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Stupid Writer from Mississippi...


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I don't doubt that Auburn would have lost a game or two by now if we didn't have Cam Newton, but this statement by a writer over there is truly asinine...

"As far as this Auburn team, Newton is the difference between a club that is 8-0 and ranked No. 1 in the BCS ratings and a team that would be 2-6 or 3-5 without him."

We'll never know, but CGM and CGC were quoted several times before the season began that "we have three QBs who we feel we can win with" and to postulate that we would have lost every game but Arky State and LaMo and possibly one more is a heck of a stretch and an insult to every other player on the team.


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This season's landscape is littered with half baked journalist and their moronic statements about our team.

Our offensive line is the best in the SEC and is probably among the top 2-3 in the country.  CGM would be calling a more balanced game in terms of pass/run but I have no doubt that we'd be moving the ball and scoring points.

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He can say what he wants. Fact is: WE HAVE CAM NEWTON!  Get over it.

I guess in the Iron Bowl... we should suggest to Nick Saban that he Bench McElroy and We will bench Newton... in return, we will Let Trotter and Mcaaron duke it out to see who the best team is? I agree West, Newton is our starter... nuff said.
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"As far as this Auburn team, Newton is the difference between a club that is 8-0 and ranked No. 1 in the BCS ratings and a team that would be 2-6 or 3-5 without him."

It's almost as if Auburn is supposed to apologize to the college football world for having Cam!  :wareagle:

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You can make a similar statement about virtually ANY team in the FBS.  If fill in the blank didn't have fill in the blank they would/wouldn't have lost/won, blah, blah, blah..................

I'm am SO SICK of having to listen to this Bulls#@t!!!!!!!!  :banghead: :banghead:

We have Cameron Newton and you have fill in the blank.  GET OVER IT ALREADY, strap up and play football for cryin out loud!!!   All this QQing is making we want to fight somebody.

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I don't doubt that Auburn would have lost a game or two by now if we didn't have Cam Newton, but this statement by a writer over there is truly asinine...

"As far as this Auburn team, Newton is the difference between a club that is 8-0 and ranked No. 1 in the BCS ratings and a team that would be 2-6 or 3-5 without him."

We'll never know, but CGM and CGC were quoted several times before the season began that "we have three QBs who we feel we can win with" and to postulate that we would have lost every game but Arky State and LaMo and possibly one more is a heck of a stretch and an insult to every other player on the team.


Funny how they seem to assume we would have just played without a QB. :rolleyes:

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I agree about the "we have Cam" comment. I completely disagree about the "we have 3 capable backup QBs." That is the biggest pile of horse crap I have ever heard. He is the freaking Heisman leading QB. Our backups aren't in that world. They would not have made up for the 3 point victories and 65 pts against Arkansas. They aren't that good. And don't bring up crap about how we would be a better passing team or a different team in general. We would be different and we'd be worse. And to even elaborate the "3 capable QBs" talk is nothing more than coach speak. These are the same quotes when we had Kodi and Todd competing against each other. That position was never settled. And then Cam walks in and in a matter of weeks blows away the competition.

Cam is the best. It's that simple. And it's not even close.

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I agree about the "we have Cam" comment. I completely disagree about the "we have 3 capable backup QBs." That is the biggest pile of horse crap I have ever heard. He is the freaking Heisman leading QB. Our backups aren't in that world. They would not have made up for the 3 point victories and 65 pts against Arkansas. They aren't that good. And don't bring up crap about how we would be a better passing team or a different team in general. We would be different and we'd be worse. And to even elaborate the "3 capable QBs" talk is nothing more than coach speak. These are the same quotes when we had Kodi and Todd competing against each other. That position was never settled. And then Cam walks in and in a matter of weeks blows away the competition.

Cam is the best. It's that simple. And it's not even close.

Yes, Cam is the best and the team is better with him.  But there is no way for any of us to know what the team would be like or what the record would be with one of the three "capable backups".  I can assure you that the three are more than capable of running the offense effectively.  Yes, the offense would have a different look.  It would still be an offense with the ability of being where we are right now.  The route would be different but we could be right where we are now.  WAR EAGLE!! 

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I agree Cam is the best hands down. with that said its pretty offensive to the rest of our team to agree with this writer's tripe. you could also turn the argument around and say that as good as Cam is he wouldnt have looked half as good without our offensive line or the downfiled blocking from our WRs. his passing numbers for sure wouldnt be what they are without some of the circus grabs the receivers have come up with. I'm not so sure had he stayed at UF he would have put up the numbers he has at AU. Cam is all world but he also has a very strong supporting cast.

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I have never seen a player like Cam at Auburn. Honestly may be a greater talent than Bo. Also never seen more butt hurt fans of other programs whining about how Cam loves UF or now saying that his dad forced him to come to Auburn. I mean God forbid Auburn have superior talent. It sure looks to me like Cam is having a blast at AU.

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Did anyone ever hint last season that Bama would not be undefeated if they didn't have Mark Ingram?  Look at them this year. Some of their personnel changed, and they are not as effective....but Mark is still there. That just shows how NO TEAM is a one-man team. It takes everyone working together, and great team chemistry to do what Auburn has done so far. I think Nick Fairley has played a huge role in Auburn's success, as has O-Mac and Michael Dyer, and everyone else.

Jealousy/envy mixed with ego make people say stupid things. I'm sick of the disrespect.


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