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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Would've like to seen Thorne get a couple more series in 2nd half. Work on timing etc with WR
  2. In both my cases it was football season. Year b4 last with ESPN and a couple yrs b4 that with CBS. Both happened right b4 football season
  3. I got Dish Network and this same crap happened to me year b4 last. Right at the start of football season. A coincidence? I think not. These disputes happen with all carriers and Disney. But never seem to happen outside of football season
  4. I wish I knew how to do that popcorn emoji thing that Golf uses
  5. Alot of good stuff here.Thanks for the info 👍
  6. Good point. But for the last several years, I'm not sure any AU QB could've had those stats throwing against air
  7. Good job Web... way to get the thread back on track🙃
  8. Bro, this thread has diverted way off NIL 😳. Posts about Golf's love life are now being discussed
  9. I'm not sure what to tell you. It's against NCAA rules to use NIL to entice someone to choose a particular school. Now, enforcement of that is another story. And I know it's happening left and right. Some states allow it for High schoolers. But, that doesn't change the fact thats not what NIL was intended to do.
  10. No, it wasn't. It's turned out that way, but it wasn't the original intention
  11. The kicker will be when Uncle Sam wants his cut from the NIL deals. That's coming!
  12. My opinion goes for all. Perry Thompson, Riddick ..everyone.. If they wanna payem out of high school, that's cool. Just make them university employees. That's what it's going to come to anyway. Just don't hide it under NIL , call it what it is.
  13. Like most other things where $ is involved. The abuse of it follows close behind. They should scrap NIL and just make student athletes employees.
  14. My point is NIL is being abused. It wasn't ever meant to be used as an enticement to get high school recruits. I'm all for someone benefitting off NIL AFTER they have done something to earn it. Now, the REC and others under the table $ etc is a different matter. That's gone on for years including at AU. I'm strictly talking about the abuse of NIL.
  15. What a world we live in . Cheating is now glorified. I can remember a time when 180k was supposedly offered. We had everyone from Pat Forde to Mark Slaubaugh to the NCAA snooping around AU.
  16. I think he could transfer down and be eligible immediately
  17. Kinda my thoughts as well. A@M with Jimbo have always been the Kings of preseason for some reason. It wasn't like that b4b Jimbo got there.
  18. Is carrying water like herding cats?
  19. Folks, that's the way the dipsey doodle works in recruiting. They need to do away with the word "commitment " when it comes to football recruiting. The recruiting sites and message boards are partly to blame because they publicize it so much. Just my 2 Cents
  20. No idea what that is supposed to mean, but I will go ahead and give u a 🤣
  21. Rumor has it McLeod is the best player on the team. If so, he be more than a situational player
  22. Prob so. I'm not a fan of having a package for a qb. To me, it messes with the rhythm of the game. Get inside the red zone, switch QBs And end up kicking a bunch of FG. Gustav used to drive me crazy doing that mess
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