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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Chris Kiffen or Charles Kelly as DC... who yall want ?
  2. I agree it was dumb to DM the girl , regardless of who tagged who. Freeze has owned up to that . As far as defending him, you or fans don't have to do anything to defend him. I just don't get the worrying about what other folks think. What can u do about what people say about you? Most of the folks who are doing that have so much crap in their own lives that they feel the need to drag someone else down in order to prop their self up. It's really sad in a way
  3. I would say everyone has a past or did things they aren't proud of. I would raise my hand the highest. I would have no problem with Deions or Kiffin or Danny Hugh's past as far as owning up to their mistakes and trying to learn from them . Danny Hugh did some bad things. He paid for it personally and financially big time. I just don't think he should have to suffer for it the rest of his career. And again, I didn't see you blast Danny Hugh.
  4. Yeah. I see links about Chris Kiffin but we hired Garrett?
  5. I'm confused.. who did we hire... Chris Kiffin or Jeremy Garrett?
  6. Nope. My whole point was vet and judge everyone past the same. I'm not talking about on field qualifications for the job. Im talking about character issues in their past. On this board that wasn't done by many who wanted Deion. There were several on this board who skewered Danny Hugh's past, but never said a word about Deions. Now, I don't recall you going after Danny Hugh over his past. So I wasn't necessarily referring to you about that. But , many on here did while at the same time ignoring Deions past. And the media had a field day over Danny Hugh's past.
  7. Don't know what's funny. Judge everyone equally. Surely u can agree to that?
  8. This is the one most troubling to me...
  9. Apparently Sanders wasn't a serious candidate , but my whole issue was judge each candidate fairly. With the links provided above, it's obvious that wasn't done by some of this board. I'm sure Deion has changed and become a better man. Let's afford Danny Hugh the same opportunity
  10. Be interested to hear a response to this. I'm thinking all u will get is crickets
  11. Danny Hugh has to have the freedom to get his own guys. Just part of it
  12. I'm not sure how many are actually against his hiring . To me it seems like a bunch are against it, but actually I think it's very few outside of the twitter warriors. Most who are for it won't get on twitter or come on this board and argue their points. For that, they are alot smarter than me
  13. On # 5.. Hoke said AU was cooling off on Freeze. He was hired 24 hrs later LOL
  14. All good, bro. No offense intended on my part as well..
  15. They won't give up that easy. They are recruiting replacements for their cause as we speak
  16. Yeah the no twitter thing was debunked by Danny Hugh himself
  17. I like Zach Arnett from Miss St for DC or Charles Kelly. That cats a monster on recruiting trail
  18. Best advice. Stop worrying what others say about us. Can't control it
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