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  1. Ava Lorenzatti, #5 overall player visited today. Bummer she had to watch that pitiful football game.
  2. If someone wants to create a thread for 2026 softball recruiting, would be much appreciated. MIF Kensi Arringdale from Ankeny, IA is visiting today. #39 ranked in extra innings. side note: three of arringdale’s teammates (all ranked higher in EIS) are visiting Alabama, Mizzou and LSU. But rankings mean absolutely nothing these days. Just some food for thought.
  3. Just wanted to share this here since there is no 2026 recruiting thread. CeCe Springfield is a 2026 OF that is ranked 27th overall in SA rankings. I believe both of her parents graduated from Auburn. Just one to watch for.
  4. The trio of Orange Beach players are Katie King, Teagan Revette and Ava Hodo are all very good. Shayla Bahr is a OF and top-10 commit that I heard grew up an Auburn fan, she’s from GA. Bella Maria is another interesting name to watch for, an OF from Jersey allegedly loved her camp experience (#12 overall recruit). Aubrey Moore and Leah Byrd from Tamborra’s Athletics team are two names. There are just so many recruits it’s hard to know where the coaches will begin. In terms of pitching, i think the best that Auburn stands a chance for are likely Ava Lorenzatti and Maggie Krause (Jada Savage is from AL, but I believe to be unlikely). I would argue Revette and Maria are two likely possibilities, i just hope the Malveaux’s reach out to them. (take everything i said with a grain of salt!!).
  5. Actually, we are the only team in the SEC that hasn’t made it to supers in the last 7 years. I may be a “troll” to y’all, but I’m not delusional.
  6. Absolutely wild considering we have been scraping the bottom of the SEC barrel the last 7 years. Cheers to the Malveaux’s and hoping the break the cycle!
  7. I would love to get other opinions on this… In football/basketball you see guys flipping all the time. But in softball you hardly see it? Is it just frowned upon to try and flip a commit who hasn’t yet signed? In my opinion, Haley Hart would have been a bigger pickup than Roebuck. But are head coaches discouraged from recruiting a committed kid? i think the same situation applies to Kaylee Grace Favors Kaylee Grace Favors is from Orange Beach and one of the top in the 2025 class, but she’s committed to South Carolina (never visited Auburn under Dean)…I would just love to know if the Malveaux’s are at least reaching out to committed kids in the 25 class. Ava Ratliff is (in my opinion) the best uncommitted kid out of the 2025 class…so I was bummed that it wasn’t her. She also did not visit under Dean.
  8. It’s major! I feel better about the pitching staff now. Can’t wait to see Rolfe and Tamborra improve under Ryker. Rainey pitched really well over Stanford, Miss State (2x), Cal, Missouri, Michigan and Nebraska. Still need the offense to step up, but I hope this puts some eyes on Auburn. from what I hear, she chose us over Stanford, Cal, South Carolina, Ole Miss and Alabama😏
  9. WE GOT HER! Haley Rainey from Cal State Fullerton. Tremendous upside and Big west pitcher of the year! Big get for the Malveaux’s and I am usually a stickler lol.
  10. 2025 Haven Roebuck announced her commitment to Auburn. She’s a Middle Infielder (not ranked in EIS 100). i’m hoping this wasn’t what the cryptic tweets the coaches were referring to because it would be extremely underwhelming considering that there was a certain portal pitcher that Auburn was contending for.
  11. Update: I don’t want to jinx anything but this could be our biggest pickup yet. That’s all I’ll say. Fingers crossed.
  12. could be a D2 transfer from Huntsville. Another catcher. hoping for a pitcher though.
  13. 1. Ryker is not regarded as one of the best pitching coaches in the country. The only person who has ever said that is Chris Malveaux (because what else is he supposed to say?) But I was mostly referring to the DJ Sanders hire. 2. I’m going to support the Malveaux’s but they are making it very difficult too early on with 2 decommitments in the 2025 class and the less-than pickups in the portal. Every team around us in the SEC (outside of maybe MSST/UGA, but they have much better incoming freshman classes) did a better job recruiting through the portal. i guess we are just going to have to agree to disagree and check back here in 6 months. Y’all can remain optimistic about this team, but we’re going to be lucky to make it to the NCAA tournament. Those 8 seniors may go to waste this season because the Malveaux’s decided to pick up 4 inexperienced and unproven underclassmen instead of reliable bats. I don’t care if they’re new, it makes no sense and it shouldn’t give them a pass for it. Glasco got Canady and Alana Johnson (and even Katie Lott) his first year. Kumar brought in Parisien and Bewick from Miami-OH. I’m just not one to act excited about picking up pinch runners from the portal while Lair Beautae goes to Ole Miss, Salen Hawkins goes to Bama, Kenleigh Cahalan goes to UF, McKenzie Bump goes to UK, Jalia Lassiter goes to LSU, Kinsey Fiedler goes to Tenn, Quincee Lilio goes to South Car, Taylor Ebbs goes to Mizzou and Kailey Wyckoff goes to Arkansas.
  14. Exactiy. From the looks of it, we should have hired Gerry Glasco. Not hiring a big name, experienced coach who can recruit out of the portal is going to kill us this year, anybody who says otherwise is naive or delusional. I’m all for supporting a new HC (and I will support the Malveaux’s this szn) but their transfer portal gets and staff hires have been beyond ridiculous. Not to mention, they aren’t MIRACLE WORKERS. Tennessee’s bats were much better than ours last year (whose wasn’t), but they weren’t extraordinary. To think they are going to come in to Auburn and suddenly turn one of the worst SEC teams into a competent offense worthy of competing in this league…is again naive or delusional. I understand it’s the Malveaux’s first year doing this, but damn a trained seal could have done a better job recruiting in the portal. I’m more frustrated with John Cohen for waiting a day before the college softball season ended to announce a mediocre hire. Everyone defending the coaches’ decisions thus far are the same ones who defended Bryan Harsin in the beginning, and look how that turned out. we have 8 seniors this year…all on offense. The Malveaux’s recruiting four unproven players through the portal with 3+ years of eligibility left implies that they don’t think they are capable of turning this team into a competitive one for the upcoming season, so if they don’t have faith in themselves..why should I trust in them?
  15. Comparing the Malveaux’s to Clint Myers, one of the greatest coaches of all time, is laughable…just like our transfer portal class. The Malveaux’s have passed on talent just because of the amount of eligibility they have left. But if you all believe that the RS Freshman outfielder from Iowa who held zero other P5 offers is going to help Auburn compete in the SEC…y’all are worse off than I thought. I do believe Auburn is the worst team in the SEC right now. Look at all of the other teams’ roster! You cannot tell me that Auburn’s is better. This lackluster transfer class puts even more pressure on the Malveaux’s 2026 class. I’m allowed to voice my concerns over these moves. They said they were looking for “experience” in the portal and went out and got the exact OPPOSITE. 4 players with a combined 28 innings played among them. I’ll come back to this thread when Auburn is picked at the bottom of the SEC poll and when Auburn finishes at the bottom next season.
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