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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Ok. You just mentioned affecting change. So was just curious. I agree, we can all get on here and rant and rave, get upset etc. It won't do any good or have any effect but it will make some of us feel better nonetheless
  2. I'm not sure if u are alluding to firing Freeze, but if you are ain't no chance of Freeze getting fired based on field performance. At least for 2 more yrs. The biggest money guy at AU wanted Freeze, so there is that as well.
  3. Pinkston said if he was at the game this past Sat that he would predict him to flip to AU.
  4. We must be gaining traction. If not, he would have been at the Tenn- Bama game yesterday.
  5. Therin lies the problem. This isn't his offense. His offense is RPO at warp speed. He says he wants to milk the clock, go slow etc to save his paper thin defense this year. Your point is well taken though. He needs to run his hurry up RPO and see what happens. This year is NOTHING like what he ran at Liberty and Ole Miss. So your take on him being hard headed could be valid. Whatever the reason for the ineptness of the offense, it lays at Hugh's feet. If I was him, I may get beat, but I'm gonn get beat doing what I do best Hurry up, RPO in this case.
  6. That AU and Arky game may set offensive football back 100 yrs
  7. I think his point is, if he runs warp speed on offense, that will in turn create more snaps the defense has to play. Whether it be because of quick scores or going 3 and out. If he milks the clock, relies on the running game, even if he goes 3 and out , the D will not have to play as many snaps. I wish he would just run his RPO fast pace offense and let the chips fall where they may as far as the D is concerned. His concern is the defensive depth as a whole
  8. Freeze has said this repeatedly. " I dont want Marcus Harris to have to play 80 snaps". Right or wrong thats what he thinks
  9. He thinks that's his best chance to win so far this yr. I hope we see more hurry up there next 4 games when the talent level is more equal
  10. U mentioned off. Wizardry in the post. It's all related. Hugh won't run his offense. He's afraid it will create stress on the thin def. We run a slow down, milk the clock offense. It produces putrid results on offense. Folks get ticked off. It's a vicious cycle
  11. I agree, go warp speed run your offense. Chiz went from spread to pro style . It lead to his downfall.
  12. Let me ask u this. What would your mindset be about the program if our record is the same as now... but we lost game 42-35, 38-32 etc.. Would u feel differently about the projectory of the program?
  13. I dont know of anyone calling a 10 win season. Avg was 7-5 or 6-6. The problem is how we look getting there
  14. Freeze said in his presser just last nite. He wants to go fast but is afraid to because of depth on D issues. All people need to do is look at Liberty and Ole Miss films and its plain as day that what we are seeing this yr is different. He is trying to protect the D. It's open to Debate why Freeze is doing this. I think he should go warp speed and see what happens. We are approaching the definition of insanity theory if we keep doing status quo
  15. This is the perfect week to change that. Run warp speed RPO. Miss St is terrible on offense esp if Roger's don't play. He shouldn't have to worry about the D getting gassed this week
  16. I'm 100% sure. He has stated he is afraid to run fast cause of depth issues on D. Like I posted, don't take my word for it. Go watch his Liberty and Ole Miss offenses and see if it looks the same as what he is running this yr. Now, why he is doing that is up for debate.
  17. If Mcall came in and run this style of offense then u would get another year of this mess
  18. To be honest, Hugh is the one making the decision not to run his offense. He may need to re evaluate as he said in his press conference
  19. How would u guys feel if we were getting beat 42-35 or 35-31 and we were getting 400-500 total yards a game. I bet the taste wouldn't be as sour, even though the end result is the same. That's why I say go RPO warp speed and see what happens. When u look this inept on offense, the picture can look bleaker than it is
  20. The ironic thing about all of this is that the offense is catching the heat but it's the defensive depth situation thats causing Freeze to not run his offense. I encourage everyone to go watch Liberty or Ole Miss tape when Freeze was there. It's nothing like what we are running right now.
  21. It feels that way cause our offense is terrible
  22. To summarize. This is not the Freeze or Montgomery offense. Their offenses esp. Freezes is RPO based ran at warp speed fast. He doesn't feel like he can do that because of the stress it could cause AU defense because they are so thin. So, he chooses to try to bleed the clock and slow the game down. He thinks this gives a better chance to win. So, now he is faced with the choice to keep doing the same thing or run his offense at the risk of wearing out AU defense. It's similar to a pro style coach running a wishbone. IMO, he needs to run hurry up RPO and let the chips fall where they may as far as the defense is concerned. PT is catching alot of flack, some deserved. But this isn't the offense he was brought here to run.
  23. The question we will eventually get to is what happens next yr at the QB position? HG is apparently not gonna get a shot so he will probably portal out. Freeze can't lay another egg on offense next yr. This whole offense and the handling of it is mind boggling
  24. I'm not saying they should be fired or retained. Thats for Hugh to decide. Maybe he needs to take the Saban approach. I can't remember the last time Saban fired a coordinator. He usually just "finds another job for them".
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