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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. It's all semantics. I've stated he probably won't win a game on his own. He may game manage us to some wins. I'll go with somewhere between horrible and a gamer. I've stated numerous times we need an upgrade.
  2. Maybe not. But would u come to Auburn based on our current Qb situation? If Freeze can sell that to WR recruits, it's as impressive as a IB win would have been
  3. Does Cam, Ryan Williams know something we don't in regards to who we may get in the portal?
  4. They are 18-22 yrs old. They look at the world different
  5. Yeah, I can't wait to get to work tomorrow and encounter all my Bammer Co workers. I guess I will reach down in my bag and pull out the ol " Yall just beat a 6-6 team on a hail mary". Congrats. Using that gets old
  6. You feel that way cause he's not a difference maker. He may complete it, he may airmail it to the stands or the WR may drop it. All these things could happen with him and our passing game.
  7. PT is what he is. Typical Big 10 type QB. One can make the argument that talent around him needs upgraded. It does... Still even with elite talent, to me his ceiling is 8 maybe 9 wins.
  8. I agree his passing stats weren't good . Couple of rebuttal points. JJ dropped a TD and we had to settle for field goal. We also had at least 2 other drops. So his stats could have been better. But even with that, it wouldn't have even been good IMO, just so so. He did make some tough runs and got the chains moving . For about 60 yds I believe . I throw the 2 INT out . 1 was hail Mary at end of 1st half. 2nd was throwing it up with 1 second on clock. To me it was typical game manager type game. Didn't really do anything to win the game nor was he the reason we lost. Kinda like he has been all year. Just not a difference maker. We need a playmaker I guess the key word is horrible.
  9. PT isn't horrible. Limited yes. Gamer yes. Win a game for u... no... I think that was the point of the OP
  10. I'm sure I will get blasted for this again but here goes. I wanted to win as much as anyone on here. But nobody wanted to win as much as our players and coaches. They are the ones who invest all the sweat, blood and time. The truth is we are limited at several positions. Freeze had us in position to win and we couldn't seal the deal. If he is gonna be criticized for 4th and 31. He should be praised for us having the lead with 35 seconds left. That's reason for frustration as well as hope. During the game, I went from apathy to actually believing. I'm not sure which feels worse. We haven't had a coach in the last 20 yrs who has put emphasis on talent acquisition like Freeze has. They either wanted to go duck hunting or pump iron in their basement. I look forward to the day when we can field a team talent wise the same as our rivals. To put it in perspective. James Smith and Qua Russaw both flirted with AU b4 signing with Bama. Both would be starting at AU right now. They barely sniff the field this yr at bama. That's where we are right now. Not a single player that signed with Auburn in Jarquez Hunters class is still on the team other than Jarquez himself. Let that sink in We have no choice but be patient. I'm guessing most on here would be in a better frame of mind today if we had got beat by 3 TDs. I know I would. Rebuilds are painful but a reality right now.
  11. Yep.. Give me top talent and watch them bad in game coaching decisions vanish.
  12. Just my 2 cents.. PT played as his talent allows. He won't win a game for u. He can manage a game w elite players around him. As I posted earlier he would be a good 2nd string QB. I didnt see Freezes offense this yr. Prob cause of personnel.We need to upgrade QB just like we need to upgrade several other positions
  13. That's not PT montra. He is a game manager. On the flip side he wasn't on the field on 4th and 31 or when the DBs busted the coverage for bammer TD
  14. I was willing to give Harsin a chance till he proved otherwise, which he did. That set us back 2 yrs. I also think Freeze is working his butt off recruiting. I can't remember the last time that's happened. I get ripped on here for talking about talent, or lack there of. But give me talented team and alot of these bad coaching decisions are made up for
  15. If that is directed toward me , then yes I made some of those statements about the non investment in players. I was wrong on that point. I didn't realize it had got to the point it had. I'm not sure of the point your making on making excuses now for Freeze vs Harsin though.
  16. We gotta get to the point where we don't rely on voodoo. We need to be kicking tail and taking names at JHS
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