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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I will play devils advocate to myself here. A misconception is that ALL recruits get NIL. I don't think that's true. Anyone know on AU 85 man team how many have any kind of NIL? I may be way off but I would think it's less than 25%
  2. Would be interesting to see how recruits rate the different factors by order of importance. I'm sure it would vary from recruit to recruit.
  3. It ain't just us. LSU lost a 4* WR recruit this week. Georgia lost a 4* recruit this week. So, there is some validity that there is more than on field results swaying these recruits. I still think it's part if it, but I have a hunch that 💰 is more a part. If given the choice,what would yall take. A lucrative NIL deal or go to one of the big dogs where u get a good chance to win a natty? Assuming u had to choose one or the other.
  4. I doubt that there will be Sure fire QB to hit the portal. We were all up in arms when Leary chose KY and not us. He ain't setting the woods on fire at KY this year. We have QB problems for sure. But our problems go way beyond just QB play. I miss the days when schools would recruit QB and develop them. For some reason we can't seem to do that.
  5. If u are referring to just in Carters case that may be true. But if your making a blanket statement that play on the field don't matter, I don't think that would be true
  6. I think AU rises from the ashes and gets this'un ... say 27-23.....
  7. Probably smart to look at it that way. Avoid disappointment 😞
  8. On3 staffer. Was told not post stuff on pay sites on here
  9. You thing Freeze or any position coach would tell a high school recruit that they would be a day 1 starter? Not sure that would be real smart. Dye didn't even tell Bo that
  10. I should have said it this way. " The staff feels good about KJ flipping ". I need to give credit where it's due.
  11. To see how big of a game this is, just follow along on the game day thread or read the post game thread. That should tell how big of a game this is. This whole back and forth with you on this subjective topic is really weird to me. So you go ahead and get the last word in. Then we can both move on to other topics.
  12. I stated my opinion. If you don't agree, that's fine. I dont know why it's hard for you to grasp that. It's not bothering me one bit that you don't agree. You keep trying to " state your case" to validate your posts. Both our posts are subjective meaning they are opinion based. You listed 3 bigger games that you said were bigger than this Sat. That's something that can't be proven statistically. Just like my post can't be. We don't agree. That's what makes America great, bro.
  13. I'm climbing out of the rabbit hole. You keep going deeper if u want. It doesn't really matter to me if we agree or not
  14. IMO , because of what happened with GA and LSU makes this a crossroads to the season. Win and 8 win season is possible. Lose and we looking at 6. I think it's a huge game, you don't. It's all 👍.
  15. It's called this to avoid embarrassment to the kid
  16. I know, I posted as much... I was being sarcastic to my fellow posters who said it wasn't a mutual parting of ways or in this case initiated by AU. The school let the kid "decommit" to avoid a awkward situation
  17. It makes us all feel better to say it was mutual
  18. Mutual parting of ways. Staff feels good about KJ flipping
  19. Yep. We are competing in the SEC with a conference USA roster. All kinds of reasons for that. But that is the reality. I cringe to think how bad it would be without even the non Power 5 transfers we did get.Only way out us to stack top 10 recruiting classes and sprinkle in some transfers, hopefully from P5 teams
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