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Posts posted by GunsmithAU

  1. On 7/13/2022 at 10:56 AM, AuburnNTexas said:

    I have to give this staff an A for effort in trying to find a QB in this class. 1st Vizzina, then Brock, now this young man. They were one of the 1st big name schools on Brock and now this young man.  They are working hard but that doesn't count for anything if they don't sign one of them.  They need to get him on campus sooner then later to have a chance. One thing that would not surprise me is if he if he is the type of person who once he commits honors that commitment and stays with Tulane. Academics could be important and he may be realistic enough to know he is very good but won't ever be a Pro QB so getting the right education is more important for the future.

    I am old school and if one of my boys had been good enough to get athletic scholarship offers I would have told that boy to choose carefully but once you choose stick by that choice unless something changed like coaching change or going to an offense that did not fit his game.


    Forcing a kid to stick to a C tier school when A or S tiers start to offer is insane. 

    Especially when those better offers only happen because if happenstance. If the last kid in doesn't drop from the elite11, even with a good senior year he still probably doesn't get the interest he does now. 


    I'm today's world, if you are a dime a dozen 3* recruit, if you do not committ early you can easily have an offer rescinded when others make the commitment. 


  2. 5 hours ago, DAG said:

    That is a major assumption. Particular for Lane Kiffen this is absolutely false as he was ridiculed and disliked by many prior to his redemption run with CNS. So let's not act like CLK is a favorite.


    Why do you keep saying he is a toxic individual? That is completely your opinion, based on your subjective limited views. There is no objective data that supports this, other than people either like him or they don't. 


    Really? Coaches have been fired under the whelm of "unprofessional conduct" plenty. Hell the GT female basketball coach got fired strictly because of that back in 2019.


    It is a slippery slope and that is why lawsuits tend to follow. I am pretty sure we had a player make veiled allegation of abuse by CBH in fact. Now you are just making things up.

    Yea, he was disliked before he went through the Saban rehab program. And now, people like him. It's almost like people can change and improve upon how other perceive them. Something Harsin has failed at. He may not be the best recruiter, but he sure as hell did better than we.


    Yes my subjective opinion based on the mass Exodus play players and mainly coaches away from his programs over his history as a HC. His propensity to cycle through staff has already been shown. The totality of his actions and those around him a give me the belief he is terrible to work or play for. I don't understand how this is a talking point for you. Of course it's my opinion. That's all we can do is make educated guesses based on history. 


    Homegirl you link to had sexual harassment allegations as well as NCAA violations. That's a far cry from fired for toxic. 

  3. Also, you keep saying politically correct. That has nothing to do with this. You can be an a**hole and be professional and non toxic. You can be politically correct and still be a s***ty employer. 

    You're trying to argue that a**hole automatically means bad unless winning. No one is saying that. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, DAG said:

    So once again, if it was a toxic environment why wasn't he fired?

    Because that isn't cause. The same reason businesses around the world have toxic workplaces and management. 

    I'd assume the cost of firing him for that reason outweighed any positives. 

    Without cause, he is owed his buyout and Auburn is without a staff, and in a (almost) worst case scenario. 


    50 minutes ago, DAG said:

    So here is the hypocrisy. It is only okay to not be political correct or cause a "toxic" environment if he is successful on the field. That is my point with you, auwent, and several others, it wouldn't matter what he says because your mind is clearly made up until we see results in recruiting and the field. So stop making this huge ass ordeal over comments at a presser. If he would've said all the right things in your eyes, you still would consider that coaches fodder until he proved it on the field.

    You keep trying to make this a black and white situation. That isn't true. Take out kiffen or leaches winning record and people still like them. Success helps, but if you'll notice, i placed kiffen's success as an afterthought. Thus making his likeable personality and ability to connect with people at the forefront. 


    You seem to have this belief that i think him winning would automatically make him a non-toxic individual. This is false and a made up assertion. I've said winning is how he keeps his job. Repairing his earned reputation as a toxic person will take more. 


    Coming out swinging at the boosters and worse the university itself doesn't do anything to help his cause. It only forces him to win to string arm the boosters/university to bend to his will. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DAG said:

    Another thing , some of you are dang hypocrites. Some of you are mad at CBH, but be the same people who want Lane Kiffin. CLK says whatever the heck he wants.


    It's almost like personality plays an important role in that. People love kiffen. He connects with recruits, gets along with staff, is overall a likeable person. This seems to be the exact opposite of Harsin. It also doesn't hurt that kiffen is an offensive genius with a much better history and is making his team better. 

    It's the same with Leach. He was attacked by freaking ESPN for goodness sake and you never know what that dude is gonna say. Bit damn if people don't love to listen to it. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, DAG said:

    People leave and go all the time with new management. Same with coaching changes. It’s no different with Auburn. Our fans our just being dramatic because they are seeing the ramifications of it actually happening to us. Now you are accusing this guy of having a toxic environment ? Lol. And I know you are going to point to the people who left , and guess what I am going to point to the people who stayed. Chances are , if the environment was as bad as you claim

    A). He would be fired for cause

    B). He wouldn’t have a team

    The bottom line is you don’t like where he has Auburn now as a head coach and currently it seems like you don’t want him to be Auburn’s head coach. Nothing he said or didn’t say at the podium was going to change that for a few of us.

    So please stop with the extremes.

    It isn't just at Auburn. Dude went through like 20 assistants and 5 OCs in 6 years. Hell he is already 3 coordinaters and 5 assistance deep at Auburn. 

    Just because some stay and some go in this singular instance isn't the issue, it's the pattern over his career that makes people call him a toxic ass.  

    You're right though, I hated the hire when it was made, but I supported him and gave him a chance. To date he has proven to be exactly what was said from the Boise crowd. 

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  7. ZC was a lowly 72nd in QBR last season, 79th in yards, 110th in comp%, 9 into which places him near the bottom of all QBs...


    Nothing ZC has done gets him placed in the top 50. He has this season to either prove himself or he is probably a 2x transfer or backup. 

  8. 7 hours ago, aucanucktiger said:

    Haha, MOST successful football coaches are total a**holes in case you hadnt noticed. Unsuccessful ones too.

    Yet even the unsuccessful ones aren't having players and coaches try to escape. 

    I've worked with both the successful and unsuccessful coaches. None made me want jump ship. 

    If you don't understand that being an a**hole doesn't automatically mean unprofessional/a bad work environment i cant help you. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, PoetTiger said:

    And he will get a fat check, anyway he was in a must win scenario this season regardless of what he said in this press conference. 

    This is also to everyone who needed to reply to my last:

    Had he spent the last 6 months and the next 6 months working to repair relations with the money people and those inside the AD a poor year could be overlooked if everyone could see him laying the foundation for success/bought in to him/whatever you wanna call it: recruiting, staff, etc. 

    Instead we see that he is doing the same tough guy bull**** that got him into this situation in the 1st place. 

    Please get this clown out ofbhere. 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Accurate. I like what he said but now he added major pressure to himself and the team. Now he has to win. a**holes who are winners are ideal and this is in every line of sports (Connor Mcgregor, Nick Saban, Bill Belichick, John Mcenroe, Michael Jordan, the list goes on). Still, I absolutely loved it. Quite frankly what he said was either going to make the people he has affinity towards appreciate it and the opposite to those who don't. I wouldn't expect less at this point.

    He just locked himself into a live or die year. He probably lost the opportunity to rebuild or foster any cooperation. 

    I'm sure he had fun while I'm the podium, but if he doesn't fix out busted ass recruiting class or exceed expectations on the field, his opposition will get the last laugh in about 6 months. 

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  11. 10 minutes ago, aucanucktiger said:

    Interesting. I read "it didnt work" as Harsin responding to complaints by players that tried to sick dogs on him after they transferred out.

    Players who left, coaches who left, people associated with his program at Boise...

    Harsin was and is a known a**hole. That's only ok if you win and have some level of professionalism to keep staff/recruits around

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  12. 1 hour ago, Mikey said:

    Since college football has now evolved into a sport where the teams with the most money get the best players, maybe AU hiring a General Manager is a good thing. Could it be that we are the trend setters here? Maybe in three years all the cool kid schools will have a GM and college football will be nothing but a developmental league for the NFL.

    I've said it since I first started here, NIL is the end of college football as we know it. 

    The current model isn't sustainable. The major schools will break off and form a semi pro league with school being a secondary thing. A salary capped roster and the end of recruiting in favor of some form of draft pool. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Hank2020 said:

    Telling that you would see asking the fan base to pull for our existing team as not supporting AU. In my opinion you have it bass akwards.

    Well that's a strawman if I've ever seen one. I specifically reference the closing thoughts. Try harder   

  14. 46 minutes ago, DAG said:

    It definitely is a crossroads. I was watching CLK press conference. The bottomline is we need cut-throat guys here at the landscape we are in. I respect the hell out of CBH, but it could be his model just doesn't work at this level. Now what I laugh at is the damn hypocrisy our fans like to have. There is one particular poster who loves to act holier than thou, but the bottom-line, is we might need sharks to be here (E.G. Kirby Smart, Nick Saban, MC, Jimbo, etc). These people are sharks and will do anything to win. You can add Brian Kelly to the list. I remember when I said this is the best time to get Hugh Freeze, if you really want to get him. So much rebuff on that from several people. "look what he did back at ole miss." To me, ole Hugh Freeze was ahead of the curve. I respect ADAG and CBH. However, it could possibly be this level is just a tad bit too nasty and fast pace for them. 

    Success at the top of any industry requires a dude. Harsin may be a hard ass, but so far doesn't seem to the the it factor needed to play with the big boys. 

  15. 2 hours ago, eaglenest said:

    Between Rane and itself, if they don't tell this guy thanks but no thanks it will never be a consistently S E C football program it is already showing up in recruiting by the damage he has caused, we are viewed as the keystone cops and it has nothing to do with coach Harsin, last year was no different than Saban first year at LSU/Bama or Dabo, Fisher, Smart, Tommy's Brian Kelly at ND. If Auburn cut ties with Greene and Harsin after this year I'm out and it has nothing to do about win lost record, it is simply about integrity, something that is seriously lacking at Auburn. When you are constantly being looked at from a standpoint of being dysfunctional you have a cancer somewhere that needs to be cut out, for once in my lifetime I would like to see Auburn and its fans ALL PULLING IN THE SAME DIRECTIONS when it comes to football.  

    Harsin doesn't have even half the resume that Dabo, Saban, smart, Kelly had when they were hired. Why do you keep bringing them up? They have no relevance to harsin and the way the program is run. 

    Of you want to slober over Harsin, fine. More power to you to be the biggest sunshine pumper unrealistic fan in existence. But there is no way anyone with even functional intelligence places Harsin anywhere near any coach you mention.  


    If harsin is fired after a bad season, it has nothing to do with integrity or some pretentious moral high ground you seem to think you hold, but from the fact he has done more harm to this team than any coach this century. And if you decide to no longer support Auburn after that possible firing... Well it says all we need to know about you. 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    Is he legit a GM like in the NFL?  Can he hire, fire coaches?  Is it an additional layer or does he fall under Harsin?

    I've no idea. Everyone answers to the HC in ever college program I've worked with, regardless of fancy titles. 

     There was already a scouting coordinator and recruiting coordinator and all GAs and student assistants will do film work on prospects, plus the staffers under the above coordinaters. 

    Not to mention, it's not unusual for schools to have scouting and recruiting unpaid interns(volunteers). 


    I just don't know what this guy brings to the table that is worth the title and pay he is probably getting. Especially if he supposedly had pro scouting offers? 

  17. 6 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    I've seen a variety of explanations from he's going to scout 3* kids who can be developed to he's going to help with the business side of the program and get NIL in order.

    I honestly don't have a clue or good understanding what he's going to do.  Seems like an odd move on his part. But I know he'd been put of work since April.

    Doesn't seem like a bad hire, but feels weird that we didn't have anyone over player dev/scouting before??

    There was definitely someone over scouting. This is weird because it seems to demote many people and place him near the top of the totem pole. 

    I don't understand why he is here. 

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  18. 52 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    I don’t disagree with you. But we are near the bottom of the conference and nation for commitments. Every Power 5 commitment is not getting $100,000. The NIL is obviously a factor, but it’s turning into AUs latest excuse. For several years we squawked about not having a football performance center. Now we have one and it’s as if we still don’t. He does need to win on the field but we can’t continue to wait until our rivals fill their class for us to get started filling ours. 

    A big survey/research was done with recruits about reason for committing. A football center literally didn't matter. It's always been a tertiary thing. 

    Winning, playing time, ability to play beyond collage, and now NIL all matter a lot more to top recruits. 

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  19. 9 hours ago, Tiger said:

    I may not be remembering correctly but was the 2017 OL actually good or was Kerryon doing his best LeVeon Bell impression with defenders in the backfield? 

    He played Bell all season. KJ in interviews said his game really exploded when he started watching a lot of Bells tape and emulating his style. 

    I mean that in the let holes develop then explode through, not the play Houdini way. 

  20. 57 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    Yeah, banking on some solid development. Hopefully going into year 2 as a starter it helps. From ppl smarter than me, Jimbo's offense and his slow developing passing concepts aren't the best for all QBs. Idk of we're different 

    Not as much about best for QB as it is about the quality of the line. That's true for everything, but his exasperates the issue a little. 

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