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Posts posted by GunsmithAU

  1. 19 hours ago, au302 said:

    Agree, but in fairness, they did close pretty strong in the early period and were sitting at 12th I think, but then had a miserable finish in February 

    The February finish alone is enough to have him sitting on a blistering hot seat. 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

    No....but it can be a very good driver. 



    In the situation presented, experience in and of itself a very good driver of the arguments I've made previously in this thread. Experience is not irrelevant, nor was experience the argument, but it does support the s*** out of everything I've said. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Hank2020 said:

    I think they are floating that just to prod. Not enough viewership IMO to be a reality.

    They don't need viewership. If the SEC decides they want to leave, the acc, B12, b10, and pac will automatically jump on board. 

    The usefulness of the NCAA has lapsed in major athletics. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    That is not really an argument.

    When the argument is I don't know or understand the time constrains, it 100% is. I have a better grasp on the commitment and requirements to play college ball than 99.9% of people to ever visit this site. 

    If someone wants to say I am wrong, they better come with some damn good knowledge and experience. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

    We will just have to agree to disagree.  I don't see droves of people in March discussing G league games in basketball.  My point is that the game won't change.  We won't know what we are missing because we will still have the competition.  People watch college ball because they crave the passion and competition that is created.  If it is only about money, then it is even less attractive than the NFL, who at least attempts to even the playing field with rules and the draft.

    The big talent is still playing college ball not g league. College sports are as successful as they are because of the competition level. 

    When the top bball athletes can go to the g league and get more fame and money as they do i college, you'll see college bball falter. Same in football. 

    I'm not saying all the viewers will switch to pro leagues, just that the big time 100k stadiums and 100mil tv contracts won't exists. 

    When the athletes skip college, you'll see P5 teams start to resemble G5. Smaller fan bases, less money, less audience outside college goers. 

  6. 9 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    Why would that spell the end of big time college ball? A guy not running a 40 as fast won’t make me not watch college ball. Being told every year by an 18 year old that he is worth imaginary amounts of money will.

    It may not sway you or I from watching Auburn/college ball, but as the quality of the game decreases due to subpar talent, many will stop watching. 

    Like i said above, the big money leaves when the talent leaves. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Tigerbelle said:

    You are totally wrong. You have no idea how time consuming it is in this day and age to be a college athlete. It's a full time job and they also have to maintain their grades and do charity work in the community.  There's also the toll it takes on their bodies, and many of them have medical issues and surgeries as a result of their playing college sports. You cannot compare those situations. I worked a full time, 40 hours week job, and went to college full time, and made the Dean's List every semester. Yes it was tiring and stressful at times. But I would never think that I had it any tougher than an athlete. I think I had it somewhat easier actually because I had less demands on my time.

    Ummm..... I've spent most of the last decade working for college athletics. From coaches assistant, student coaching, video, recruiting, ops...

    I've worn many hats both at Auburn and at a G5 school. 

  8. 18 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    I honestly don't think that would hurt the college game.  I don't think most college football fans care if a player isn't what the NFL is looking for, as long as there is some degree of parity across the board and games are competitive.

    The giant stadiums would be half full after a few years. People don't want to watch bad ball. The money falls, tv slots, ad revenue, NIL, all die if a true semi pro league operates outside the major football schools for athletes aged 18-24

  9. 9 minutes ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

    I honestly can't believe that this has to be said, but I swear people don't understand how much a scholarship is worth when student loans are what they are. That $40k student loan balloons to $120k QUICKLY and impedes income for decades. Scholarships and the opportunities provided for student athletes is priceless, in my opinion.

    Today I agree. However the driving cause of both the studeny loan issue as well as the entire argument i made saying scholarships are worth their weight in gold all become moot if/when the govt ends subsidation of universities and stops propagating the idea that college is required.

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  10. 1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

    Pass anti trust legislation and the entire discussion becomes history.  At that point, the NCAA and individual schools can run collegiate sports in the way they should be run.  If athletes don't want to be student athletes, they can go get a real job and work until they qualify to possibly get an invite to try out for an NFL team.

    More likely a semi pro league for 18-21/22 year olds forms and it spells the end of big time college football. 

  11. 6 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

    AND FOR THE RECORD no I do not think Harsin is the answer but I also know it was still the right move to fire Gustav. 

    I've wanted him gone for years, but if harsin is the result of firing Gus, I'd have taken another year of Gus, less buyout, and have joined the carousel this after 2021. 

    I hated the hire from day 1, but I guess hindsight is also 20/20. 

    • Like 2
  12. 48 minutes ago, Rednilla said:

    You're the one pushing the constant negativity.

    Realism and expectations are negativity? I've praise Harsin when he actually does good just like I'll call out all the bad. 

    Plus, regardless of whether it is negative or not, the point still stands that the things you've tried to infer and imply from the meaning of others is at best bad faith and at worst just being a dick. 

    How're you gonna be a mod then bring that high school level of argument and debate/discussion in here and not expect to be called out. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Hank2020 said:

    I don’t disagree with that, but my contention is we still lose the games. We are guessing on DD.

     While guessing, I argue we wouldn't have done worse. Finley was a 50% completion guy outside the AL gama, and never broke 190 yards outside of Houston. I think we actually win against USCe and MSST

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  14. 35 minutes ago, augolf1716 said:

    Nope never turned us down jaba just slow played him to the point he didn't trust them.

    I had heard he had guys lined up and wanted the job, but never heard any asst named. Care to share?


  15. It is absolutely asinine and complete garbage to say that the payout required to fire malzahn was worth it to hire Harsin. 

    Gus probably does end up with a better record than Harsin did. 

    However, that could all be excused if Harsin had done anything over his year and a half here to show that the future wouod be brighter. So far, he has lost both on and off the field. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Didba said:

    I don't see many of our players driving dodge chargers like the Bama players have been since Saban got there.

    Then you aren't watching very closely. I've seen and know of mid tier baseball guys getting big money. Decent starters for football getting more than I made in a year. 

    I knew the players. I knew the boosters who were giving the money, benefits. 

    It was excessively obvious and noticable after 2010. 

    Every major program has paid players for years. Saban is just a better coach than anyone else and was given the perfect situation between program history, control, money, etc to create something great. 

    This perpetual cry if cheating is a terrible, head in the sand look. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Didba said:

    It was known and accounted for badly according to the guys living it, I have read and listened to the personal accounts of these guy on scholarship.  The info is out there.

    The whole scholarship as value/consideration in exchange for the inability to use their NIL is such an old school, tired argument (almost as bad as the dudes that get mad when a batter pimps his HR with a bat flip in MLB but I digress).  Can't feed your family with scholarships, can't use scholarship money when you are 23/24/25 with a kid/wife with two years of eligibility remaining, can't get a car with scholarship money, can't send money back to your mom in poverty stricken areas so she can afford decent meals for your younger siblings, etc. And don't say that they shouldn't have families, wives, etc because that is a road you don't want to traverse.

    Saying that the value of the scholarship is so great that they should be happy with just that and nothing else ignores all the real life issues that a scholarship can't provide for.  I won't even get into the fact that scholarships are only valued so much because tuition has risen to absolutely absurd levels since that will be too political for this forum.

    Athletes should be able to use their NIL rights to make deals within certain caps, restrictions, limits.  Go listen to current AU athletes interviews about how much NIL has helped them not have to worry about money and just focus on playing sports and school. Baseball and football players have spoken to it.  Even, Suni Lee basically said NIL allowed her to come to Auburn otherwise she would have had to go pro right after the Olympics. 

    The issue is not NIL itself. It is the NCAA incompetent implementation that is the issue here.

    I'm not saying anything about NIL. I have no problem with a person getting paid while they can. I am simply disputing your claim that scholarship athletes somehow have it worse off than non athletes in similar financial situations regardless of NIL. The poor slums kids working his way through school isn't sending anything back home, buying cars, etc. either 

    I'll 100% say if you cannot afford to feed your family you shouldn't have one. I'll die on that hill every day. 

    Ive worked both at Auburn with football/baseball and now with a mid/upper tier G5 football program. Scholarship football athletes are not wanting for any needs, even the poorest amongst the lot. 

    20, 30 years ago I'll agree scholahip athletes had it rough. That's not an issue today or in the last 10 years. You may have read accounts, but I know the athletes and see/work with them every day. 


    We can agree that the NIL situation is a farce and has resulted in major issue though. 

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  18. 39 minutes ago, Didba said:

    Regular students do not have the same restrictions placed upon them as student athletes as such the comparison was erroneous, see my above novel for more.

    Everything you said was known and accounted for. The offset of a scholarship is more than the vast majority of full time working student make. Add in the food, room and board, etc and scholarship athletes are well above the total possible income they could have made as a regular student. 

    I'm not talking NIL here as prior to NIL legislation, athletes had it much better financially that non athlete student. 


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  19. 28 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

    The problem with this position is there are thousands of regular students who have to do this very thing. Scrape by, Without the benefit of a full ride scholarship along with access to the training table.

    Exactly. Today players get full medical and plenty of food even if not on scholarship or are scout team guys. 

    Sadly there is no good way to do this. I personally think the p5 should break away from NCAA and start a semi pro league with real contracts and salary caps. 

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