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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I'm afraid we bout to be lost in the wilderness for 10 yrs.. see Tennessee
  2. Is someone keeping a tally of people who will dis own AU if we hire Freeze?
  3. The Never Freezers are organizing a movement. So we shall see if they succeed. Champ would fit as a meh hire
  4. I hear talk of some mystery candidate that hasn't been mentioned. Wonder what folks reaction would be if that person happens to be Ol Will Muschamp? Hmmm.....
  5. I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
  6. Urban? Now that's a good one. He's a saint
  7. Based on your last couple of sentences. How much longer does Danny Hugh have to suffer to prove himself in your eyes?
  8. Maybe Cohen will hire Dabo tomorrow and it will be a moot point
  9. Yes... it's not about the supposed facts of the story. It's about reporting something to make a splash... don't pay attention to it
  10. My point is proven. Media don't care about the meat and potatoes of the story. They would just want a splash news story.
  11. Yeah, kinda proves the point I'm making
  12. Why not go ahead and report on it while he is Liberty coach? Why wait till he comes to AU? More click bait?
  13. You was too quick bro. Bottom line is u can complain, protest all you want. Everyone can. But if certain people or person wants Freeze hired. Then it will be. It's been that way for us for 40 plus years
  14. The AL media will write hit pieces on us no matter who we hire. My question to Saban , if he brought that up would be. Didn't u try to hire Freeze a few years back?
  15. But it's so fun to get the Never Freezers all worked up
  16. I'll say or should I say type it again. The only place I see about all this is on this board or by twitter warriors. Nothing from national media. Do u honestly think Saban or Smart are gonna tell recruits families.. "Hey, don't send your son to Auburn. The coach there is a perv".. Come on, bro.
  17. Stand by, let me ask Yella Fellow if it matters to him.
  18. Don't worry , we have some early recruiting success, hire some good assistants and they will be shaking them orange and blue pom poms again
  19. You know the usual. JABA hire, Freeze is trash, our administration is stupid etc etc. We should have a 50 yd line seat next yr if all these cats stay home
  20. All u Never Freezers anger is misplaced. It's not his fault he is gonna be the next coach
  21. Hence he is not the AD at AU
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