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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. We don't have enuf talent to just show up and win.
  2. The loss was the lack of alot of things. Not talented enuf to roll our helmets out and expect to win. Not prepared to play. Zero emotion. Going thru the motions etc. Simply not good enuf yet to sleepwalk thru a game against anybody and expect to win. The flip side to that is Ole Miss. Their talent difference against ULM overwhelmed the War Hawks after only leading 7 -3 at the half. We ain't there yet.
  3. And they have only played together for 8 months. Most came in together after Freeze
  4. No, my point is the number of them we are counting on to help us win. Sure 1 or 2 sprinkled in can always help. We are counting on way more than that to try o win
  5. I agree. My point is the number of them that we are relying on to make significant contributions is staggering.
  6. Yeah. Our G5 transfers are better than NM st
  7. As u know, there are exceptions to everything Just like some 5* don't pan out. How many G5 transfers is lane kiffin playing compared to us?
  8. The proof is in the fact these guys are G5 transfers. There is a reason they signed G5 to begin with. Why didn't Bama, GA LSU sign them?
  9. I'm getting blasted in here bro. Even though the proof is right there
  10. Ask him if He wanted Freeze as coach
  11. U can't honestly believe we have a SEC roster that can compete week in and week out. I don't care about transfer rankings. My eyes tell me it's not SEC level. There was a reason all those cats signed with G5 schools
  12. I agree with what u say. But emotion plays a part as well. Esp when your roster is nowhere close to an SEC roster. .
  13. I'm really not understanding your point. Mine is simple. We don't have anything close to an SEC type roster. It's more in line with G5 proven by how many of their transfers we have. I get it. U despise Freeze. I also never said the loss wasnt bad. Show the quote where I said that. I quoted on here how embarrassing it was. But it's not a referendum on Freezes tenure at AU.
  14. Our roster was the same then as now, so u tell me
  15. No. Man up and admit it's all on the coachs (sarcasm)
  16. Sounds good. We agree on most stuff. This we don't. Nothing personal
  17. U asked me a question. I answered
  18. The back up QB signed w Texas a@m
  19. And what does it accomplish. Nothing changes.
  20. Well when I said roster, of course I should have clarified starters since they play the biggest part of the minutes
  21. So, u don't agree that the majority of our starters on offense and defense are G5, JUCO, or low level (vandy type) players? Just wanna make sure I'm understanding your side of the argument.
  22. And they never played together till this yr
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