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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Still think this game is a cross roads of sorts. To me, momentum is a real thing. What happened 20 years ago may or may not happen to this team. I will hope for a win Sat nite to find out.
  2. At the same pace confidence is growing in AU for Ryan Williams and Jeremiah Beamon?
  3. PT is my guess. Freeze says it's business as usual this week
  4. You have your opinion. I have mine. That's what's great about message boards. Of course if they win Sat nite, they don't need to turn around and get beat by Vandy. We are desperate for an SEC win at this point . A win would help build momentum which would also be helpful to build on the recruiting class. We are at the point in the schedule where the talent disparity isn't as great. 8 wins sounds better than 5 or 6. So, that's my rebuttal for why this is such a big game. AU wins Sat nite, 8 wins is possible, lose we may be lucky to get to 6.
  5. That's probably coming after this year. You can tell its eating him alive not calling plays
  6. Those quick hitters on the slants are RPO'S
  7. All that opening πŸ’° came in on Ole Sis LOL
  8. The importance of this game can't be overstated. It will be the biggest game at JHS in several years because of where we are as a program. Win this one and 8 wins is still in sight. Get our breaks beat off and the long rebuild grinds on.
  9. But he throws a pretty ball. At least the incompletions would be perfect spirals
  10. I feel sorry for Gernier, he must be 1st class bad, not to even sniff a chance at playing.
  11. Yes it does. U don't wanna stick out like a sore thumb, do you?
  12. To me it boils down to players as is usually the case in a rebuild. We just ain't got the hosses yet
  13. They selling him on a dream right now LOL. No on the field proof
  14. I have to believe that HF is playing who he thinks gives him the best chance to win. Doing otherwise would be asinine. One theory is HF has went out if his way to say Robbie would play. Has this affected PT psyche? I was and still am a HF supporter but IMO he has bungled this QB situation up something fierce. I would love to be a fly on the wall at practice and see if they ever give Robbie a chance to run the whole offense. Lord knows in the game, they dont
  15. I asked Cole, and I will ask the opinion of the board. Let's say, there are mumbling in the locker room about who should be QB. What specific steps should HF take to address it to handle it?
  16. It's a double edge sword. We need play makers at WR. If we just go run heavy mode. Does it scare off Perry and any chance we have with Coleman and Ryan Williams?
  17. I agree, if there is fracture on the team over the QB it Could be a big issue. Or it may be just a player who is frustrated. But, just for conversation sake. Let's say there are ripples in the locker room about who is the QB. I'm sure there are some. I mean this message board is overrun with who should be the QB. In your opinion, how does it need to be addressed to stop it from becoming a bigger mess? What specifically should HF do?
  18. I said Colorado, because it was the latest one I saw. Yes, it has happened at other places. I was drawing a parallel because Colorado and AU are both in the same boat as far as rebuilding go. Everything is a sign of rebuilding. Frustrations, fans mad, players unhappy. I had no hidden agenda by saying Colorado and not saying Alabama. I would love to see a player yap back at Saban and them be all frustrated. But, they aren't in the same boat we are.
  19. I get that. My point is both are in rebuild mode. Frustrations spew over. It's not a personal shot at Sanders.
  20. When he did that he had been at Liberty several yrs. He laid a foundation there
  21. This is the first true rebuild in several yrs. Folks can get antsy, but it's just how it is
  22. All symptoms of a rebuild. I watched the Colorado game. I saw a player #23 talking back to Sanders on the sidelines. Frustrations run amuck during rebuilds
  23. This is a rebuild. Everything your seeing on the field is what happens in a rebuild. Wild up and downs. It may get worse b4 it gets better. That's just how it is. Over analyzing won't help. Kinda like a stomach virus. Gotta run its course. There is no quick fix
  24. To me it's a 2 step process Gotta recruit out if this mess Then, gotta develop those recruits.
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