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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I am on record as saying Coleman was a silent commit. And I will say that till the cows come home. I wasn't told that but "over heard" a conversation from someone who would def know. A couple on here put me on blast when he committed to a@m. That's fair.. But I stand by what I posted. Don't know of u referring to Cam or not but I wouldn't be shocked
  2. Which Monday? Day after tomorrow or Monday after Big Cat?
  3. Sorry, didn't mean to start a spat
  4. " It's only crazy,until it happens "
  5. Just passing along what ON3 said. It's been stated his uncle is influential in Perrys recruitment. Alot of times uncles and other close relatives have alot of influence over where a recruit goes. Thought that tidbit might be of interest to the board. And his uncle will be attending Big Cat with him as well.
  6. His uncle likes Danny Hugh alot. Let's hope he has alot of influence
  7. Do u have web feet for the dancing? Esp if your roof has steep pitch
  8. Snap, Crackle and Pop.... pre teen yrs Golden Graham's... teenager Corn pops.... early adult Frosted Flakes/ Fruit Loops ... current
  9. I heard Fla And GA have backed off
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Jordan Ross is a surprise visitor to Big Cat
  11. E .. U hearing anything about us getting back in the picture with Jordan Ross?
  12. Yep. Look at the offer list. Carries as much, if not more weight than *
  13. BTW, the silent commit part to AU, can be backed up by the real insiders on the forum. Whether they chose to do so is up to them. I'm sure I'm not the only one privy to that info. They have alot more sources than me. I just happened to be in the right place right time to get that little nugget.
  14. Your correct, I should have said ," I read", what the LSU mod said. Your 100 correct on that as I stated it, I realize it came off as insider info, hence that's why I Said I shouldn't have posted it. Again, the silent commit part, I stand by, whether u believe it or don't, it matters to me not
  15. I didn't say it was anybody fault. I said that's where it came from. I shouldn't have posted it. Prob nothing to it. I have wondered for awhile, not just today, why Bama isn't recruiting him
  16. Bro, that came from the LSU mod. Like I said, I shouldn't have posted that. Anybody could goggle that and find it. I don't predict alot of stuff on here. And I have no problem eating crow if what I do predict don't turn out true... See My Harsin prediction to prove that. But, Coleman was/is a silent commit to Auburn as of 3 weeks ago. BTW, the same source told me Danny Hugh would be the next coach. When everybody and their brother said it was Kiffin, Rhule or Grimes or whoever. The " Big Guy" gets who he wants at AU. Nothings changed in that regard
  17. Where I heard he was a silent to us and hearing 2nite it maybe more than that came from 2 different places. I trust that he was a silent to us more than the has issues.. I shouldn't have even posted that. The part about being a silent to us, I stand by 💯
  18. I ain't covering up squat. He was a silent to AU. I'm on the board 2nite and ain't running from it. Things happen, I don't know 2nite specifically what that was
  19. Good ?. But, think about it. When has Nicky not went after the number 1 player in the state
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