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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. If Boo Corrigan talks about game control and Bama lack their of against AU as part of the reason Bama don't get in. The meltdown will be epic and glorious
  2. To me the best 4 is subjective. Gotta be more that goes into it.
  3. Bammer rose up and beat A GA team with at least 4 starters hurt or limited. Bama beat a terrible Arky team by 3 at home. Needed a miracle to be us last week. Got beat by 10 at home to TX. Gotta take all that into consideration.
  4. If we gonna go by the eye test. Let Vegas pick the best 4 teams. Disband the committee . It's a complete joke if FSU is left out. The games during the season have to matter.
  5. So by her rationale of what the committee will do... FSU beats the number 13 team by 10 pts in their conference champ game and their reward is dropping 2 spots in the rankings. She makes no sense
  6. Don't worry. If bama don't get in they will still claim the national title this year. It's how they roll...Their 538th national title. Printed t-shirts. The whole shebang
  7. Bama has backed their way into enuf playoffs. It's time and justified for them to be left out
  8. U just gonna hearba bunch of pontificating until tomorrow at noon. Like a bunch of politicians. It's like watching CSpan
  9. Agreed. FSU beats a number 13 team in their conference champ game by 10 points and drop in the polls? Don't see that happening
  10. The committee won't just look at what happened today. They will get down in the weeds to their eyeballs. FSU is in. TX beat Bama . TX is in. To me it's not that difficult
  11. Like I said bama in 2017 wasn't even in the SEC champ game and got in playoff
  12. Nobody mentioned Oh St. A 6pt loss on the road to the new number 1 team. Precedent is bama got in 2017 and didn't play in sec Champ game
  13. Alot of Gary's problem is the Yankee accent
  14. I have a hard time seeing Bama rise 4 spots unless FSU loses. I don't think they will drop GA below bama. 1 to 8 is a big difference
  15. Where do yall think Georgia ends up in the rankings? Yall think they drop below 4? Committe supposedly looks at injured players. GA had several hurt.
  16. I dont know whether to cheer or throw my remote at the TV
  17. I'm not sure they get in without help. Committee has been consistent keeping TX ahead of them all yr. I don't like GA or Bama. But I hope GA wins and knocks Bama out . The Bams up here where I am are almost unbearable
  18. I think Monday is when the portal official opens. Be interesting to see who jumps in then.
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