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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. No need to jump off the cliff. Specially when facebook is the source. Facebook is only 1 step above the National Enquirer
  2. I thought they signed a transfer from Wisconsin
  3. U think Cambridge would be a quality contributor? All I'm saying is it cost us last 2 yrs not having a quality shooter at the SG spot. Word was BP was to loyal and didn't want to recruit over WG, ZEP, OR KD. It come back to bite him. He seems to have seen this was a mistake and is taking steps to correct it. I'm old school, give me players who want to compete , no matter who is on the roster. I guess the portal has changed all that.
  4. I meant b4 he signed as in ever since Bryce graduated
  5. I understand what he is saying. And I get it if it's a bona-fide sure fire future lottery pick type player. That's not what we are talking about. This is the very reason we don't have a SG that can shoot right now on the roster
  6. I disagree. Bruce needs to recruit over the current roster. This is exactly why we are in the shape we are in at the SG position. If these cats are afraid to compete for a starting job , let em look else where.
  7. Why does it have to be a defined back up roll? Find someone who will push whoever the starter is.
  8. I'm not sure why we would consider getting him back anyway
  9. Jimmy Rane has been good for Auburn Athletics.
  10. Small business Mom and Pops employ like 80% of the American workers. Who would u rather work for, someone who is rich and made a successful business or someone poor? 🤔.. I have trouble with the mentality of.. Hey this cats made it .. Let's penalized the crap out of him for bootstrapping his business and making something of himself or let's tell him how he should " distribute " the money he has made. It blows my mind. BTW, this applies to ANYONE who has overcome the odds and become successful, not just Yella Fella. He just happened to be the subject of the thread
  11. Yella Fella deserves alot of credit. No telling how many people have got degrees at AU cause of his scholarship endowments. In addition to everything else his companies have done to help people in this state.
  12. I got big respect for anyone that comes from nothing and makes something of theirs self. Don't matter to me who it is. Yellow Fellow has made a difference in alot of folks lives. I bet when he was starting his own business, the word "cant" wasn't in his vocabulary.
  13. Alot of folks don't like to see anyone be successful. It's the victim syndrome... The Ole " Why him and not me".
  14. I respect anyone who come from poor and made something of himself. I'm sure Yella Fellow isn't perfect. None of us are. He employes alot of people in this state. He wanted Danny Hugh and he got Danny Hugh.
  15. One teams backup is another teams starter😃
  16. I agree with your reasoning. But there could be other things at play too. I doubt he comes back, but I never say never to most everything in life
  17. Wonder when KD will announce something... I guess no announcement = staying
  18. Enlighten us as to why your so sure? I mean I doubt he would come back. But I'm not in Bo's head or Daddy Pat's either. This idea has been kicked around on this forum as well. Again I doubt he would come back, but I don't know that 4 sure
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