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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I actually think AU matches up well with A&M. They got a bruiser for a RB. I'm not sure we can score enuf to win. A@M 21. AU 17
  2. Not saying I don't believe it. But it makes no sense to use RA as QB in mop up duty. Let HG get reps. I just don't get this infatuation with making sure RA gets to play.
  3. If that's the case, Freeze should be questioned as to why HG didn't play.
  4. Not sure I believe the report of a move to WR. If it's true, HG should have got the mop up reps , not RA. If it is true, then I question the decision by Freeze/Monty to not put HG in.
  5. To me that depends. If bringing Robby in to QB the red zone is part of our base. If that happens Robby may run for 4 TD, but in meantime other wrinkles don't get smoothed out . I like Danny Hugh, but he has got to get past the thought process of needing RA to win games. He may can play a part, but it isn't a necessity.
  6. He is definitely hell bent on playing Robbie 4 some reason
  7. Problem is , they won't win if he keeps doing what he did Sat.
  8. We don't need to worry about "not showing " A@M too much. We need to run our whole offense . Work on timing , get a rhythm. We ain't good enuf to hold back. We need to run our whole offense in prep of next week
  9. Spot on. And if we score 75 pts, so be it. This is a practice game and Samford is getting paid a kings ransom to play it
  10. I thought that at first, but, the team now sees its not working switching QB. IMO, give the 2 QB, Thorn and Gernier the reps . It drives me nuts to see him run Robby in there in the red zone. It also drives me nuts when Robbie gets a series and on 3rd down, he trots Thorne out there. If Robbys feelings get hurt and he shuts down, so be it. We won't win 2 conference games doing the QB shuffle. I'm actually shocked Danny Hugh hasn't figured this out yet
  11. PT ain't setting the woods on fire. But, where would we be this year without him?
  12. I tend to agree with your assessment. Maybe it will be better if Thorne starts humming
  13. I agree if Thore is the guy , leave him in the whole drive. Everyone and their brother knows the play when Robbie comes in
  14. You gotta remember, some of these cats still think the world is flat and that men can get pregnant.
  15. I don't wanna answer , in fear of being banished to the political forum
  16. I agree with most. Freeze has to pick QB and stick w him. Thorne needs confidence. Can't get that doing the QB shuffle. Robbie is a 1 trick pony. Freeze won't let him throw downfield. IMO, if Thorne is shaky, put in Geriner. But, I ain't the coach. Only team I've coached is when I coached my electric football board back in the day.
  17. Question. How would u guys be feeling if AU won the game 34-30? Fans seem to hit the panic button more when the offense struggles more so than when the defense struggles. Perception. Perception.
  18. They strange all right. That's what hugging 🌳 all them yrs will do to u
  19. And to think Cal and others are going to the ACC. It's obvious the PTB ain't thinking about the fans. Alot late nites coming up for Fla St, Clemson, NC,etc
  20. Thorne didn't go thru spring ball and it shows. Has been on campus, what, 3 months. Still developing chemistry with receivers. I was frustrated with him to, but sometimes u gotta put things in perspective.
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