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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Well our competition is UMass and Buffalo , so maybe we can land him.
  2. I hope so. I hope PT stays on the team. Would be an awesome back up QB
  3. Talent can make up for that yr. To me PT just ain't got "it". We gotta be able to have a functioning pass game to beat Bama, Ole Miss, GA etc. I saw no signs of that this yr. It can't be all the WR fault.
  4. Was it that far along with RL and AU?
  5. Them cats who disagree didn't watch what I did this year. PT needs to be on the team ... as a back up QB. ..
  6. I would have to counter... If we had a competent passing attack this yr . We beat Bama and Ga... I take that back, not competent. Just an average passing attack and we beat GA and Bama
  7. When is AU gonna be a "team to watch" for some of these QB cats in the portal? I like Hugh and all, but, I just don't see PT leading us to more than 7 maybe 8 wins max
  8. Possibly. I don't wanna see AU get played. But I'm happy if we only get Coleman, Thompson , Cain, Simmons arguably best WR class in our history.
  9. Figured a couple would leave on their own. Robbie can't leave till after spring. Dont matter to me who he runs off. We about to get some top notch WR. Need someone to get the ball to them. It gets old passing for less than 100 yds a game when we play GA, Bama, Ole Miss etc. We look like Iowa when we play a halfway competent defense.
  10. I'm wondering if Hugh is taking this same approach w our QBs. Sure hope so
  11. Is he an upgrade over PT or HG? He is prob not Freeze type of QB. Harsin maybe but not Hugh
  12. How big a part did ESPN play in this. Esp the "czar" him self Herbstreit
  13. Looks like FSU ain't going down without a fight. Getting the Fed Gov involved
  14. Surely to goodness Hugh will get a transfer QB that will start. There is already 3 or 4 in the portal that is a significant upgrade from PT
  15. Gotta be a mess. Take Walter Nolen. Just entered the portal. I'm sure he had a big NIL deal to sign w A@M. Then he hits the portal. I guess it's take the money and run
  16. Speaking of NIL money. How does it work? Is it a yr to yr type deal for a player? Do the players sign something?
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