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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Where did u get those facts from? Source?
  2. Man, Titan going back to Little House on the Prairie days to prove his point LOL
  3. I would be good with any of Deion, Danny Hugh or Lane. What is not good is not judging them equally. It fair to question Danny Hugh's past. But do that equally with the other 2 that's all I'm saying
  4. Up one side and down the other. Yet, he continually downplays his favorites past sins and transgressions. His candidate can become a changed man and be forgiven. But not Danny Hugh. BTW, some of his candidates past sins aren't very pretty in this day and age. But I will leave it up to u to goggle for yourself. If I didn't know better, I would swear that Danny Hugh stole this cats milk money in elementary school every day.
  5. No more foolish than some of the other dribble up in here
  6. And I bet when they meet with Kiffin or Deion it won't be on the front lawn of The Grove, or at Toomers Drug Store. It will be somewhere like Bucksnort, MS
  7. I doubt if Deion takes a visit to AU, it will be thru ATL
  8. I wondered about the money issue with Kiffen as well.
  9. Just wait till it comes out that so and so is trending or leading or the presumed favorite... It will really get wild up in here
  10. If u think Danny Hugh is the best coach, why isn't he your #1?
  11. My question on Kiffin is this.. If he beats Bama , he will be squarely in the playoff race. Would he leave Ole Miss at the end of November, if that's the case? Also would AU be willing to wait on him till Jan? I know Kelly left ND last yr while they were vying for a playoff spot. But this seems different?
  12. Kiffin just endorsed Deion. Said AU should hire him....
  13. Dude, you can't talk to that cat about anything positive related to Danny Hugh. He will even make up stuff as u correctly pointed out. It was Nutts lawyers that got the ball rolling at Ole Miss.
  14. Pains me to hear you say that...LOL.. I'm sticking with Deion, Danny Hugh, Kiffin.. In that order . I still also predict it will be Danny Hugh's job. I wish it could be Caddy. But it won't
  15. Ok, not sure which question you said no to. Thanks anyway
  16. Was Grimes tied to Hartwell.. No Harwell = No Grimes?
  17. Has Lane surpassed Danny Hugh for u?
  18. Ok. Thought I read on here that he only had 6 or 7 commits this cycle. Will teach me to research more on what I read on here
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