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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. He's already started recruiting. That in itself ought to be enuf to get u pumped up.
  2. Bro, people have been cheating for 50 years or longer. Surely u get that. Have I seen it with my own eyes. Dang sure have. AU wasn't involved in that particular case
  3. We gotta quit worrying bout what others say about us. We not in middle school anymore
  4. M y thoughts on him changed when I saw his profile on 247 Recruited a who's who of 5 *
  5. Funny how 1 is held to a different standard
  6. They under lock and key. ScottsAu is the only one who has seen them . We have to take his word on it
  7. What is his role now. Is he an on field asst?
  8. Who needs to be retained besides Caddy? Is Zac a def yes?
  9. There will be people on here that critize EVERY move and hire Danny Hugh makes. Prob best to just ignore them
  10. We got that u don't like the hire. That's cool. Some do, some dont
  11. Correct. Good judgment from whoever was hired
  12. Had the case already been dropped
  13. Welcome, what a time to jump in feet first.
  14. If I read it right the case was dropped. And the accusers counter sued and that case was dropped as well. All of this b4 Freeze even came to Liberty But yes, dumb of Danny Hugh to engage her on social media even if he was just standing by his friend.
  15. Wasn't the assault case dropped?
  16. What did he do. I mean what besides his usual babble
  17. Wasting your time bro. Pointless to argue with those cats.
  18. That's 1. He will be back after he pouts awhile
  19. I'm glad u know how this works at AU..Many on here dont.. gotta follow the $
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