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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Good point. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, good Sir
  2. No need to fret. It's a moot point. Folks can start nit picking on Kiffin now. We might even get someone to change the thread title
  3. Wasn't talking about him as a head coach.
  4. Never said it was as a coach. He has been coaching for what less than 10 yrs. I'm not going down a rabbit hole on this. My whole contention is the ones who blasted Danny Hugh also need to check Deions past as well, whether he was coaching or not isn't the point. He's not getting the job, so it's a mute point. Just think it's fair that all candidates are vetted equally. But, it doesn't appear Deion was a candidate to begin with.
  5. Go research Deion. U might be surprised. But those were funny Gifs
  6. Might outta go ahead and get a head start on it
  7. I wonder if this thread will still be up after Kiffin is hired.
  8. My problem with the whole Deion candidacy some didnt want to vet his past like they did Danny Hugh's. Everybody's got a past
  9. Guess what.. Kiffin might be our coach or he might not be. That's the cliff notes to that cats posts
  10. Maybe if they get the leaks fixed at the practice facility, Kiffin will stay at Ole Miss. You know the one he complained about when a reporter asked him what it would mean to win 3 straight Egg bowls
  11. Nobody knows for sure how Kiffin will do here. He could be great and win Championships or he could be mediocre and bang out 8 win season after 8 win season... BTW, that goes for all the other candidates as well..All any coach can bring to AU , until next fall is hope..
  12. What does this even mean? On 2nd thought, nevermind
  13. Not sure any sane coach would follow Saban.. Too high expectations. They will be throwing bricks thru windows by the end of Sept
  14. Do u really think that AU hasn't offered the job to Kiffin? So, we offer on Sunday and he accepts on Sunday PM? Come on man. Sexton has had AU offer to Kiffin on his desk several days. Takes that long to get all the verbiage worked out etc b4 it's announced.
  15. This dimestore reporter did break Cohen to Auburn B4 most of us even knew John Cohen existed, so there is that.
  16. U think the pompas, arrogant arses at Bama would stoop so low as to hire a AU coach? I dont
  17. Yep. Not sure what folks want him to do or say. But he could abstain from twitter till the wkend
  18. Kiffin is in a no win situation for the next 4 days. However, he should lay off twitter till this is resolved . IMO
  19. Only AUB fans... We haven't even hired the dude yet and cats on here talking about him leaving for NFL or Bama... It's amazing.
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