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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Don't bank on it. They will pout for awhile but will be back. But probably under a different username
  2. They still won't change their tune. Most are too embarrassed to see the actual facts as they come out. Notice just a bunch of crickets from them now
  3. Leave it up. It needs to be posted several times
  4. Alot of folks on this board need to listen to this. But it wouldn't change their minds
  5. Who was his DC during the Land Shark days
  6. Pls don't let the anti Freezers hijack this thread
  7. U seen any turn in the fan card since its been announced? All I see is abunch of whining
  8. Cats on here still think this was Cohens call... Unbelievable
  9. U actually thought we would be aligned? LOL... Come on man. When they passed on Hartwell and hired Cohen even Stevie Wonder could see it was bness as usual at AU. All u had to do was see who the money man wanted. Freeze... It's just that simple. All this bout being aligned from administration thru athletic dept was garden fertilizer... We got who the money man wanted to get
  10. He didn't make the hire. Some of u cats on here amaze me
  11. Cool, u never want your arch rival to say u made a good hire
  12. Cause that's all there is... gotta connect them broken dots. Bro
  13. Board meltdown will be classic. Let's see who all turns in their AU cards and gear
  14. It's not. Folks getting their info from Twitter warriors and running with it .
  15. Ok. I'm done debating you. U have your point of view. I have mine. Voice your future concerns to Yella Fella
  16. I wonder if he is a poster on the board
  17. I think Danny Hugh will be announced as HC at AU sometime today or tomorrow am at the latest.
  18. You should forward your concerns to The Yella Fella.. Won't do any good to forward them to Cohen
  19. Maybe outside twitter warriors. I'm talking AU fans
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