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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Then u outta be rolling on the floor by now
  2. That's almost as good as your insinuation that since Miss St fired their coach in 1st yr, Au should follow suit.
  3. I would much rather be in AU shoes than Mississippi St. Regardless of the loss to NM St. That's a laughable comparison IMO
  4. Alot of people like to quote the transfer rankings for reason we have all this talent. The same 4 * transfers we got were at best mid 3* coming out of High school. Alot were 2*. So how did they go from border line 3* to solid 4* as transfers. If they getting coached up that much at G5 level, we should have hired a G5 coach. Wait we sorta did ( Montgomery).
  5. Okay . Alot people on here so pissy since Saturday. Just trying to lighten the mood.
  6. Relax. I was being sarcastic. I'm probably the last person on this board who would think Freeze needs to be fired. As most on here will vouch for me on that.
  7. Drinkwitz may be a legitimate option. He has ties to AU thru Gus. Maybe they will start the ball rolling on firing Freeze and then put the full court press on Drinkwitz. Kick the tires and make him say no
  8. For whoever was at the game Sat. Did we have receiver's running open? It's hard to tell on TV. Did Thorne just hold on too long or were guys covered?
  9. It's been said by mods on pay sites that recruits look at things totally different than the fans do . I've never been a recruit, or high level one anyway. So 🤷‍♂️
  10. I think Sabans loss to UAB while at LSU in his first year is revelant as well. During that time Saban hadn't won much of nothing at Michigan St. He had a good yr and got the LSU job. UAB had only had a program for 5 yrs. Before people start lobbing incoming at me. We absolutely should be embarrassed over Saturday. The manner it happened or even that it happened at all is not good. But, it's happened other places and will continue to do so. The response is the key.
  11. Your right,AU has no business losing to NM St. There are several factors that contributed to it. I will also say AU had no business beating Arky by 38. But it happened. Your argument to me seems like we should be good enough to roll our helmets out against NM St and win. In most years we are. At this point we aren't. Freeze absolutely deserve criticism for Saturday. But we simply aren't at a point yet where we can be expected to beat anyone if we sleepwalk thru the game
  12. Yeah. I get people are pissed about Saturday. Alot reasons to be. But to say Gus to an extent, but Harsin for sure havent contributed to why we are where we are today is short sided.
  13. Time will be gauge of success. Always will be. This embarrassing loss will either be a blip on the radar OR will be looked upon as the beginning of the unraveling of the Freeze Era. We can all argue our points till the cows come home. But time will have the final say so. BTW, this hire was approved by the "Big guy", so I wouldn't expect time to be running out anytime soon
  14. If we finish 10-3 that year, Harsin is still the coach. No ill will toward Bo, but no thanks
  15. It's a bad loss , a horrible loss. But to say past recruiting classes or the lack there of have nothing to do with it is a stretch IMO. If u want to say the transfers Freeze brought in have underperformed or haven't been coached up then that's a different case. On the flip side , if the last 2 or 3 recruiting classes were any good or if they were still on the roster, Harsin would prob still be here
  16. Speaking of talent on the Offensive side of the ball... According to Ol Jhead tonite, we have exactly ONE guy starting on offense that was 4* coming out of high school. Javarius Johnson. Of course, I don't have data. Just going off what JHead stated. He stated his source.
  17. Harsin, LOL. What a joke. The irony to end all ironies was his tweet after our game
  18. The irony on some of these earlier posts is astonishing.
  19. Not really, but thanks for stopping by
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