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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. That's alot of traveling back and forth to only be interested 20%
  2. So perhaps maybe more than a longshot
  3. Seems kinda odd that coaches can do in home visits now, but instead kj is coming to AU
  4. Gonna be wild today. Ohio St starting QB in the portal
  5. Was hoping that may be a selling point. But going to 12 teams, it prob won't be
  6. Why not go all in on Cam Ward? We gonna be stuck with PT again, I can smell it.
  7. Don't know alot about Howard. Is he much of an upgrade
  8. Putting all our eggs in riley leonard or cam ward basket it appears
  9. I dont get it. We would have give our left arm for mccall last yr. He is available now, why the hesitation?
  10. That's all we got. Kinda like feeding Kerryon till he broke down. It's not an exciting brand of ball to watch. Wonder how long till recruits notice this. I said it last yr. Our offense is the Iowa football version in basketball. 9-19 on free throws. LOL. they call them free for reason
  11. U was at today's game? Any of them bricks we shot hit u on the head?
  12. Bruce may need to change his offensive system. I mean we ripped Gus for not adapting his offense. This is yr 3 or 4 where we couldn't throw it in the ocean
  13. We look good when we get off the bus. Tall rangy athletic looking dudes. Then the actual game begins where they have to execute LOL.
  14. Don't worry we gonna keep flogging those 3s up there. Might as well, Bruce don't reprimand cats for taking bad 3s. Watched it all last yr. The more things change, the more they stay the same
  15. We need a QB who can make plays. The DL and DB in this league are too good to win with game manager types. If we want to be avg and win 8 games, keep Thorne. QB needs upgraded just like alot of other positions. Thorne is a middle of the pack SEC qb and that may be 2 generous.
  16. So the consensus now is we need an upgrade of talent all across the offensive side of the ball? Interesting.....
  17. Cause they only use that reason to justify bama getting it. They would use some other reason to put fsu above GA. By their logic FSU shouldn't even be ranked in the top 10
  18. Still waiting on the logic part. The power that Herbstreit, Sankey and ESPN have over the CFP is mind boggling. The CFP committee needs to be dissolved and just let Herbstreit pick the teams from now on.
  19. Head 2 head should matter no matter when they play. If all else is equal that is
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