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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. "The risk outweighs the money we're gonna give him". How much are you ponying up? I dont care one way or the other. He goes, he goes. He dont, he dont. But, u can't just keep paying people to go away. AU been doing that for 15 yrs.
  2. I love it when cats get on here and hire and fire coaches with other people's 💰
  3. The school don't pay money to fire coaches or hire them either for that matter
  4. LOL. U don't care cause it ain't your money gotta be forked over to pay him.
  5. Yeah, just a weird cat all the way around. I'm not even sure what that last gif is? Is that a dance them 2 dudes is doing? I'm telling u ,he is a weird bird. Don't worry he won't be able to stay away long. Kinda like a wart that keeps popping up.
  6. Amazing... you made it 4 hrs... actually that's longer than I thought you would 🤣
  7. But,even so,you continue to follow me around. Quoting me , with your weird responses. It's all very strange. Let's see if you can go a whole week without quoting me. I'm gonna say you cant
  8. Its just hilarious you keep following me around on here. Why don't u go argue with War Damn? I saw in a thread last nite where he called u an idiot. Go back and forth with him for a while. I bet yall 2 could have quite the conversation.
  9. Go argue with him. I'm not sure why u keep following me around on here. What u are wrong about however is that I worship the ground he walks on. I couldn't care less who the coach is . Not my decision. I just repeated or paraphrased what he said. But, u don't wanna believe it. Take it up with him.
  10. I didn't say he had or didn't have defensive depth at Liberty or Ole Miss. I said what he is running now isn't what he ran there. That's 100% fact. HUGH FREEZE said he doesn't have the defensive depth at AU right now. He is worried about his starters having to play too many snaps. That came straight from him in numerous press conferences. It's not that hard to comprehend what the man says or maybe it is? If u wanna call the man a liar , go for it. What I posted about the defensive depth at AU came straight from the horses mouth.
  11. Be more to it than that like...... 💰
  12. Tell that to Hugh. He just said exactly what I posted in his presser today , along with numerous other times. As well, as by numerous other pay site mods . But, of course Hugh could be lying thru his teeth. Why don't u email him and ask?
  13. Bro, I give u full credit... I know that don't spend nowhere.. But, it was/is a solid post
  14. And the year b4 that and the year b4 that and so on.....
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