it doesnt do us any good whatsoever to keep repeating how guilty you think we are. all it serves to accomplish is to make us APPEAR guilty in spite of the facts. how much more inside info do you need? once again, you were told this was happening before it ever broke! even people connected to the program who cant talk about it have come in here and spoken metaphorically about the situation. Spade has been let off the chain, so to speak...just sit back, be quiet and let him eat!  :wareagle:

Check out the post count on some of these people. Do you really think some of these newcomers aren't imposters?

I agree completely but then again, some have more posts than you do and sound the same way. I am kinda surprised because usually the mods in here are all over the imposters. must be due to sheer volume that some of the trash is slipping through the cracks. but I am referring to the guys that have been here a while and I am fairly certain arent trolls. there are several that are truly letting me down right now. I dont want to see any quit in any of you.

Without GREAT sacrafice there can be no GREAT victory. I would say Cameron Newton and all the AU FB players and coaches are sacraficing more rite now than any other team in CFB. With that said think of how much sweeter that NC will be in January. a year removed from when all this BS "allegedly" started. Then you will see a major influx in the AU Nation. But as for the family we were here all along. WAR EAGLE all my brothers and sisters ( You know who you are)

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You gotta remember this guys, what ever "breaking news" you hear from espn or foxsports is only breaking news to the public.... I can guarantee you guys the info they have is second hand (sources). They have not seen the actual complete report sent to the SEC or NCAA. They said allegedly Cecil Newton said this according to report sent to the SEC office... well what does the rest of the report say?  

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The Media just needs to get over it. We are gonna whoop the hell out of anybody in the way so I am not sure why they are trying to get in the way. Get ready to get thrown under the chariot. Boise aint playin for $H!+! Get over it ESPN.

What ESPN does not realize is that they are messing with something that is bigger than ANYTHING they will EVER even Dream of being! Nice try! You can keep coming up with GARBAGE every day for the next two months but it'd be a waste of time. Safe yourself ESPN, run while you can....Oh wait too late youve already F!#*^d with the wrong people! Get ready to get burned!

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Hey guys... my dad and I just robbed a bank! I didn't want him to do it, but he twisted my arm and said we needed the money, so I went along with it! But SSHHH... ya'll don't tell anyone!!! Okay!?! Okay, I trust you all!

Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it?  :rolleyes: That's basically what ESPN wants us to believe Cam did here. They want us to believe that Cecil Newton is dumb enough and SO ARROGANT that he would "shop" Cam to MSU (and whoever else), then take the highest bidder... all the while completely ignoring the potential ramifications of what would happen if and when the "lower bidders" (MSU) got upset and spilled the beans, which would, of course immediately ruin his child's life and his entire family's reputation! And if that weren't enough, they ALSO want us to believe that Cam knew about all of this the whole time, and not only went along with all of it because "daddy told him to", but also that he was SO nieve that he would admit to a "MSU recruiter" that he REALLY wanted to come to MSU, but that he had been "sold for a higher bid" by his daddy to AU!?!?!?!?!


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Hey guys... my dad and I just robbed a bank! I didn't want him to do it, but he twisted my arm and said we needed the money, so I went along with it! But SSHHH... ya'll don't tell anyone!!! Okay!?! Okay, I trust you all!

Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it?  :rolleyes: That's basically what ESPN wants us to believe Cam did here. They want us to believe that Cecil Newton is dumb enough and SO ARROGANT that he would "shop" Cam to MSU (and whoever else), then take the highest bidder... all the while completely ignoring the potential ramifications of what would happen if and when the "lower bidders" (MSU) got upset and spilled the beans, which would, of course immediately ruin his child's life and his entire family's reputation! And if that weren't enough, they ALSO want us to believe that Cam knew about all of this the whole time, and not only went along with all of it because "daddy told him to", but also that he was SO nieve that he would admit to a "MSU recruiter" that he REALLY wanted to come to MSU, but that he had been "sold for a higher bid" by his daddy to AU!?!?!?!?!


They have only awakened a sleeping giant.....have you seen what we've done to Fox Sports' facebook page?! HAHA

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there is only one thing that bothers me in this story:

"An emotional Cam Newton is said to have later called another Mississippi State recruiter to express regret over changing his commitment to the school but that his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much."

At this point all I want is the truth. That is all I want. Period. We either paid for cam or we didn't. If we paid for cam he will be the most hated man in AU history, the coaches will fired, and we will get hammered. We would deserve it.


If we did not pay for cam there needs to be several people fired from fox, espn, and nyt (and MSU/FL), we need retractions and apologies, and we need to get on with the season (which is alomst impossible now).

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Hey guys... my dad and I just robbed a bank! I didn't want him to do it, but he twisted my arm and said we needed the money, so I went along with it! But SSHHH... ya'll don't tell anyone!!! Okay!?! Okay, I trust you all!

Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it?  :rolleyes: That's basically what ESPN wants us to believe Cam did here. They want us to believe that Cecil Newton is dumb enough and SO ARROGANT that he would "shop" Cam to MSU (and whoever else), then take the highest bidder... all the while completely ignoring the potential ramifications of what would happen if and when the "lower bidders" (MSU) got upset and spilled the beans, which would, of course immediately ruin his child's life and his entire family's reputation! And if that weren't enough, they ALSO want us to believe that Cam knew about all of this the whole time, and not only went along with all of it because "daddy told him to", but also that he was SO nieve that he would admit to a "MSU recruiter" that he REALLY wanted to come to MSU, but that he had been "sold for a higher bid" by his daddy to AU!?!?!?!?!



Which bank did you rob?

How much did yall come out with?

OOH OOH! And one more....What kind of mask did you wear? Please tell me you went the Point Break route with the President masks.

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Hey guys... my dad and I just robbed a bank! I didn't want him to do it, but he twisted my arm and said we needed the money, so I went along with it! But SSHHH... ya'll don't tell anyone!!! Okay!?! Okay, I trust you all!

Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it?  :rolleyes: That's basically what ESPN wants us to believe Cam did here. They want us to believe that Cecil Newton is dumb enough and SO ARROGANT that he would "shop" Cam to MSU (and whoever else), then take the highest bidder... all the while completely ignoring the potential ramifications of what would happen if and when the "lower bidders" (MSU) got upset and spilled the beans, which would, of course immediately ruin his child's life and his entire family's reputation! And if that weren't enough, they ALSO want us to believe that Cam knew about all of this the whole time, and not only went along with all of it because "daddy told him to", but also that he was SO nieve that he would admit to a "MSU recruiter" that he REALLY wanted to come to MSU, but that he had been "sold for a higher bid" by his daddy to AU!?!?!?!?!


Watch out for those dye bags they hide in the bag with the money takes turpentine to get that stuff off. ;D

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there is only one thing that bothers me in this story:

"An emotional Cam Newton is said to have later called another Mississippi State recruiter to express regret over changing his commitment to the school but that his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much."

At this point all I want is the truth. That is all I want. Period. We either paid for cam or we didn't. If we paid for cam he will be the most hated man in AU history, the coaches will fired, and we will get hammered. We would deserve it.


If we did not pay for cam there needs to be several people fired from fox, espn, and nyt (and MSU/FL), we need retractions and apologies, and we need to get on with the season (which is alomst impossible now).


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there is only one thing that bothers me in this story:

"An emotional Cam Newton is said to have later called another Mississippi State recruiter to express regret over changing his commitment to the school but that his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much."

At this point all I want is the truth. That is all I want. Period. We either paid for cam or we didn't. If we paid for cam he will be the most hated man in AU history, the coaches will fired, and we will get hammered. We would deserve it.


If we did not pay for cam there needs to be several people fired from fox, espn, and nyt (and MSU/FL), we need retractions and apologies, and we need to get on with the season (which is alomst impossible now).


:zapbama: :zapbama: :beatmullet:

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I know there is a huge reaction here and of course a lot of panic, but stay calm...

AU is not implicated.. curious if you consider all kinds of allegations against Cam, but nothing directed towards AU

Breaking news is old news.. No one disputes this info was reported in January.. There is no one coming forward with a smoking gun tonight, to the surprise of AU the Newtons, The SEC, or the NCAA..

You have to frame this in your mind.. Someone at MS is using old news and feeding it to reporters, for the express purpose of damaging Cam and his father, but really Cecil is the real target.. This could all be payback for not "playing ball".. if you wanna get back at Cecil or make him suffer, you attack his son.... Think about all the allegations.. some one claiming to represent Cam, when everyone knows his dad handled his recruitment, rumors he was shopping Cam rumors and innuendo about his church, Cecil allegedly claiming it would take more than scholarship money.... Don't get fooled by the head fake... Cecil Newton is the target not Cam

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Poached this from another board delete if you must.

Brad Law on ESPN radio: Auburn has known about the latest stuff

Says this was investigated along with all of the other stuff. Says the NCAA and Auburn compliance both decided Cam was still eligible after examining a lot of rumors, including the two stories that ESPN has run with thus far.

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Poached this from another board delete if you must.

Brad Law on ESPN radio: Auburn has known about the latest stuff

Says this was investigated along with all of the other stuff. Says the NCAA and Auburn compliance both decided Cam was still eligible after examining a lot of rumors, including the two stories that ESPN has run with thus far.

Do you mind giving a link? Thanks in advance.

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There has been a name tossed around here on these boards before and I wonder if he is one of the "sources" espn keeps talking about.

Jody Wright.  


He is a grad assistant at UAT that Saban hired this year from... you guessed it, MSU!

There was a discussion about it but nothing with any meat to it.  Until now that is.  Someone on the Texas board (link in the thread above) said last week that Jody would come out of this looking very bad.    

Let me say that I am purely speculating here, but his name would not just be thrown out there for no reason.

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Poached this from another board delete if you must.

Brad Law on ESPN radio: Auburn has known about the latest stuff

Says this was investigated along with all of the other stuff. Says the NCAA and Auburn compliance both decided Cam was still eligible after examining a lot of rumors, including the two stories that ESPN has run with thus far.

Do you mind giving a link? Thanks in advance.

Don't have one sorry hoping someone could find one.  Heard the guy said it recently.

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Did everybody get this part of the article..."It's worth pointing out, though, that this report in and of itself doesn't constitute enough to jeopardize Newton's eligibility today; it's simple hearsay more than anything else."

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