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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Or my favorite one... " I can remember when it was only 1 or 2 people who cared enuf about bball back in the Barbee and Lebo days to even post on the forum"
  2. Constructive criticism of Bruce ain't allowed. Don't u remember the Barbee days
  3. Their PG stands on his tip toes and gets off rebound over Greene LOL
  4. A team that plays a good tough zone can beat the pigs. They can't shoot from outside
  5. Yep. I just try and put 2 and 2 together.. But sometimes, I get 5 when I do that.😃
  6. Signs are pointing toward Mcall coming to AU this summer (May)
  7. Guys it's simple We don't have the depth or talent to close games out. In other words we don't have run stoppers when another team makes a run. Bruce should have went to zone earlier to stop the downhill driving
  8. Thanks to all the links to the videos , Fifty.Nice to have them all in one place to choose which ones I wanna watch
  9. The ones demanding all these answers won't stop until they get the "answer" they want. It's ridiculous
  10. He didn't address the most glaring need on the roster. Reports said Mark Sears would have came to AU if offered. I'm not sure your statement of certain players on our roster could have gone to any other school in the country is accurate. Maybe 1 or 2 , but more than that is a stretch . By no means do I think Bruce should be fired, that's ridiculous at this point
  11. 💯.. By the same token. I love the hire of Danny Hugh. But if he makes a decision on the roster like this several yrs into his tenure, I will criticize him as well..
  12. I'm not jumping on Bruce over every single loss. But it blows my mind that he didn't see the lack of talent at the guard spot and not address it in the portal. You can be critical of Bruce, but still support all the success he has had. What's even worse us he only signed 1 HS player for next yr. If he doesn't get to work in the portal, next yr will be worse than this yr.
  13. It's Bruce's fault on the lack of talent. Shouldn't happen in yr 9. Terrible roster mgmt
  14. What's irritating is we all seen it coming and no guard portal additions were added
  15. Call it like u see it, bro. Stevie Wonder could see this season coming after last yr and Bruce doing NOTHING to address it in the portal cause he didn't want to hurt players feelings
  16. Folks been saying reason we in a tail spin is bad luck?
  17. Whipped on the off boards, slopping around on offense. Terrible
  18. I agree watching KD play can make you want to hit the nervous medicine hard. But, there is still that something telling me he could go off for 20+ pts, although that hasn't happened in a while.
  19. I trust Danny Hugh's QB evaluations more than any coach at AU since Dye. He knows what he has and what he needs. I believe it's gonna all work out.
  20. On the positive side we can Dribble good.. behind our back.. between the legs .. I love it
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