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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Can you cite some examples of what was predicted in the nest exclusively, then actually happened? Not anything current . Something from the past.
  2. Guess you gotta point. National perception of AU has always been in the crapper.. No need to try and change it now.
  3. I wonder how much "inside" info one can really gather by flying up to the nest. It's an age old question that I've wondered about many times. Perhaps some regulars to the nest can let us know some past inside info that was passed along on the nest first and then it actually came to fruition. Nothing involving current issues, but something, say from a year or 2 back.
  4. Phillip Marshall said it played a part. Don't really matter at this point.
  5. I think Momma Nix was tired of the way the fans were treating Bocephus. Least that's what I heard played a part as well
  6. Na, usually when HC start cutting coordinators loose, it's sometimes being perceived as the coordinators being the scapegoat. Not saying that applies in thus situation. But could be pushed that way by the national media
  7. Seems to be a recurring theme at AU. Always need to be fixing or getting something right with our coaching staff.
  8. So, is the narrative here that Crime Dog was gonna just straight up quit and Freeze talked him into staying in another role?
  9. I suspect this is more likely in our situation. I don't know if Roberts had a say so in the defensive staff. Most of them were already here or Hugh brought them from his previous stops. Sometimes it works, sometimes it dont
  10. It's about the last thing we need is staff upheaval. But I guess that's not as bad as if the head coaches job was in jeopardy.
  11. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. He was kinda like a double agent
  12. Not sure that would be a good look for Freeze to cut both coordinators loose after 1 yr.
  13. I wonder if this could lead T Will back home. Has he done enough elsewhere to warrant the opportunity? Could be interesting
  14. So, he is gonna be back on the sidelines now? I'm confused
  15. Yep. Another reason why I feel this week's game is so important.
  16. Which means everybody gotta exercise some patience. Including myself
  17. I have to clarify something here. It was KJ Lacy, not Bolden who the staff supposedly feels good about Flipping. That's my bad for that error. I assumed something and well u know what happens when do that......
  18. Have to believe that KJ Lacey taking another look at AU will help us with Ryan Williams
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