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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Thanks, I may not know much. But I know what I know. I'm not an insider, but this one I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and heard the info
  2. I'm not sure you continue to take so many alumni back. I mean some on staff, yes. Not sure I would overload on alumni
  3. It was the way it was pointed out. But thanks for your contribution
  4. I stand corrected. Break out the 🍾 , we are competing with the likes of Houston, Iowa St. And Zona State. One just fired their coach, the others are conference bottom feeders. You can come at me on the P5. But don't act like we beating elite programs to land this cat. The 3 u mentioned are on par with alot of P5 programs.
  5. Another JUCO guy with only FCS and non Power 5 offers.
  6. Speculation. Heard he was in Freezes dog house.
  7. That's my point he shouldn't have ever had his back to the QB and he wouldn't have had to turn
  8. U don't agree that our DBs haven't been turning their head around on coverage? I mean there is always exceptions. Don't know that it's been taught correctly on a consistent basis since Carlos Roger's days. Or maybe it is taught and not done in the game. If that's the case it's an even worse problem
  9. Which speaks to our depth or lack there of
  10. I took it to mean like he got banned or something. There wasn't a link or anything, just trying to get clarification
  11. Ok, but no one forced him off. He went off on his own.
  12. Exactly. Terrible technique, esp after 2 time outs called
  13. In that situation. DBS should never turn their back to the field. Ever
  14. I'm suggesting I've seen AU db's not look back for the ball on a consistent basis. IMO, there is no play call for 4th and 31 unless the defense helps.
  15. Still terrible technique. Not surprising been happening here for 20 + yrs. That combined with no pass rush is why we give up 3rd and long
  16. I don't see him in the video until the receiver nearly has the ball. If he does turn and look. He would have plenty time to knock the ball down. It's like he didn't even contest the catch. It was actually a fairly easy catch for the receiver
  17. Just watched the replay of 4th and 31. I didn't realize watching it live how bad the AU db technique was. It was awful. He never turned and looked for the ball. No idea it was in the air. In that situation u never turn your back to the field. Maybe it's coaching, (zac Etheridge). In that situation it's just like basic basketball defense... ball. you.man. You simply can't turn your back to the field when u are defending the goal line.
  18. Let's move forward.. U think PT could lead us to 9 wins next yr or should we portal A QB?
  19. Who will be the 1st AU player to enter the portal. I will say.. JD Rhym DB..
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