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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I have no problem admitting I was wrong or misjudged a situation.
  2. The last time that happened didn't turn out too well
  3. I guess that could be happening. I'm more old school. Kinda like shopping at brick and mortar vs buying online
  4. What's confusing to me about all this. If the rumors are true and Cohen has zeroed in on his guy, he is doing this without conducting any formal interviews of the 3 or 4 presumed candidates. Regardless of who he is targeting, how do u guys feel about this ?
  5. Gotta soar up to the eagle nest for details
  6. Gotta fly up to the eagle nest to get the scoop
  7. Supposed to be a private deal possibly made, not with Rhule
  8. Yep. And I for one, underestimated how bad it had become. I was way wrong during that period of time
  9. Agree 💯 with all this. If we were to hire Deion, which I'm cool with BTW. Can u imagine what would happen if we questioned his play calling or decision making. We would have 20 " Mikeys" on this board SMH
  10. Thanks for the sarcastic response. BTW, he isn't above reproach when questioning his credibility to be the coach. It's amazing that U followers of Sanders get your back up at the slightest questioning of his credentials. There is no perfect candidate
  11. Yeah. I read it 3 X and still didn't see the answer to the question of what is Deions coaching philosophy.
  12. Those things are important. But so is the X and O part. To just say, he will get coordinators to come with him cause he played in the League is shortsighted. All Head coaches should have a base. Leach is throw all over the yard. Kiffin is run based this year, but he has also developed QB. What he did w Blake Sims is a miracle. Freeze runs tempo with a balance run/ pass. He is also a great play caller. What is Deion? All I hear are great speeches and he will bring talent. What about his philosophies? I literally don't know what they are... and not just some he is a CEO...
  13. This is exactly the type info we need and I'm sure Cohen is all over it. We all get so caught up in stuff other than X and O with Deion. Recruiting is vital, but the type offense, defense and fit is vital. We need to be greedy with this hire. We need good Recruiting, play calling, fit and everything. All I hear about Deion is his ability to recruit. Not one single thing about his offensive or defensive philosophy.
  14. Not trying to argue. I think we get so caught up in Deions ability to acquire talent that we don't know enough about his X's and O's. It's a real concern. We don't have a lot a large sample size on him. The first thing everyone says is he has to hire great coordinators.
  15. Paid site. I haven't studied Deions offense. Which is my fault, cause he is my #1 choice. But I should have done more research about his X's and O's. Not sure Air raid will win championships.
  16. U should take the time to read all 7 pages. There's some gems in there
  17. We should just run QB sneak 3 times and punt every drive
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