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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Sometimes u need a spark. Enuf blame to go to e everyone. Don't know but seems to me the team don't respond to PT. Just hard to be patient when you see teams like Tennesse turn it around in 1 year. I would just like to see competent offense. Not good just competent.
  2. I would like to see another QB behind our line b4 saying this. Not that our OL is world beaters. But Freeze bet the Farm PT would improve with better WR play.
  3. You don't think a change is warranted at QB?
  4. PT was barely above 50% against a@m . He just hit some wide open passes.
  5. It doesn't matter but the one at the 4 min mark was the one to Cam when he was hurt. The bang post was the one to KLS and was thrown inside to the post while KLS was running straight. Both were terrible throws.
  6. I think the bang post was the last interception. He threw so many it's hard to keep up. The one I posted above was a simple read. A JR high QB could have made the play
  7. watch this at 3min mark. That's enuf to bench PT
  8. No. It was on a you tube podcast. Guy just kept harping about how bad a throw it was. I don't know how to copy on here.
  9. @aubiefiftyFifty maybe u can post it?...
  10. Watch the play where Thorne threw a jump ball to Coleman, when he was hurt. Both safeties rolled to Coleman. Robert Lewis was running wide open up the seam. Would have walked in. Thorne never looked at him... BTW, Thorne had zero pressure that play. Yall need to go watch that play. I would post it if I knew how.
  11. Agreed. But to develop one, they have to be given a chance. Freeze won't do it
  12. He doesn't exude confidence. Players sense that. They won't follow that. He just doesn't look like he fits in. I don't get Hughs refusal to move on from Thorne. Is Hank that much worse
  13. Thorne is the type QB you pick for a backyard game at Granny's after Sunday lunch where it's 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi then rush. Put him in a real game when he has a rusher within 5 yards of him and he struggles
  14. Freeze gotta be careful here. He can potentially lose the team depending on how he handles the QB situation. It's a small sample size but team seems to respond better to Hank
  15. Will see what kinda coaching we have 2nd half
  16. Charles Kelly is a good recruiter. Not know as good coach
  17. Hmmmm didn't somebody say a few days ago they was worried about the secondary 😕
  18. Tom Loy says he will be flipped by Sunday
  19. Gonna be interesting to see if he is committed by Saturday nite..Hope so.. I'm sure there will be a "reason" if he isn't committed by then...
  20. I have some concern about the pass defense. Especially, the secondary. Probably won't be exposed this week, but we need to shore up some things
  21. I hope that it's too far gone and nothing ND can do at this point.
  22. Deuce may very well end up in AU class. But no one knows when except him. That's based on all the misinformation on the time line.
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